Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 174 Newly Married

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Xue Liujia was uncharacteristically uncharacteristic and did not put on the airs of an ancestor. He came to the gate in person, greeted the guests, and said some auspicious words with a smile. No matter how he looked at it, he was no different from the father who loved to marry his daughter.

But after all, he is the king of the world and does not have to abide by secular rules. He not only plays host to his son-in-law's house, but also accepts gifts from many guests, as if he is the male master of the house and is marrying his daughter-in-law.

All the kings came at the same time, and Xue Liujia stepped down to greet them. He held his hands one by one and said with a smile: "Tomorrow is the New Year, and today is getting married. Good things happen one after another. I feel a little embarrassed. You guys are too polite, and they bring such Many gifts. Please come in, we won’t talk about military affairs today, just drink.”

The kings took turns congratulating each other. After entering the gate, they congratulated King Wu again.

Xu Chu put on new clothes, which made him even more handsome. The guests praised him, and several women even felt sorry for him, "Such a good man actually wants to marry that little devil."

"Shh, watch your mouth, be careful...Fortunately, that person is not here."

At the beginning of the lanterns, Huang Tieniang personally escorted her daughter to the General's Mansion. This was a unique send-off procession. There was no drum music, but there was a group of female soldiers wearing armor and holding swords and guns to escort the bride. The bride did not wear red makeup, but a bright silver armor. , on the contrary, it is the mother of the bride, dressed in red and green, quite festive.

I don’t know where she found that bright silver armor. When Xue Jinyao wore it, it fit perfectly, as if it was specially customized for her.

Many female relatives of generals lined the streets to greet him. They were surprised and amused in their hearts, but they kept praising them.

Xue Liujia was surprised when he saw his daughter's appearance, "Daughter, you are getting married, not going to war."

Xue Jinyao touched the armor on his body and said, "I like this outfit. I will wear it every day in the future."

Xue Liujia frowned, and Huang Tieniang said: "Today is a good day for my good daughter. She has the final say in everything."

"Okay, wear it if you want. Good wife, why are you dressed like this? Do you really want to worship heaven and earth with me again?"

"Go, I think this dress looks good. If my daughter doesn't wear it, it would be a pity to throw it away, so I wear it. What, you don't think it looks good?"

"I'm worried that the good wife's outfit will steal the limelight from my good daughter."

Huang Tieniang smiled, "How can I? I heard from people in the palace that my daughter's silver helmet is the only one in the world. There is not even an emperor who has escaped. Who can steal my daughter's limelight? Look at these silver pieces and silver threads. Not adulterated at all..."

"It's good. You don't have to worry about running out of money anymore. You must have a few hundred taels for this one, right? Come in quickly, everyone is waiting."

Xu Chu was also surprised when he saw the shining bride. He stepped forward to greet her with a smile, and called Huang Tieniang "mother-in-law" instead. He didn't know what to call Xue Jinyao, so he nodded.

Xue Jinyao returned the gift and looked up and down, "Your body is not worthy of me."

"My lady's silver armor is very rare and hard to match."

Relatives and friends of the Xue family gathered around and praised the bride as being unparalleled in heaven and earth, while the groom became a foil.

Huang Tieniang looked around and asked Xu Chu, "Who is your biological mother?"

Xu Chu said: "My mother's surname is Xu. Mrs. Lan here is not my biological mother. Since I changed my surname, I have no relationship with the Lou family."

"It doesn't matter. If we want to get married here, doesn't that mean we are occupying a house? Go and invite her here. She will be your biological mother tonight. It won't be too late to break up tomorrow. Wait, I'll go and invite her in person. Others can't speak and will scare my biological mother." Here.”

Someone called the servants in the mansion and took Huang Tieniang to the backyard. Not even the King of the World dared to stop her, let alone Xu Chu.

Xu Chu just wanted to please the Xue family tonight and let them do whatever they wanted.

The wedding was so hasty that no one dared to be the master of ceremonies. Xue Liujia personally acted as the master of ceremonies. He would shout this and that, and everyone was running around. It was a mess inside and outside the hall, but it was very lively and not restrained at all.

