Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 365: Central Palace

"For yourself and others." Xu Chu repeated.

Zhou Yuanbin nodded, "Surrendering to Pingshan is equivalent to being loyal to Shanyu. With Mr. Xu's eloquence, if you find an opportunity to persuade him tactfully, you will definitely be able to stop this marriage."

"How to persuade?"

"This... I don't know. Mr. Xu has to find a way by himself, but no matter which method is adopted, you must be able to see the Shan Yu face to face, right? If you can't take the first step, where will the second step come from? Second step, third step?”

Xu Chu smiled and said, "Thank you very much Zhou Canjun for your hard work."

Zhou Yuanbin waved his hand, "To be honest, I also have some selfish motives. Mr. Xu surrenders to Pingshan, so naturally he doesn't need to bother to alienate our Shen family and He Rong tribe."

"If I can stop the marriage, my sister won't have to compete with Princess Tiancheng."

"Haha, the seventh sister is not worried about this matter. Princess Fangde has already offended her husband before she comes. If she comes, she will only suffer, not a threat - besides, the princess is only marrying King Zuo Shenwei, and she is not married to Shan. There is a huge gap between me and my wife.”

"What is the approximate rank of the Zuo Shenwei King in the He Rong Division?"

"Well, roughly speaking, from the first rank, there are at least ten kings above him and below Shan Yu."

Xu Chu thought for a while, "It seems I really have no choice."

"Young master Xu, there is no need to be embarrassed. Since you don't claim to be king, your allegiance is the same to anyone. Even if you become king, there will be no delay, right? Don't think about the differences between Huayi and Huayi. The strong-armed Shanyu can be called the most heroic figure in the world. He will be a wise king in the future.”

"How does it compare with King Jin?"

Zhou Yuanbin smiled and said: "Master Xu raised such a question with some evil intentions."

Xu Chu laughed and returned the remaining half of the bag of wine, "You can't drink any more."

"He Rong people like strong wine, but people from the Central Plains are usually not used to drinking it. If you stay here, Mr. Xu can drink it at any time."

"Thank you."

The two were silent for a while, then Zhou Yuanbin asked, "What do you think, Mr. Xu?"

"What 'what do you think'?"

"Master Xu, don't pretend to be confused. I just said so much, just waiting for an answer from Master Xu."

"Hmm..." Xu Chu said silently.

"I respect Mr. Xu's talents and don't want to see the Shen family become enemies with Mr. Xu. Besides, I have a good relationship with He Rongpingshan and I don't want to see him in trouble. The strong-arm Shanyu will do what he says, and he said he would be exempted from the title of king. , I will definitely do it. Although Hingshan still has a chance to fight for it, it is extremely embarrassing after all. "

"I think..." Xu Chu only said half of the words.

"What are you thinking about?"

"I'm thinking about your sister."

Zhou Yuanbin was stunned for a moment, then became displeased, "Why did Mr. Xu make such a joke?"

"Zhou Canjun misunderstood. I was thinking that my sister had a sharp eye and saw that He Rong had a bright future at a young age. It is really admirable. With all kinds of talents, it is the hardest to judge people. If my sister were a man, he would be the first. Counselor."

Zhou Yuanbin turned his anger into joy, "Of course, it is no accident that Seventh Sister got her status today."

Xu Chu nodded, "I want to see your sister."

Zhou Yuanbin was stunned again, "You'd better finish your sentence."

Xu Chu smiled and said, "Zhou Canjun is always so nervous when it comes to my sister."

"The hope of the Zhou family and the Shen family rests on her alone. Do you think I'm nervous or not?"

"I have no ulterior motives, I just want to have a few words with your sister. Zhou Canjun knows that I am also a counselor, and I always feel sympathy for other counselors."

Zhou Yuanbin frowned and said, "Let's go with the male counselor. Qimei has the ability to be a counselor, but she is not a counselor, but the eldest wife of the Shanyu. And there are differences between men and women. How can she meet you?"

"Just send a message from Zhou Canjun."

"If I don't tell you... why have you come here? Mr. Xu, my mouth is dry and my tongue is dry, and I can't even get an answer?"

"I can't give any answer until I meet your sister."

Zhou Yuanbin's patience finally came to an end. He stood up and said coldly: "Master Xu's problem is that he thinks too highly of himself. After a few lucky successes, he really thinks that he can turn things around. Do whatever you want. I have done my best to be benevolent. Let's see. You change the world, or the world changes you."

Zhou Yuanbin left immediately and came back quickly, taking away all the remaining wine and meat, showing that he was really angry.

Xu Chu had eaten and drank enough and fell down on the blanket to rest. He could vaguely see a direction, but many details were still hidden in the fog. "I must see her." Xu Chu murmured.

Early the next morning, the entire army was reorganized and was about to set off when another order was sent to camp on the spot. There would be no marching today.

Xu Chu returned to the tent. No one could talk to him, so he could only stay in a daze.

When it was nearly noon, Chang Yan entered the tent. When he saw Xu Chu, he said excitedly: "Young Master is fine. It's great."

"What can happen to me?" Xu Chu asked in surprise.

"Young master is offended... Anyway, it's fine."

"He Rongren allows you to come?"

"Yes, I said a lot of things, but I don't know what they mean. Master, what should I do now?"

"We can only wait."

Chang Yan sighed, "There is really no way."

"No one asked you to persuade me?"

"What to advise?" Chang Yanzhi looked confused.

"I'm overthinking it. Find a place to sit. He Rongren's tent is full of mats and beds."

Chang Yan sat down, "Master, do you know why He Rongren stopped?"

Xu Chu shook his head.

