Zhang Tian glared at Xu Wen unhappily.

It seems that he has not walked enough and is still thinking about these supernatural things.

But facing Su'er's earnest eyes, Zhang Tian couldn't bear to refuse, so he had to say: "Well, then I will say hello to the King of Hell, so that your parents can be reborn into a good family in the next life and enjoy a lifetime of happiness."

"Thank you, Brother Zhang Tian."

"You take a rest first, I will ask someone to make a coffin, so that your parents can rest in peace."


Zhang Tian took Su'er back to the carriage and comforted her to sleep.

Then he ordered the soldiers to find a better location nearby and start digging a pit.

He sent a few more soldiers to the forest on the side of the road, cut down a few trees, and after cutting them open, they pieced together a coffin.

Although it was a bit crude, it was better than nothing. After all, people in this era still cared a lot.

Just now, Su'er was alone and was about to freeze to death. She had to use her last bit of strength to bury her parents in the ground.

It is conceivable how heavy the four words "rest in peace" are for people of this era!

There is also the matter of Shijia Village. If it weren't for some tricks, it would probably not be so easy for Old Lady Shi to be cremated.

I saw the sergeant cut a piece of wood and stood it in front of the pit, ready to make a tombstone.

Zhang Tian thought about it, a piece of wood would soon decay and disappear in the years soon.

Seeing the great love of Su'er's parents, Zhang Tian hoped that more people would know them and they should not be forgotten so quickly.

"Xu Wen, Tie Dong, look around to see if there are any large stones?"


After a while, Tie Dong came back: "Shang Xian, there is a stone in the forest over there. I'm afraid it weighs several thousand pounds. We need more people to help carry it out."

"Well, I'll go and take a look first."

The group entered the forest and estimated the size of the stone. Zhang Tian said: "You step back."

"Zi Zi..."

Zhang Tian used a laser gun to cut a large rectangular stone tablet from the stone, and the surface was as smooth as a mirror.

Although there were no delicate textures around, it was enough to be used as a tombstone.

"Xu Wen, you are a scholar, write an epitaph for Su'er's parents."

"Yes. What are Su'er's parents' names?"

Zhang Tian said: "Su'er is sleeping, you leave it blank first, and fill it in when she wakes up."

"Well." Xu Wen nodded and began to brew.

Although Su'er was tired, she only slept for half an hour and woke up faintly.

Zhang Tian had no choice but to return to the carriage and asked, "Su'er, what are your parents' names?"

Su'er said, "My father's name is Su Datong, and I don't know my mother's name. I only heard people in the village call her Su Liushi."

"Okay, I know. You lie down in the car for a while. When you're done, I'll call you down."

Zhang Tian selected the Kaiti font in the font library and projected it onto the retina display.

Then he used a laser gun to carve one word at a time on the stone tablet.

Although there were not many words, Zhang Tian carved them very slowly and carefully.

As the stone chips fell, a solemn inscription was engraved on the stone tablet.

Eunuch Zhuo Ping secretly drew this scene and copied the inscription word for word.

If possible, Zhuo Ping even wanted to make a copy and bring it back to Lin'an Prefecture to show the emperor.

These were all carved by the immortal himself, and they were of great significance.

But in this situation, he didn't dare to do anything reckless.

After returning, if the emperor is interested, he can send someone to pay homage in the name of the royal family, and then make another copy.

After everything was done, Zhang Tian brought Su'er to the tomb.

Xu Wen stood aside and recited the inscription loudly:

His father was called Su Datong, and his mother was posthumously named Su Liu. They encountered a snowstorm on the road and had no way to survive. They took off all their clothes and gave them to their daughter, hoping that Su'er could escape. Such great love moved the heaven and earth, and the immortal Zhang Tian descended to the earth and took her as his sister. This inscription is also set up to record the great love of Su's parents, so that it will not be forgotten by the world.

The signature is: Zhang Tian on behalf of Su'er, the daughter of Su.

Su'er looked sad, and tears flowed from her big eyes again. She knelt in the snow and kowtowed several times.

Zhang Tian comforted her, "Su'er, don't be sad, take care of yourself. Your parents will be very relieved to see that you are safe and sound."

"Yes, Brother Zhang Tian. I will definitely live well and will not let my parents down."

"That's good. Since you call me brother, as a junior, I will also bow to your parents."

Zhang Tian stood solemnly in front of the tomb.

A bow!


The ground shook, and the snow on the trees fell down.

A crack in the ground extended from behind the tomb to the back mountain, and the end could not be seen.


Hundreds of war horses neighed continuously, and everyone panicked and hurried to comfort them.

Niu Er shouted, "It's the earth dragon turning over, don't panic, keep an eye on the war horses. With the immortal here, what is there to be afraid of a mere earth dragon?"

The earthquake came quickly,It went quickly.

Zhang Tian looked around and saw a wide open space. It was safe unless there was a landslide or a major earthquake.

Bow twice!


The ground shook again, and the second crack appeared.

Zhang Tian straightened his back, and the earthquake disappeared.

No way? This must be a coincidence, a coincidence!

Zhang Tian was shocked. He didn't believe that his bow could be so powerful.

There was one more that he didn't bow. I didn't believe it. The third time was still the same.

Zhang Tian deliberately paused and staggered the same time interval.

Bow three times!


The same earthquake, the same crack.

Zhang Tian was shocked and couldn't help wondering, was it really caused by his bow?

Could it be that the "creator" or "world will" behind him had some kind of connection with him? Just like the lightning before?

Zhang Tian whispered: "Xiaojiu, is this earthquake a coincidence or was it caused by me?"

"Insufficient data, can't judge."

"Then turn all sensors to the maximum. I will bow again, Xiaojiu, you collect data with all your strength."

If it causes another earthquake, Zhang Tian is ready to bow dozens of times to see if he can collect enough data.

If it can prove that there is a great will in the world, or use the collected data to connect with it, it will definitely be an unprecedented discovery.

Just as he was about to move, he felt his legs tighten. Xu Wen had already hugged his thighs and cried, "Master...Master...Don't bow anymore. You are a fairy, and the Su couple are just mortals. They can't bear your gift."

Zhang Tian said angrily, "What nonsense are you talking about? Let go quickly."

Xu Wen said again, "Master, the Su couple met you and saved their daughter. It is already a great blessing. You will kill them like this."

Zhang Tian was about to kick Xu Wen away to continue the experiment, but when he saw Su'er's big black eyes full of horror, his heart softened.

He said gently, "Don't be afraid, Su'er, these are just coincidences. They will not affect your parents' reincarnation."

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