After temporarily saying goodbye to the Queen Bee and the three bee colonies,

Shi Yu continued to walk deeper into the Sleeping Forest.

In his hand, he still held the Poké Ball of the newly captured Teddy Bear.

Shi Yu felt something was wrong.

"Why are there level 30 Queen Bees and level 35 Circle Bears in the outer reaches of the Sleeping Forest?"

Logically speaking

, shouldn't elves of this level live in the depths of the forest?

Regardless of whether it's a forest or a mountain, the elves in the outer circle are usually of lower levels.

This is an unwritten rule among wild elves.

Or...It's the sense of territory.

Strong elves will choose a better place to live.

Weak elves have to live in the corners.

But elves like Queen Bee and Circle Bear, which are over level 30, live in the extension of the Sleeping Forest.

Could it be that...In the depths of the Sleeping Forest, there are still many Pokémon with higher levels than them?

But this is not right.

Shi Yu stroked his chin, feeling something was wrong.

If there are Pokémon with much higher levels than them in the depths of the Sleeping Forest, then the Alliance will not leave it alone.

Any forest with high-level Pokémon will be explored by the official trainers of the Alliance....Then decide whether to open it to the public.

This is for the protection of ordinary trainers.

Thinking of this,

Shi Yu released the cymbals.


At this time, Circle Bear had woken up from his coma.

He was already irritable, and became even more agitated.

He glared at Shi Yu and Metagross, cursing as if he was saying something.

"Circle Bear, I advise you to be honest." Shi Yu clenched another luxurious ball in his hand and said with a grin,"You don't want anything to happen to the baby bear, do you?"


The bear was furious, but it stood still.

Not all elves will become obedient after entering the elf ball.

Some elves, even if they are tamed, will still be disobedient....Or attacking the owner.

Shi Yu had seen such a report.

It said that after a monkey monster evolved into Infernape, its temper became extremely violent. In anger, it knocked out its trainer with one punch.

After calming down, it even held a funeral for its trainer.

Such incidents are common.

Shi Yu tried hard to calm the Circle Bear in front of him.

He wanted to calm it down, otherwise...Can't talk

"Circle Bear, the baby bear is in this Poké Ball. If you cooperate with me, I can consider returning it to you."


Circle Bear stared blankly, and gradually regained consciousness.

"Okay, answer me, are there many powerful elves hiding in this forest?"



Circle Bear frowned and fell into deep thought.

"What? Can't say? Or is it hard to say?"

Shi Yu took the initiative to take a step forward, and the giant monster followed. It was worried that the circle bear would suddenly attack Shi Yu.

However, Shi Yu stretched out his hand without caring and touched the furry belly of the circle bear.

The circle bear was about to resist, but found that there was an invisible energy that restrained its movements.

This was the telekinesis released by the giant monster, which controlled the circle bear's ability to move.

When Shi Yu's hand touched the circle bear's belly, a gentle force flowed into the circle bear's body.


The circle bear's hostility towards Shi Yu gradually dissipated a little.

The injuries suffered were also slowly recovering.

""Gu Ma?"

Circle Bear looked at the young man in front of him with some doubts.

It seemed that he didn't understand what he wanted to do. However


Shi Yu kept this posture unchanged and began to feel Circle Bear's inner thoughts. After a while, Shi Yu frowned and muttered:"An indescribable existence?" This is the thought that Shi Yu read from Circle Bear's memory. The entire dozing forest is very wide. But

...All wild elves live in the outer reaches of the Sleeping Forest.

No elves dare to go deep into the Sleeping Forest.

It is said that there is a thick white fog in the depths of the Sleeping Forest....It is an indescribable existence.

The aura released by that existence alone is enough to suppress the elves in the dozing forest.

"So that's why you all live in the extension of the Sleeping Forest."

Shi Yu nodded, and he understood.

"What is that indescribable existence? An elf? The legendary beast elf?"


Circle Bear shook his head, indicating that he didn't know.

He only knew that once he got close to the white fog, he would break out in cold sweats and get lost.