The kings were also walking around among the crowd. When they met the King of Wu, they held hands in congratulations and winked, wanting to know his intentions: Is this wedding true or false? Are there any other arrangements?

Tan Wuwei pulled Xu Chu aside and said seriously: "I'm a little confused. Although Dongdu is the most famous city in the world, it is only one city and is still far away from pacifying the world. Why does everyone seem to be done? We celebrated yesterday and celebrated again today, but no one is talking about business. Now that the kings and soldiers are under the command of King Wu, you should make the decision..."

"Second brother, I'll leave later. I have something to tell you."

Mrs. Lan was invited out, and Xu Chu had to greet her.

Mrs. Lan had a smile on her face and had no intention of being forced. Although she didn't say much, she kept in touch with her. She and Huang Tieniang seemed to be old sisters who had known each other for many years.

Seeing Xu Chu, Huang Tieniang smiled and said: "My mother-in-law is a good person, but you don't recognize her. You are really blind."

"Family matters are difficult to deal with." Xu Chu handed over to the two of them.

The name of the general's wife is quite attractive. The generals don't know etiquette, so they squeeze over to look, nod or shake their heads. The female relatives get closer and even raise their hands to touch Mrs. Lan's clothes.

Huang Tieniang scolded her, chased away the onlookers, and shouted to her husband: "My mother-in-law is here, let's get started. What are you waiting for?"

"The auspicious time has arrived. The guests have returned to their seats and the newlyweds have come forward." Xue Liujia waved his stick and danced wildly, driving everyone away and clearing an open space.

There were no rules in this wedding. Everything was decided by Xue Liujia on the spur of the moment. He asked his wife to stand in the middle, and he and Mrs. Lan stood on each side. He read aloud a specious self-made scripture, and led everyone to kneel down and worship for thirty-three days. of Maitreya Buddha.

Mrs. Lan, who was surprisingly easy to talk to, also knelt down. Huang Tieniang became more and more satisfied, took one of Mrs. Lan's arms, and knelt down with her.

Xue Liujia also talked about the hard work of starting a business and encouraged the kings and generals to work together. Then he called a couple and asked them to pray to Maitreya first, to heaven and earth secondly, to parents thirdly, to relatives and friends fourthly, and to each other fifthly, two more times. , and no one dares to laugh.

Xue Liujia kept his promise and immediately announced his decision as soon as the ceremony was over: "I am very happy tonight. Not only is my good daughter getting married, I also have a disciple. I have many disciples and grandchildren, and many of them are coming tonight. But this time I am recruiting a disciple. This is the last time. I have received a revelation from Master Maitreya. He has taken a liking to this person and wants me to teach him the secret method and mantle. Needless to say, you know who he is. Right? It’s not you anyway, Xue Xiaoyi, your elm head can’t even be knocked off by my stick.”

Everyone laughed, but they were extremely surprised. They usually didn't realize that King Wu was highly appreciated, but suddenly everything good happened to him.

Xu Chu took two steps forward. Xue Liujia held the stick with both hands and handed it over. He did not let go immediately and sighed: "This stick is a sacred object. You must cherish it. When Maitreya comes to the world, the sacred stick goes first. Holding this stick in his hand, he goes up If you beat the king unconscious, you will be disrespectful to the people. If you lose this stick, you will be killed, and the ancestors of the ninth generation will be harmed."

"The ancestor taught it, and the boy will protect it with his life."

The Emperor-killing Rod has a great reputation among the descendants of the Army. It is almost the incarnation of the descendant king. Others have only been beaten by it, and only a few people have touched it. Tonight, it was actually given to King Wu, and everyone was shocked. I was so shocked that I couldn't even say congratulations.

Xue Liujia gritted his teeth, finally let go, and loudly said to everyone: "From now on, when you see the King of Wu, it will be the same as when you see me. If you are slightly disrespectful, you will be punished by the magic stick, and you will be responsible for your own death or injury. Don't come to me to complain."

