"Then, without further ado, let's start now."

Shi Yu said, his eyes swept over everyone, and finally landed on Dr. Yew.

"Doctor, do you have any suggestions? Perhaps we can find some clues from your research.

Dr. Hongdou thought for a moment, took out a notebook from his pocket, and handed it to Shi Yu.

"This is my recent research record, which contains some preliminary analysis and possible directions about dark energy. Although it is not complete, I hope it can be helpful to you."

Taking the notes, Shi Yu quickly flipped through them, frowning.

"These clues point to an ancient legend that seems to be related to a forgotten ruin. We must go there and explore it ourselves."

"A relic?"

Alice asked curiously.

"Sounds mysterious and dangerous."

"That's right," Dr. Yew nodded.

"There are many unsolved mysteries hidden in that place, and it may also hold the answers we want. But it is not easy to get there, and you need to pass a series of tests."


Adek raised his eyebrows.

"That's perfect. We are not afraid of challenges."

"That's settled," Shi Yu closed his notebook, his eyes determined,"We'll set out immediately to find the ruins and uncover the secret of dark energy."

"Wait," Tiantong suddenly interrupted

"Before we leave, should we inform Professor Oak and Mr. Daigo so that they can prepare? After all, this may not just be a problem in the Unova region."

"You are right.

Shi Yu agreed.

"Alice, can you contact them? We need them."

Alice nodded and took out the communicator from her pocket.

"No problem, I'll contact them right away."

While waiting for a reply, the four began to organize their equipment and prepare for the next exploration of the mysterious ruins.

This matter still needs to be concluded as soon as possible.

Not long after, Alice received a reply. Both Professor Oak and Mr. Daigo expressed their full support and provided necessary assistance.

The two of them had to send the elves and eggs from the Suanmu Ranch back to the Time Ranch for a comprehensive inspection.

Conan was also responsible for related matters.

Therefore, Professor Oak and Daigo could not go together on this trip.

But Daigo said that he had notified the people of the nearby Dewen Group to stop Shiyu's dispatch at any time.

"Everything is ready."

Shi Yu announced

"Let's set off to the unknown ruins and uncover the truth behind the darkness."

The five people, with their own elves, set out on a journey to the ancient ruins.

In the sky, clouds began to gather, as if to indicate that the road ahead would not be smooth.

But there was no fear in their eyes, only the expectation that this matter would end quickly.

"No matter what awaits us ahead, as long as we unite as one, there will be no difficulties that we cannot overcome."

Yew’s words inspired everyone’s 853 hearts.

"That's right," Adek echoed,"We are the warriors who protect this land, and nothing can stop us from moving forward."

"What are you waiting for? Let's go!"

Alice was eager to try, and her double-axe dragon roared excitedly, as if she couldn't wait to start a new adventure.

"Go forward bravely towards the unknown!"

Tian Tong also joined them, his eyes flashing with a desire for new knowledge.

""Ruins, ruins!"

Xiao Jian was also excited.

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