Pokemon Court

Chapter 960: Dreams appear, the flower of time

"I still lost..."

When Kirbymon and Pikachu fell, Xiaozhi was slightly lost, but he was not too depressed. He was no longer a rookie, and he understood the gap between himself and the Four Heavenly Kings.

In fact, Xiaozhi insisted on this point, it is already good. The rainbow field tactics of Bokby and the quack bubble frog are the most important skills they use when they cooperate with each other. The two elves are already very skilled in the use of this tactic. , Can be perfect with the help of the power of the rainbow, limit the additional effects in the ultimate mining trick, causing the greatest destructive power, this trick alone will disgust a lot of their "sparring targets."

"Come on for the next Silver Conference."

Ting Shu encouraged Xiao Zhi to take back Bokby and the quack frog.

But if Xiaozhi still only relies on Pikachu to support the scene, it may not be so easy to win the championship.

"I'll work hard." At the same time as Ting Shu answered, Xiao Zhi retracted the Kirby beast and comforted it with a few words. Then he also picked up Pikachu, planning to go to the wizard center to treat Pikachu.

Xiao Xia and Xiao Gang accompanied Xiao Zhi, while Bai Cheng and Fujiki stayed.

"You seem to be optimistic about him, but apart from being able to use the power of the waveguide, is there anything special between Xiaozhi and other trainers?" Bai Cheng took a few steps forward, Xiaozhi headed to the wizard center, and he and Xiaozhi played against each other naturally. It was delayed.

"Perhaps, you will find his shining light sooner or later, but it's a bit early now." Ting Shu didn't know how to explain.

Compared with Xiao Zhi in the city capital period, Ting Shu looks forward to the performance of this time and space in the Carlos period. A few years later, even if he can't become a top trainer, even if only a few elves enter the top field, Wisdom's momentum, it is estimated that it can add a little fun to this world.

"Forget it, let's go to the banquet." Bai Cheng touched his stomach, and left the battle with Xiaozhi behind him, planning to wait until tomorrow.

Because of the match between Xiaozhi and Tingshu, a few people were delayed for a while, but with the help of Tingshu who rushed past, Pikachu recovered quickly and smoothly did not make a few of them late for the dinner.

The dinner that Queen Irene carefully prepared was intended to win over Xiaozhi and Bai Cheng. As for Ting Shu, the Four Heavenly Kings, although the same treatment was good, Ting Shu always felt that something was wrong.

"This woman..." I complained about Queen Irene who was surrounded by Xiaozhi and Bai Cheng. Ting Shu didn't care. If she could catch the line of Queen Irene, it would be good for Bai Cheng, but Xiaozhi Well... this wood, Ting Shu guesses that he can only live with Pikachu.

After the dinner, the few people had a good rest. According to the agreement, the few people planned to go to the tree of the beginning of the world the next morning to find dreams.



"Everyone, stop, this mountain road is forbidden to enter."

On the way to the First Tree of the World, Ting Shu and his party were stopped by a group of soldiers in armor before they left Rota Street.

This team is very popular, giving people a feeling that no one is close, but Ting Shu and Bai Cheng did not take it seriously. This level of guards, as long as they are willing, there is no difficulty in sneaking past...

"We have Queen Irene's pass." It's not the first time Xiaozhi has gone there, and skillfully took out Queen Irene's token and handed it to the other party.

"It's indeed a token of Queen Irene, you can go in." The leading soldier took the letter, took a look at Xiaozhi and the others, nodded and let him go.

After repeated inspections, Ting Shu and the others are now approaching the world's initial tree, and after Xiaozhi's explanation, they also understand the difference in this mountain range.

"There are a lot of wild elves inside, and they are not allowed to be subdued. In addition, when you reach the mountain road area, you may encounter an attack by Reggie Locke, so be careful.

After Xiao Zhi finished speaking, Ting Shu, Bai Cheng, and Fujiki nodded, but they were not too worried. As for Xiao Gang and Xiao Xia because they had been here a long time ago and were very familiar with the place, they took the initiative to lead the way.

Going out of the area of ​​Rota Street into the wild, wild elves suddenly increased, and judging from the variety, they are also very rich.

"The development of the elves here is pretty good..." Seeing a row of small fist stones jumping side by side, Ting Shu said unexpectedly.

"Yes, not only that, but the elves here are rarely aggressive." Xiaogang said: "Maybe it is caused by the environment here, so that they rarely get food through competition, and because life is very comfortable, they evolve. Few elves have ever passed."

"So that's the case." As the few people moved forward, they watched the environment while listening to Xiaozhi and the three of them explaining in detail their previous experience of entering here.

But the few people hadn't walked long before, a Bi Diao suddenly landed on a surrounding mountain and looked at Xiao Zhi.

The statue landed abruptly and quietly, but Ting Shu, Bai Cheng, and Xiao Zhi still noticed its arrival. The latter two are waveguide messengers, Ting Shu is a super power, and its perception is more than ordinary people. It's much higher.

"Bi Diao? This one is bigger than Diao..." Ting Shu and the others stopped, Xiao Gang and the others also stopped and followed their gazes.

After judgment, they found that this eagle is at least two to three times larger than the current average eagle in Guandu, which is very exaggerated...

"But this is just like a eagle. I always feel like I have seen it somewhere." Xiaozhi, Xiaogang, and Xiaoxia covered their heads. After thinking about it, Xiaoxia suddenly said in surprise: "Xiaozhi, Xiaogang, do you still remember I don’t remember, we have seen Mr. Yalang flying away on a ride than a eagle through the image of the flower of time. His eagle is ridiculously bigger."

"Mr. Yalang's Bi Diao? How could it be...how could Bi Diao have lived for thousands of years!"

Xiao Zhi and Xiao Gang were still retorting, but Ting Shu suddenly slapped the two of them and said, "Don't fight, it's not a comparison, it should be a dream."

Ting Shu's words shocked a few people in an instant, but before a few people could react, "Bi Diao" quickly flew in the direction of the tree of world origin and disappeared in front of a few people.

"But why does Dream fly away..." Xiaozhi puzzled.

"It should be because there are too many strangers around you, let's just follow them."

When Ting Shu spoke, he was the first to walk out. Following the direction of Dream's departure, their group quickly entered a canyon.

While traveling through this gorge, Bai Cheng suddenly stopped at a glance and called out a few people.

He fixed his gaze on the raised crystal at the height, and said in surprise: "The fourth piece..."

This is a crystal with the same fluctuations as the ore made into the waveguide glove. However, unlike the ore Bai Cheng found in the outside world, this piece has obvious characteristics. This characteristic made Ting Shu and Bai Cheng suddenly realize.

"It really is the flower of time."

Seeing the weird flowers next to the blue crystals, Ting Shu's eyes constricted. Is the time flower companion rock?

The flower of time, as a kind of strange flower that can be activated by the power of the waveguide and replays some scenes in the long river of history, only exists around the initial tree of the world. When this kind of flower was born and when it withered is still a mystery, but it seems that every There is a special connection between the flowers of time in a fixed area, whether dead or reborn, and they influence each other...

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