Only then did everyone react and started congratulating each other.

The wedding banquet was set up with hundreds of tables, extending from the hall to the street outside the gate. There were mountains of wine and meat, many of the meat had not even thawed, and the wine was cold, but it did not affect the enthusiasm of everyone at all. The men ate and drank , women compete with each other to put food in their pockets.

Xu Chu held the magic stick and went around toasting with Xue Jinyao. The bride was more generous and drank like water. The relatives and friends of the Xue family were a little afraid of her, so they would definitely get up to pay tribute and praise a few words, but did not dare to say too much.

Xu Chu's thoughts were not on his mind. He smiled and quietly observed the people around him, especially the kings.

Ning Baoguan and his wife Niu Tiannu sat together. The couple remained calm, neither chatting with others nor communicating with each other. It seemed that they had not fought yet.

King Jin sat with his generals, bowing their heads and drinking slowly, also silent.

Gan Zhao was relatively familiar with the Xue family, and they toasted each other without any grudges.

Ma Wei drank heavily and ordered his subordinates to drink too. His demeanor was very different from usual.

Only General Wu was truly happy, thinking that the revival of Wu State was just around the corner.

Huang Tieniang shouted from a distance: "Okay, okay, stop drinking and go to the bridal chamber."

A group of women hugged the groom and bride to the bridal chamber.

Xue Liujia chose the bridal chamber. He only wanted the space to be large, regardless of the use. He chose a side hall with a bed that was brought in. The room was filled with candles, both red and white, and there was also a table of wine and meat, which was also piled high. There was a hill full of whole chickens and whole pig knuckles, some of which were still raw and dripping water on the ground.

After the door closed, Xu Chu thought of this question for the first time: Do he really want to have a bridal chamber with the daughter of the King of the World?

Everything he did was to stabilize the situation and make the King of the World and the kings suspicious of each other, but they would not immediately break up with each other to buy time to wait for the change he expected.

To do this, he ignored many details.

Although Xue Jinyao is a teenage girl, she has never understood what it means to be shy. She took off her helmet, pulled her hair into a bun like a man, turned around and said, "Come here and help me."

Putting on the armor was troublesome, and taking it off was even more troublesome. Xu Chu stepped forward to help. It took him a while to remove all the armor pieces, and piled them on the chair next to the table, which was higher than the wine and meat.

Xue Jinyao was wearing a lavender dress, looking a little bit charming, but her expression was still so cold. She sat down on another chair without any makeup, twisted her neck, and said, "What are you going to do?"

"What to do?"

"The bridal chamber."

"'s up to you."

"I heard someone said you had a wife."

"Yes, it's also in this mansion."

Xue Jinyao frowned, "Do you like her?"

Xu Chu shook his head, "She divorced me, but no one recognized her, so we are still husband and wife."

Xue Jinyao was stunned for a moment, then laughed casually, "Interesting, if you disobey me in the future, I will also divorce you. So, you don't understand the bridal chamber?"

Xu Chu shook his head again. On a wedding night, someone had to be shy, and it seemed that it could only be him.

Xue Jinyao thought for a while, "I want to set three rules."

"Please tell me."

"First of all, I am marrying you, not you marrying me."


"Well, secondly, you have to give the magic rod to me. It belongs to my family and cannot be given to outsiders."

Xu Chu glanced at the magic stick in his hand and said, "I swear in front of my father-in-law that I will protect the magic stick with my life and not to hand it over. Madam, please tell me the third rule."

"Don't call me madam, call me Xue Jinyao or Jin Yao. If you don't agree with the second one, there's no need to talk about the third one." Xue Jinyao took out a dagger from his arms and stabbed it on the table, "I'll say it again, God The rod is mine.”

"What do you want it for?"

"Go back to Qinzhou."


"My father has gone astray. I foresaw that the Advent Army would perish in the Eastern Capital. Only by bringing the magic stick back to Qinzhou, my hometown, can we regain the protection of Maitreya."

Xu Chu did not expect that he would marry a female stick woman.

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