The water cannon landed on the ground, and there was a rumble.

After a while, a Charmeleon ran out wetly, with a listless look, and the flame on its tail became weak.

"This... shouldn't be the case."

The boy's face was dull, and he seemed very puzzled by this scene.

"How can this Gyarados attack so fast? And accurate? That's not what the teacher said back then."

But the situation in the field had already happened, and he couldn't think too much.

"Charmeleon, are you okay?"

The boy didn't care about anything else, but asked Charmeleon's condition as soon as possible.

Seeing him like this, Lu Yuan also knew the quality of the boy opposite him, who was obviously an inexperienced academy trainer.

The characteristic of this type of trainer is that they follow the script and have certain limitations. They are OK against ordinary trainers, but not good enough against some high-level trainers.

And because trainers from the academy will have some behaviors that seem childish to outsiders, like the one in front of him, Charmeleon was repelled, and the first thing he did was to ask if he was okay.

But you know what, it works.

It may be due to the environment in which they grew up. The academy is not like the newcomers of Team Rocket, where the fittest survive and there is always a worry about life. Many things in the academy are very ideal. Most of the students taught are somewhat idealistic in the early stage, and even their eyes are different from those of ordinary trainers, with a clear and firm look.

In their eyes, you can see their love for life, their yearning for touring the world, their enthusiasm for conquering elves, their support for the alliance, and their hostility towards dark organizations like Team Rocket.

This time in the arena, Lu Yuan did not continue to attack, but looked at the enemy in front of him with a smile and encouraged the elves.

Finally, with the encouragement of the boy, Charmeleon stood up again.

"Okay, I knew Charmeleon was the best. Go ahead. We will win."

Lu Yuan's mouth twitched. Whose kid is this? He has never been beaten by society, right?

"Gyarados, be gentle. Just finish it in three rounds."

Lu Yuan gave instructions with his mind, and then continued to give instructions verbally, hiding himself.

"Roar, roar~"

Gyarados moved. According to the flaws mentioned by Lu Yuan, it only took three rounds to solve Charmeleon and win the game.

Battle points +28.

The Charmeleon on the opposite side has good qualifications and a high energy level. It is a level 23 Pokémon, only 3 levels lower than Gyarados.

But against Gyarados, let alone 3 levels lower, even if it is a high-level Charizard, Gyarados can still win it with full firepower.

"Charmeleon, it's my fault. Sorry."

The boy picked up Charmeleon and apologized.

The unconscious Charmeleon whimpered, wondering if it was to comfort him.

"It should be over."

When Lu Yuan was about to take back Gyarados and leave, the boy opposite spoke.

"Senior, I still have two Pokémon."

"Why, do you want to continue the battle?"

Lu Yuan turned around and looked at him.

"Yes, I will not let Charmeleon down."

Looking at the boy's stubborn look, Lu Yuan smiled and said yes.

The Pokémon of the Hyperactive Ape moved, and it was about to attack.

"Hyperactive Ape, you are a little special. There are many people here, so let's not do it. Let's do it next time."

Lu Yuan comforted, and then the Hyperactive Ape did not continue.

"Little Charmer, please."


A little Charmer in good condition appeared, emitting flames. It is said that the flame will not burn people who touch it, but will feel warm instead.

Seeing another fire-type Pokémon, Lu Yuan asked, "Don't you know that water-type restrains fire-type?"

"I know, but I only have them, and I believe that one day, they will break this restraint."

The boy replied in a sonorous voice.

"This is a tough kid who has not experienced the beatings of society and loves fire-type."

Lu Yuan said in his heart, and gave orders to Gyarados.

"Five rounds."


After five rounds, Charmander was defeated, and another fire-type Pokémon came on the field, and then lost again.

Battle points +25 +23.

At this time, there were many people watching, and they all gave words of encouragement to the boy.

This kid is very good, has backbone, and is also tough.

Lu Yuan accepted the challenges of several young trainers and won them all.

This feeling is like when I leveled up and came to the Novice Village. The opponent's moves and combat style are too rigid, for the moment

For Lu Yuan, it was a "newbie".

When fighting with them, Lu Yuan could always feel the kind of experience that can only be felt in anime, the familiar roar of rejuvenation, the firm eyes, and the fighting methods that seemed immature to him.

After a wave of newbies, Lu Yuan took the opportunity to leave when he saw that the time was almost right.

After this battle, Lu Yuan also gained more than 200 battle points, which was one of the reasons why Lu Yuan stayed.

Now all the points added up to more than 1,000, which can be exchanged for some good things.

In the dance hall, there were groups of three or two, dancing to the melodious music.

There were also several groups of people toasting each other, talking and talking, and they were very enthusiastic.

There were also several people who shuttled among them, with sincere smiles on their faces, and took out their business cards and handed them over when they met, intending to integrate into the group and make efforts to make connections.

"I heard that Yuhong City will issue some policies on the elf resource industry. I wonder what benefits we can get from it?"

"Have you heard that something big happened in Deep Gray City? The Alliance killed a Rocket Team King-level player. It was really shocking."

"The mayor has been transferred. I wonder who the next mayor will be? Alas, the business that I just managed has to be started again. Business is not easy to do now."

"Yes, business is getting harder and harder these days."


Sporadic news came from the mouths of these social elites, and the things they said were not known to ordinary people in the outside world.

Sure enough, in such occasions, it is faster to collect intelligence.

"Well, isn't that Sakai? Has he changed people?"

In the dancing crowd, Sakai Ji was found.

And the one dancing with him was not the previous sister Lila, but another woman. Judging from her appearance, she was slightly inferior, but more charming.

At this time, the two were immersed in the beautiful music, dancing slowly, moving their lips slightly, and saying something.

"I wonder if Madam, tonight, can you discuss the mystery with me?"

Lu Yuan concentrated his mind and only heard Sakai Ki's words. He was indeed a man of great potential, and his words were very good.

He looked elsewhere and continued to stroll around and listen to the news.

He then brought some food, found a table and sat down, eating slowly and listening slowly.

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