"I heard someone talking in Central Plains dialect, as if it was the barbarian king who caused the trouble."

"He Rongpingshan?"


"He's really having a bad time. It seems he didn't get the princess back."

The two chatted for a while, and Chang Yan went out to ask for wine and food. The wine was bad wine, and the meat was bones that had been stewed countless times. He could barely scrape off a few strands of meat with his teeth.

Even so, the two of them could still eat and kept chatting without talking about serious matters. Chang Yan had long been accustomed to having all major matters solved by the young master, so he simply didn't worry about it. He couldn't come up with any good ideas anyway.

A young He Rong man broke in with an angry look on his face. He spoke a bunch of words very fast, spitting like he was accusing something, and then turned around and left.

Chang Yan said blankly: "Master, do you understand?"

Xu Chu shook his head.

Two more He Rong soldiers entered the tent. Without saying a word, they grabbed Chang Yan's arm and dragged him out.

Chang Yan was horrified, "You asked me to come! I didn't do anything!"

Xu Chu was also surprised, stood up and said, "Whose subordinates are you?"

Probably because they didn't understand, the two soldiers didn't answer a word and just dragged people outside. Chang Yan only had time to leave one sentence: "Sir, save me..."

Xu Chu chased him out of the tent, but several servants of He Rongpingshan stopped him. One of them said in Central Plains dialect: "You can't leave."

"My entourage..."

The man shook his head and repeated, "You can't leave."

Xu Chu saw Chang Yan being taken away and had to go back to the tent. He was confused and suddenly had an idea. He understood the meaning of this and couldn't help laughing. He sat on the blanket and waited silently.

Nearly an hour later, Zhou Yuanbin came uninvited. When he entered the tent, he first looked at Xu Chu's expression. Seeing that he was very calm, he couldn't help but be a little surprised, "Isn't that person a close confidant of yours?"

"Who? Chang Yan? Well, he is from Wu. He has been following me for many days. He used to be a general, but he would rather retire with me."

"But you don't care about his life or death?"

"Chan Yu first entered the fortress, I believe he will not kill innocent people indiscriminately."

"Master Xu saw the fate of those Jin soldiers with his own eyes."

"They are not considered real soldiers of the Jin Dynasty, and they betrayed the old master and sacrificed the captives to others. They should be punished by death. Of course, crushing them to death with treasures is a bit too much. Military law is like a mountain. What it is is what it is. It cannot be set according to people. At……"

Zhou Yuanbin interrupted him, "Come with me."

"Where to go?"

"Asking knowingly." Zhou Yuanbin turned around and left the tent.

Xu Chu followed behind and was not blocked this time. He Rongpingshan's servants greeted him at the door.

Xu Chu was taken to the edge of an open space. A large group of women and old people formed a circle, all sitting on the ground, watching dozens of children taking turns shooting arrows.

Shanyu's eldest wife was also there, sitting on a blanket. The twins, who were not yet able to draw their bows, each held a short blunt arrow in their hands and shouted hoarsely at the field.

The eldest wife looked at her two sons dotingly, and occasionally talked to the people on both sides, all in Heronese, talking and laughing freely.

Xu Chu and Zhou Yuanbin were sitting at the back, huddled together with several old men.

The eldest wife came over sideways, looked at Xu Chu for a few times, and said, "These people can't understand Zhongyuan dialect. Mr. Xu can speak as he pleases."

"Mr. Yan is thoughtful."

The eldest wife smiled and said: "We don't need this title anymore. Mr. Xu can call me 'Zhonggong'."

"The palace has not forgotten the customs of my hometown."

"I am doing as the Romans do. Mr. Xu doesn't have to worry about his entourage. He has been well placed."

"Thank you, Zhonggong."

"It's just a follower. He Rongbu can't take it out on him, but Princess Tiancheng is different. Her status is too high and what she did is too excessive and cannot be forgiven."

"So she'd better not come."

The eldest wife pulled her two sons back to her side as they were about to crawl away, "What do you want Mr. Xu to say?"


"Yuan Bin is just like my brother. If you can't say it in front of him, Mr. Xu doesn't have to say it."

Zhou Yuanbin smiled and did not interrupt.

Xu Chu glanced to the left and right, "Has the Shanyu left the camp?"

The eldest wife said: "Young master Xu, there is no need to beat around the bush, Shanyu did leave the camp and lead a large army to Yuyang, because Princess Tiancheng caused a big trouble for me."

"She detained He Rongpingshan?"

"Master Xu really knows this little princess."

"Just a casual guess, He Rongpingshan had a large army at his back, so he thought he could get the princess back without bringing too many soldiers, so he rode into the city lightly..."

"This time I don't blame Pingshan. It's because the Tiancheng court was too treacherous. They sent people to say they were willing to hand over the princess, but it turned out to be a trap. Chanyu went to rescue people, but he would not attack the city. Instead, he led his troops to bypass Yuyang and directly Go to the emperor to settle accounts."

"Go straight to the core, Chanyu really knows how to fight."

"None of these things have anything to do with you."

Xu Chu was silent for a while, "Except for Zhou Canjun, is it true that no one here can understand Zhongyuan dialect?"

"Yes." The eldest wife looked around, "I recognize everyone here."

Xu Chu looked at Zhou Yuanbin, "Zhou Shenjun really wants to listen?"

Zhou Yuanbin's face darkened, "How long will Mr. Xu keep his secrets?"

Xu Chu smiled and said: "That's it." Then he said sternly to Shanyu's eldest wife: "Since Zhonggong allows me to speak freely, I will not be polite. I asked to see Zhonggong just to ask: How did old Shan die? of?"

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