A few days later, in the sea of the nations, a merchant ship slowly passed by the satellite islands guarding Cake Island.

These satellite islands have very interesting island names and landforms.

Cocoa Island, a chocolate-themed island, is managed by the Minister of Chocolate, Lola.

Jam Island, a jam-themed island. Located to the west of Cake Island. Managed by the Minister of Jam, Duckworth.

Nut Island, a nut-themed island. Located to the west of Cake Island. Managed by the Minister of Nuts, Armand.

Cheese Island, a cheese-themed island. Located to the west of Cake Island. Managed by the Minister of Cheese, Mondor.

Biscuit Island, a biscuit-themed island. Located to the northwest of Cake Island. Managed by the Minister of Biscuits, Cracker.

Candy Island, a candy-themed island. Located to the southwest of Cake Island. Managed by the Minister of Candy, Perospero.

In addition, Cake Island, as the capital of the country, is made up of large cakes and creams, and its appearance is like a multi-layered thousand-layer cake.

The entire Wan Guo is just like a fairy tale country, and of course, many of the people living there are as vicious as old witches.

After enjoying the scenery along the way, Sal, who had put on makeup, was chatting with an old merchant ship captain, asking for more information about Wan Guo intentionally or unintentionally.

"Mr. Watson, what do you think of doing business in Wan Guo?"

The old man had a very happy chat with Sal during this journey. Although he guessed that Sal might be some kind of big shot, some superficial information would not cause the other party to implicate him.

"Mr. Holmes, it is actually OK to live and do business in Wanoku. Although the Big Mom Pirates are a mixed bag, as long as you behave yourself, you will at most be bullied a little, and generally you will not lose your life. If you encounter the Five Emperors, it will be very dangerous if Big Mom has food cravings."

"Oh, how dangerous is it?"

Thinking of the horrific scene of Charlotte Lingling's illness, the old man warned with a terrified face.

"If you encounter Charlotte Linling having an attack of bulimia, you must run as far as possible.

Once when I was delivering desserts to Cake Island, I happened to encounter Charlotte Linling having an attack.

More than half of my employees were killed or injured just by being affected.

I heard that the Five Emperors’ Big Mom even killed one of her own sons.

"She even killed her own son.

It seems that there is really no possibility of communication when Charlotte Linling has an attack.

She can only be suppressed by force.

Katakuri usually prevents her from going crazy.

However, it seems that the lives of ordinary people in the Ten Thousand Kingdoms are at least better than those in the Wano Kingdom.

As long as they don't offend pirates, they can still have enough food and clothing.

Among the former Four Emperors, only Charlotte Linling truly established a country. Kaido, who invaded the Wano Kingdom one after another, only handed over ordinary affairs to Orochi to manage.

The old man may have noticed that Sal didn't take it seriously, and hurriedly warned again.

"Young man, don't think I'm trying to scare you. The Five Emperors are the strongest beings in the entire ocean. If Big Mom goes crazy at this wedding banquet, even if you are a great pirate, you may end up on Cake Island."

""Well, I see. Thank you Watson for your warning."

Sal's indifferent reply made the old man shake his head. He had encountered too many pretentious pirates while doing business in the New World. These people were often either recruited or died.

Soon the merchant ship arrived at the port of Cake Island, and a group of people were standing at the port, as if they were waiting for some big shots.

When the captain saw the people at the port, he was shocked and said

"Even the four generals sent out three people, Charlotte Katakuri, Charlotte Smoothie, and Charlotte Cracker. I wonder who they are waiting for?"When the three generals join forces, they can even compete with the admirals. This is a recognized fact on the sea.

Sal was a little surprised that they sent out three generals. He didn't know if the other party was here for what he guessed, so he joked.

"Maybe he's waiting for me."

The old man covered Sal's mouth when he heard such arrogant words, and looked around vigilantly, waiting to confirm that there were no strange creatures before speaking.

"Don't say such things after you land on Cake Island. There are many objects on Cake Island that are endowed with life. If you say bad things about the Big Mom Pirates in front of them, it will be reported to Charlotte Linlin. Someone was once reported by these monsters and executed."

Sal nodded seriously.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything stupid."

It turns out that objects endowed with life can also act as guards. Think about it, the entire island is filled with lives created by Charlotte Linlin, so it should be impossible to sneak into Cake Island.

Sal would not refuse the old man's kindness. He might make a big fuss when he came to Wan Guo, but he might just attend the wedding. As for the result, it depends on Linlin's attitude.

The ship docked, Katakuri had already led his brothers and sisters to the front of the ship. The huge crowd frightened the old man and the workers so much that they froze in place.

When Captain Watson saw the leading few people boarding the ship, he felt that his act of transporting smuggled goods was exposed, as if death was not far away from them.

Just when Watson wanted to surrender, Sal suddenly patted him on the shoulder from behind and said with a smile.

"Don't worry too much, it seems they are here to pick me up."

The old man felt a warm breeze dispelling his fear, and immediately stared at the conversation between Thrall and Katakuri with wide eyes.

Thrall walked to the three generals alone, without any thought that he might be surrounded by them.

"Katakuri, are you here to pick me up?

Katakuri nodded expressionlessly.

"That's right, since Pirate King Roger can accept my mother's invitation to attend the banquet, of course we have to treat you with the highest standard of etiquette. Distinguished guest, please follow me. My mother has arranged activities to satisfy Mr. Roger."

The so-called highest standard of etiquette cannot be taken seriously at all. Smoothie and Cracker's tense muscles showed that they were afraid that they would cause trouble instead of welcoming them, so they took him away quickly.

Obviously, even Charlotte Linlin was very afraid of the big things that Sal had caused in the past few months.

Although he was"misunderstood", Sal did not lose his temper. The guests should at least give the host some face.

A group of people left in astonishment. After Sal and the others disappeared in the car, the old man came back to his senses after being patted by the employee. He stared at his patted shoulder with wide eyes, then pointed in the direction where everyone left and said in a lost voice

"He turned out to be Roger, the Pirate King, the leader of the Five Emperors. Such a big shot talked to me for several hours. Haha, I finally have something to brag about to my grandson."

A sailor secretly reminded the captain

"Captain, the Pirate King didn't seem to pay the freight. He said he would pay two-thirds of it when we arrived."


Watson's face froze instantly. In the New World, it was very dangerous to let outsiders board the ship temporarily. The reason why he let Sal board the ship was because his family was strong and the money Sal gave was too much.

Under the gaze of the crew, old man Watson took out a gem and said

"How could Lord Roger do something that would be useless without money? This gem was given to me by him, which is far more than the original ship fare. Now that I think about it, I made a profit, hahahaha."

Although he was taken advantage of for free, he couldn't tell anyone........

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