After the previous debate, plus the time of delivering two gifts.

At this time, it was already dawn outside.

Zhang Tian looked up at the window and said, "The sun rises in the east, and its path is bright."

"For this third gift, I need two people to cooperate. May I ask if the emperor is interested?"

Prime Minister Cai said first: "Excuse me, Mr. Zhang, is there any danger?"

"It's safe."

Emperor Anyou laughed, "Well, I will follow Mr. Zhang's arrangement and see what's so strange about this third gift?"

"Your Majesty... think twice."

A group of civil servants jumped out and persuaded weakly.

The previous two gifts had already suppressed their momentum to the lowest point, and they dared not say anything questioning.

But seeing that the emperor came on stage in person, he still had to say something to go through the motions.

In case there is any big or small accident, there is also a reason to get out, at least he has persuaded.

"Okay, stop talking. I have made up my mind."

Prime Minister Cai said, "Master Zhang, then can I ask if the second person is OK?"

Zhang Tian glanced at Cai An, shook his head slightly, and said, "You... are not very good."

Cai An is too old and in average health. Zhang Tian is afraid that he can't stand the tossing.

But the emperor and the officials heard this, and the meaning was different.

The officials in the court looked at Cai An with different eyes, each with their own thoughts.

Zhang Tian's miraculous performance along the way, plus the two gifts, whether he stays or leaves, must have a pivotal position in the emperor's heart.

He dared to clearly say that Prime Minister Cai was not OK. Did he mean that his health was not good, or that his character was not good?

Or was it a signal that Master Zhang was dissatisfied with Prime Minister Cai?

According to various deeds, Master Zhang was "compassionate", saving wounded soldiers, passing on immortal methods, and subduing dragons, each of which was a great thing to save the people.

Naturally, he couldn't stand Prime Minister Cai, a corrupt official.

No matter which "no", it is likely to deeply affect the emperor's attitude towards Prime Minister Cai.

Since ancient times, the imperial family has been the most ruthless!

If Master Zhang is dissatisfied with the prime minister, the emperor may really take action against Prime Minister Cai in order to win over Master Zhang.

The three ups and downs of Prime Minister Cai were just the means of the emperor.

If he is useful, he will be promoted and work for the emperors of successive dynasties. When the people's resentment is great, he will be demoted again to stop the world's gossip.

When the storm is over, he will be re-employed. This has been repeated three times, and now it is the fourth time that he has been reinstated.

Now, he is in his seventies and eighties, and it is useless to keep him.

It is better to borrow his body before he dies of old age or retires to comfort Master Zhang.

Although the possibility of killing is not very high, it is very likely that he will be demoted or abdicated.

If you want to deal with Prime Minister Cai, it is impossible to deal with only him.

Once Prime Minister Cai fell, a series of officials from top to bottom who had previously attached themselves to him would scatter like monkeys when the tree fell, and most of them would be purged.

Either demoted or exiled...

The emperor just took advantage of this incident to kill all these corrupt officials to appease the people's grievances and show his wisdom and power.

Thinking of this, all officials began to plan in their hearts.

When the purge began, how would they act, how would they write memorials, and how would they take out the evidence in their hands to overthrow their political enemies.

Of course, officials from Cai An's faction would not sit still and wait for death.

They began to plan in their hearts how to protect themselves, get out, and even fight back.

A storm in the officialdom was secretly forming...

Zhang Tian was a little surprised to see that the court suddenly became quiet.

Is it very impolite to say to an old man in this era that he is "not very capable"?

Fortunately, he could use "not understanding the customs of the world" to shirk responsibility, otherwise he really didn't know how many people he would offend.

Xu Wen frowned slightly.

He was a scholar who had read many cases in history books and had a vague feeling that something was wrong.

But this feeling was too vague, and he didn't know the factions and inside stories in the court, so he naturally couldn't think as far as the officials.

Let's compare it with chess.

Zhang Tian was confused and didn't know who he had killed.

Xu Wen could see that it was a killing move, but he felt that it was very powerful, but he couldn't calculate where it was killed.

Only the officials in the court had already calculated a hundred steps away, and the chessboard was full of swords and shadows, a bloody storm!

If the officials could calculate it, how could Cai An not calculate it?

His face did not change, and he even had a signature smile.

But the hand in his sleeve had been clenched into a fist to divert his inner uneasiness.

At this time, a civil servant stepped out and said, "Your Majesty, since Prime Minister Cai is not suitable, I suggest that we let Minister Shi participate?"

Minister Shi Hao is the leader of their Qingliu, and Prime Minister Cai is not suitable, so naturallyHe was going to propose to the boss on his side.

At the same time, he was also testing the intentions of the emperor and Zhang Tian.

Emperor Anyou remained calm and asked, "Mr. Zhang, what do you think?"

Zhang Tian looked at Minister Shi Hao, who was in his fifties and looked very strong.

So he nodded, "Okay."

With a "not very good" and a "okay", the invisible storm in the hearts of the officials intensified.

Zhang Tian said, "Emperor, you leave the Dragon Pearl and follow me out of the hall."

The emperor reluctantly handed the Dragon Pearl on his head to Zhuo Ping, led the officials, and went out to the square outside the Chongzheng Hall.

Everyone looked up at the sky, wondering if this third gift fell from the sky?

Unfortunately, although there was dawn at this time and the sky could be seen clearly, the huge monster that cast divine light in the sky before could not be seen.

Zhang Tian said to Emperor Anyou and Minister Shi Hao: "Are you afraid of heights?"

"I'm not."


"Haha, that's good, I'll take you to heaven!"

As he spoke, two space ropes stretched out from his waist, and wrapped around the waists of the emperor and Minister Shi, and Zhang Tian held them with his hands.


Strong airflow spurted out from under their feet, spreading out in all directions, and the three of them slowly rose into the air.

The officials on the ground were shocked and shouted:

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty..."

"Minister Shi..."

"What should we do? The emperor is going to... go to heaven."

"But the affairs of the mortal world are not over yet, and the emperor has not yet appointed a prince..."

"What should we do?"

The officials on the ground were envious and panicked, and they were in a mess, but no one was willing to take their eyes off the sky.

Because they had to take two people with them, the power of the thrusters was pushed to the limit.

The cloud formed by the condensation of the airflow became wider, and it was supported by the feet of Zhang Tian, ​​the emperor, and Minister Shi, and continued to rise.

Zhang Tian smiled and said, "Emperor, Minister Shi, this is the third gift I want to give you - a trip to the sky."

Emperor Anyou was shocked at first, but when he reacted, he could no longer hold back: "Shangxian, can you take me into the heaven and guide me to become a fairy?"

Minister Shi was surprised and confused: "This, this, this... Shangxian Zhang Tian, ​​I still have many worldly affairs to finish... Alas... If I can become a fairy, these worldly affairs don't matter."

He even began to think wildly in his heart, can I wait until I become a fairy, and then come down to the world to finish the worldly affairs?

Zhang Tian said: "Don't get me wrong, I just want to bring you up to see."

Hearing this, the emperor and Minister Shi were slightly disappointed.

However, on second thought, if it was so easy to become a fairy, there wouldn't be so many emperors and Taoists in all dynasties who wanted it but couldn't get it.

Now that I can travel to heaven, with the guidance of the immortals in the future, I may have a chance to become an immortal.

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