When he woke up again, he was already at the outskirts of the forest.

"The beast that can make the wild elves living in the Sleeping Forest so afraid must be a mythical beast!"

Shi Yu's eyes changed slightly.

He had only guessed before, but he didn't expect that there were actually mythical beasts and elves living in the Sleeping Forest.

"Could it be that he is the cover god of Sword and Shield?"

Whether it is Cang Xiang or Zang Marant, they are both the strength of a first-level god.

Shi Yu frowned and began to hesitate whether to continue exploring the Sleeping Forest.

Human...Come into the white fog!

Just at this moment, a thought suddenly flashed through Shi Yu's mind.

Shi Yu turned around abruptly.

There was no one or spirit around except himself, Metagross, and Bear.

"Is it telepathy?"

Shi Yu's eyes changed again....

He is definitely a first-class god.

Shi Yu suddenly felt that he was tricked by the task panel.

Why are you exploring the dozing forest for no reason?


The giant golden monster seemed to have sensed Shi Yu's expression.

It stretched out an arm and waved it in front of Shi Yu.

"I'm fine, Metagross."

After saying that,

Shi Yu released the elves in the luxurious ball in his hand.

The baby bear, like the circle bear, woke up from the coma.

In fact, the baby bear itself was not hurt.

It was just timid and fainted after seeing the special species.


When the baby bear saw that Circle Bear was fine, he ran over and jumped into Circle Bear's arms.

"Circle Bear, I have fulfilled my promise and returned the baby bear to you."

"Don't worry, it's not hurt at all"

"Gu Ma!"

Circle Bear held the baby bear and bowed to Shi Yu, as if to express his gratitude to Shi Yu.

"Don't thank me, it's the battle between you and the queen bee colony...You were the ones who were wrong in the first place. It was the baby bear who stole the honey from the queen bee group, which led to the conflict. As the father of the baby bear, you should protect the baby bear, but you should not bully the queen bee group knowing that you are wrong."

Shi Yu taught Circle Bear a lesson seriously.


After calming down, Circle Bear realized his mistake and bowed his head to admit it.

"Let's put this matter aside for now. When I'm done with my business, you can admit your mistake to the Queen Bee clan in person."

""Gu Ma!" (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Circle Bear nodded and agreed to Shi Yu

"Besides, whether you approve of me or not, I have already conquered you, and the baby bear. Later, I will take you to my ranch, where you can have food and clothing without worries, but you must contribute your own efforts to my ranch. Is that okay?"



Circle Bear and Baby Bear looked at each other, and both father and daughter expressed their willingness to join Shi Yu's ranch.[]

After resolving the conflict with the Circular Bear,

Shi Yu temporarily put the Circular Bear and the baby bear into the ball.

Looking at the Metagross, he hesitated for a moment.

Should we continue to move forward?

Going deeper into the Sleeping Forest, we will reach the white fog area.

In the white fog area...An indescribable existence seemed to be calling him?

This is too mysterious.

Human, come here quickly, my patience is limited!


That strange voice sounded again from Shi Yu's mind.

Shi Yu's body seemed to be out of control and walked forward.

"What the hell? This guy...You have a bad temper? And you can control me remotely?" Shi Yu was speechless....Is it so fierce?

After walking uncontrollably for a while, Shi Yu saw white mist appearing in front of him.

This means...Shi Yu came to the deep foggy area of the dozing forest.

Shi Yu swallowed hard and tried to keep himself calm.


Shi Yu found that everything in front of him was hazy, and even his consciousness became a little fuzzy. When he woke up again,

Shi Yu seemed to have come to a paradise?

There were still towering trees in front of him, but it was not crowded.

There was a big gap between each tree.

In front of the rows of giant trees was a lake.

The lake was very large and the water was extremely clean.

At the edge of the lake, there was a small gap, and the lake water flowed down along the gap, forming a stream.

In the middle of the lake, there was a huge rock.

The rock was very high, about 2 meters high from the lake surface.

