The old man was very happy.

"Brother Yuanye, do you really not need to worry? Even if you have two Arboks and Toucans, you still have to be careful here."

He Hui in his arms looked charming and said delicately, stretching out her white little hand and drawing circles on his chest.

"Don't worry, as long as you serve me well, I guarantee you will be fine." Yuanye's face was full of joy, "I have learned the inside information from my uncle. The most powerful elves on this trial island are only elite level, and there are not many of them. Don't worry."

"Elite level elves, then we are still in danger, ah~ hate it."

Yuanye pinched the softness and smiled gently.

"He's just an elite, how do you know I can't deal with him? Are you doubting my strength? You little bitch."

While talking, his hands didn't stop, wandering on his body, causing the person in his arms to laugh and scold.

When Lu Yuan arrived, he saw the two flirting.

"You really know how to enjoy yourself, I guess you have some leverage."

The one who knows you best is often your enemy.

Lu Yuan still knows a lot about Yuan Ye, his enemy.

At the beginning, Lu Yuan investigated him and had a clear understanding of his personality, hobbies, ways of dealing with people, interpersonal relationships, etc.

Because of these understandings, it is also the reason why he came here this time. According to his understanding, Yuan Ye is vindictive, petty, and vengeful. If he says he wants to kill him, he will not let it go easily. Even if he doesn't meet him on this trial island, he can't avoid trouble when he goes out.

Unless he dies on the trial island, but this is impossible, so Lu Yuan can only choose to kill him. The person who can die can only be him, even if there will be risks after killing him.

Lu Yuan looked around and took a close look at the environment around him, thinking about how to kill him quickly and smoothly.

"Two Arboks, the Toucan didn't notice it either. I guess there are unexpected factors in his Poké Ball that need to be considered."

In his mind, one killing plan after another emerged, and soon Lu Yuan chose the simplest killing method, which was to break his neck the moment he approached.

"Hehe, annoying."

While the two were flirting and playing, Lu Yuan suddenly teleported closer, and his move was full force, enough to kill him in one blow.

"Not good."

Yuan Ye felt this sudden power for the first time, and was also startled. A Poké Ball on his body shook, and a tall Pokémon appeared on the scene, breaking the power released by Lu Yuan and forcing him back.


The tall figure stood in front of Yuan Ye and the others, facing Lu Yuan head-on, exuding a strong aura and a very oppressive feeling.

"Elite-level armored Tyrannosaurus!"

Lu Yuan narrowed his eyes and quickly pulled away from the armored Tyrannosaurus. He didn't expect that he was actually protected by an elite-level armored Tyrannosaurus. No wonder he was so confident.

"It's you!"

Yuan Ye also found out who the person was.

"I didn't expect you to be a superpower! I didn't expect it." Yuan Ye was surprised. From the attack just now, he also found out that Lu Yuan was a superpower. Then he thought of something and his face became fierce.

"Today, we must take advantage of its weakness and kill it here, otherwise there will be endless troubles!" Yuan Ye said in his heart, and then issued an order to the armored Tyrannosaurus.

"Go to the armored Tyrannosaurus, kill him, and use rock blockade."


The armored Tyrannosaurus did not obey the command, but used another sharp stone attack technique, and attacked Lu Yuan with sharp stones.

"Sure enough, forget it, if he doesn't want to listen to my command, then don't listen. Just kill him."

Lu Yuan teleported and avoided the attack of the Tyrannosaurus Rex. He raised his head and sent out several spherical energy balls, which were easily blocked by the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

The superpowers he displayed around Yuan Ye were also broken by the Tyrannosaurus Rex, and the sneak attack failed.

Elite-level elves have a strong sense of the power around them. Lu Yuan's superpowers are also a kind of power, and his strength is not as strong as that of the elite-level Tyrannosaurus Rex.

However, the Tyrannosaurus Rex can't take Lu Yuan for the time being. With the help of the superpowers of elusiveness and teleportation, even if it can't fight hard, it can avoid its moves and look for opportunities to counterattack.

"Damn it, come out, Toucan, Arbok, come here, cooperate with the Tyrannosaurus Rex."

Yuan Ye also discovered this, released a Toucan, and called back two Arbok monsters.

"I was wondering why you were so confident. It turns out you are a person with super powers, but that's all."

Seeing the four elves besieging Lu Yuan, Yuan Ye felt relieved and commanded the elves to launch an attack.


The two Arboks opened their mouths and shot out poisonous needles one after another, densely packed, covering the place where Lu Yuan appeared.

The Toucan flew in the sky, swooping down to grab him, and the Tyrannosaurus Rex also launched powerful attacks.

For a moment, facing so many attacks, Lu Yuan looked shabby.

"I have to think of a way, this won't work." Lu Yuan's face became serious. While dodging, his brain was working quickly to find a way.

If he couldn't think of a good way, he had to retreat before his strength was exhausted, otherwise he would definitely die. The system interface also displayed the information of this elite Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Elf: Tyrannosaurus (male)

Attributes: Ground, Rock

Features: Hard Head

Qualification: Gym

Level: 42

Skills: Random Attack, Horn Butt, Trampling, Scary Face, Rock Blast, Iai Slash, Arm Hammer, Rock Blockade, Roar, Stone Attack, Earthquake

There are also two Arboks, one level 25, one level 26, and a level 29 Toucan.


Seeing Lu Yuan being suppressed, Yuan Ye laughed out loud, and his heart relaxed. He took He Hui beside him and spoke proudly.

"See, this is my confidence in facing the elites. What do you think I am afraid of in this Trial Island?"

"Hahaha, I know that Brother Yuan Ye is the best."

He Hui complimented, his attitude became more humble, and he became more pleasing.

"Hahaha, it's just right to watch a good show."


Lu Yuan avoided the heavy attacks, landed on the open ground, and thought about countermeasures.

If there was no Tyrannosaurus, Lu Yuan would not be afraid of other Pokémons even if they were fighting hard, but the trouble was this Tyrannosaurus.

On the belt, the Poké Ball with Gyarados was shaking, wanting to come out to fight together, but Lu Yuan held it down and prevented it from joining in. It was too dangerous outside. He could still avoid it, but Gyarados could not.

"If it doesn't work, I can only retreat first."

Lu Yuan said secretly, splitting his mind and looking at the system interface to see if there was anything he could use.

"Slow-moving potion, this won't work. It takes too long for the elite-level Tyrannosaurus to take effect. It's okay for Rattata."

Lu Yuan's eyes moved to the bottom again, looking for a suitable item.

In a field battle, it's either you or me. No matter what means, as long as you can win, it's fine. It's not like those competitions, which have various rules.

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