The two of them were captured by the police.

Lu Yuan was about to step forward, but was stopped by Ji Sakai.

"Hey, let me do this, boss, you just watch the venue first, I can take these two down in a minute." Ji Sakai volunteered and took the initiative to take down the two.

"Okay, be careful."

Lu Yuan nodded and agreed, looking elsewhere.

"Hehehe, you two still don't surrender, you'd better be obedient, otherwise, you will suffer." Ji Sakai walked towards the two with the Swamp King, his face full of arrogant smile.

It's better to capture them alive, whether it's to extract intelligence from them or for other purposes, it's more cost-effective than a dead person.

"There's no other way. I can only let Parasagus take action."

Just when Sakaiji thought the situation was settled, Yuto Feng took out a Poké Ball and threw it. A Parasagus appeared on the scene. It had a good aura and was an elite Pokémon.

Parasagus was not his Pokémon, but his elder's Pokémon, who was sent by the family to protect him. Now there was no other way, so he had to take it out.

"Oh my god, why is there another one!"

Sakaiji almost fell down and tried to retreat, but Parasagus locked onto him and came to him swiftly. With a glimmer on his fist, he blasted out with an explosive punch. Swamp King tried to block it but was blasted away and continued to hit Sakaiji.

"Send! I'm going to send!"

At this moment, this was the only thought in Sakaiji's mind. This day was really full of ups and downs. He was finally about to win, but the opponent came to support him. When he was at a disadvantage, the captain came to help him. At this time, when he was about to finish, a parasitic mushroom jumped out and knocked down the Swamp King with one punch.

It seemed that he would die under its fist. With that huge fist as big as a sandbag, he was definitely dead.

"If I had known earlier, I would not pretend. What the hell is pretending............"



Zong Wen shouted with bloodshot eyes.

When Sakaiji was trapped in the fatal power, he was powerless and could only watch the parasitic mushroom's fist getting closer and closer to his head.

Sakaiji was the first person he met after joining the Rocket Team. Although he was a little bit lame, a little bit obsessed with beauty, and a little bit greedy for life and death, he was indeed a very good partner!

Seeing him die under the fist of the Parasaurolophus, he was extremely anxious.

"I...! I'm not dead?? Hahaha, I'm not dead, I said, how could a troublemaker like me die so quickly."

Ji Sakai suddenly teleported and appeared behind Zong Wen, touched his body, and found that he was not dead.

"Don't be dazed, get up quickly."

Lu Yuan shouted, and had already led the two elves to fight against the Parasaurolophus, and now he could take action.

"Oh, it was you who saved me, boss, thank you so much! I knew that there would be a future with you, boss."

Ji Sakai quickly climbed up from the ground. Lu Yuan in front of him had burst out with a powerful superpower, his eyes glowed blue, and he used means to entangle the Parasaurolophus.

Seeing this scene, Ji Sakai also knew that he was saved by Lu Yuan.

"Hahaha, my boss is a superpower. He is alive again. Today is really exciting. Haha, Zongwen, are you crying? Don't worry, you haven't lost your virginity yet, how can I die?"

"Go to hell, get ready to help."

Zongwen laughed and cursed, and was also happy that his friend had escaped death.

"Ah, but all my elves are gone, how can I help?"

"Watch the surroundings."

"Oh oh."

When Lu Yuan burst out with a superpower, Youtengfeng immediately called back Parasaurolophus to guard him.

Youtengfeng naturally knew what a strong superpower meant, so he could only let Parasaurolophus come back and protect him.

Youtengfeng was almost depressed to the point of vomiting blood. He was finally about to win, but the opponent burst out again, and a superpower appeared, and it seemed that he was not weak.

Life is really unpredictable.

At the same time, he was also glad that he had the power to protect himself, otherwise he would definitely die.

"Why didn't this superpower join the alliance, why did he join Rocket!"

The young man next to Yu Tengfeng also looked incredible. This is a superpower, which is extremely rare. If he joins the alliance, he will definitely be trained and his future achievements will definitely not be low.

Superpowers are naturally stronger than ordinary people, and they have an advantage in elves.

It is comfortable to be a teammate with a superpower, but it is dangerous to be an enemy. At this time, both of them were cursing, secretly cursing what the mission was.

To break the mission, all kinds of monsters and demons appeared.

At this time, the situation was deadlocked again, and both sides fell into an inexplicable situation, and no one moved first.

The roar of the moves continued around, but this side fell into a strange calm.

And this peaceful scene was also broken by a figure falling from the sky.


In the smoke and dust, a Dragonite flew up and protected the trainer behind it.

"My lord, are you okay?"

You Tengfeng and the others hurried forward to meet the fallen person.

Lu Yuan did not dare to move forward, and immediately took Sakai Ji and the elves to quickly distance themselves.

This is a king-level existence, he has no intention of fighting at all, and his ability is not enough in front of the king.

And there is no benefit in rashly participating in the king-level battle.


The next moment, a terrifying force descended, and the two ministers came at the same time and attacked the fallen alliance king.

In the field, the alliance was fighting desperately, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that the financial situation was already decided, and the only chance of turning around was knocked to the ground.

"Let's go! Break through! Dragonite uses the reverse scale to fight them! One for one, I won't lose."

The alliance king had a crazy look on his face, commanding Dragonite to take the initiative to meet the two and open up the situation for the people below.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the alliance broke through frantically.

"Don't let them run away, don't ask to capture them alive! Those who escape will be killed without mercy." Several captains shouted.


The alliance king snorted coldly, and after a few consecutive moves, he took the opportunity to retreat quickly. The current situation is no longer possible, and he has done his best.

"Chase, this old guy wants to run!"

The two ministers hurriedly chased after him.

The defeat of the Alliance King accelerated the defeat of the Underground Alliance. The Rockets surrounded the Alliance members. Those who resisted were captured one after another. Those who resisted fiercely were killed on the spot. Some people took advantage of the chaotic scene to find a breakthrough and rushed out.

Among them was Lu Yuan's opponent Yu Tengfeng.

Lu Yuan in the crowd fixed his eyes and noticed this scene.

"You two follow the main force, I'll be back soon."

"Why don't you say goodbye, don't chase after the desperate enemy." Zong Wen advised. Now he can complete the task safely.

"It's okay, you two be careful."

After saying that, Lu Yuan chased after him. He couldn't gain anything by staying here. There might be a surprise if he chased after him.

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