0 Asking for flowers

But this is not the point. The point is that there is a rotten sword stuck in this rock? ? ?

""The decayed sword?"

After seeing the sword, Shi Yu suddenly understood something.

You are finally here, human!

The voice just now sounded again.

It was still in Shi Yu's mind.

It was obviously telepathy.

"Who are you..."Cang Xiang?"

Shi Yu asked cautiously.

Oh? You actually know me?

This time, his voice was a little bit smiling.

"It's really you! Cang Xiang!"

Shi Yu took a deep breath and kept himself calm.

Isn't it just a broken beast? What's there to be afraid of?

A broken beast?

"Huh? No no no...Great divine beast!"

Shi Yu thought to himself,...This guy could actually read his inner thoughts? That's right, it's normal for a telepathic beast to read his inner thoughts....I can no longer speak ill of it in secret.

Human, I have been waiting for you for a long time.

Cang Xiang obviously did not care about Shi Yu's inner drama.

"Wait for me?"

Shi Yu didn't quite understand what Cang Xiang meant.

The night is coming, and I need to find a hero among humans to fight alongside me to break the night and save the Galar region!


This time, it was Shi Yu's turn to be confused.


Dark Night is coming? Didn't Dark Night happen three thousand years ago?

According to the plot of Sword and Shield,...It was President Ross who used the Wishing Star to awaken the Infinite in the energy plant.

However, after absorbing the energy of the Wishing Star, the Infinite went out of control and absorbed the Dynamax energy of the entire Galar region in one fell swoop....

So ,...Will this plot still happen in reality?

But if that is the case, wouldn't it be possible to prevent Wujitai from losing control by stopping President Luo Zi directly?...Is darkness coming?

Just when Shi Yu was still thinking,

Cang Xiang's voice sounded again.

The coming of darkness is uncontrollable! You can't stop the coming of darkness, you can only break the darkness! In other words,...Together with me, we will completely defeat the Everlasting!

Hearing this, Shi Yu was stunned.

Completely defeat the Everlasting?

That's right, this is the only way to save the Galar region!

Cang Xiang's voice was a little excited and full of fighting spirit.

Shi Yu was silent.

After a moment, he slowly asked:"But...Why me?"

You know.

Shi Yu is just a rancher.

In terms of strength, there are many trainers stronger than Shi Yu.

Not to mention the champion Dan Di, even those gym leaders are stronger than Shi Yu.

How could this kind of task be Shi Yu's turn?

Human, I have been observing you for a while. Since you opened a ranch outside the Sleeping Forest, I have been observing you. The bond between you and the Pokémon, your ability to cultivate Pokémon, your combat ability,...And creativity! To me, it's exactly the same as the Galar hero I chose three thousand years ago.

"With the hero from three thousand years ago?"

Shi Yu naturally knew about the legend of the Galar region.

He also knew that the dark night three thousand years ago was broken by two heroes with swords and shields.

I believe that my vision in choosing people will not be wrong! Human, pull out this rotten sword. Only the person I choose can pull this rotten sword out of the rock. With this sword, fight side by side with me when the dark night comes!

Cang Xiang's words reminded Shi Yu of the male protagonist of the hot-blooded comic.

A bit second-year...

But it's a bit passionate.

"I don't want it."


Cang Xiang was puzzled.

"I'm just a rancher. What does the mission to save the Galar region have to do with me?"

This time, it was Cang Xiang who was silent.

It didn't expect that the hero of the human it chose would...He is actually an irresponsible guy?

"Even if the Galar region is destroyed, I can open a ranch in another region....I am not restricted to the Galar region."

Cang Xiang remained silent. Shi Yu made him speechless.

"Of course, if you really want me to help you, I can do that, but I have one condition."

What condition?

"After breaking through the darkness and defeating Wujitana...I want you to be the mascot of my ranch."

Cang Xiang seemed to be silenced and said nothing.

He never expected that the hero he had chosen would be such a shameless person?

Being a mascot? It was not like he didn't know the jobs of the canine elves on the ranch.

Isn't this a guard dog?!

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