Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 96 Thank you for calling the navy for me

"Colonel Dado? I am King Bekoli of the Kingdom of Solbe. Now a group of lawless elements are seducing my people. I suspect they are pirates!

We need the help of the navy, otherwise the factory may not be able to start on time!"

Bekoli deleted most of the content that was unfavorable to him, and fabricated some facts at will, and began to talk nonsense.

In his mouth, population migration has become a pirate robbery.

"I will not regret what I promised you before. After this is done, I will give you a big gift."

At the same time, in the 95th branch of the navy, the navy called Colonel Dado looked at the Den Den Mushi awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

"Colonel Dado? Why don't you speak?"

"Ah, nothing, I will take people over right away, King Bekoli, you can rest assured."

Dado hung up the Den Den Mushi after saying that. Bekoli's attitude was considered polite. Generally speaking, the king of the allied country does not need to be so polite to the general navy.

But not long after Bekoli took the throne, although Dado was only a colonel of a nearby branch, he had real military power and could order the navy of this branch to act nearby.

He was so polite so that he could ask the navy to help suppress any turmoil in the country in time.

Having prepared his own back-up plan, Bekoli immediately led the guards to the direction of the factory, and in the 95th branch, Dado felt a little uneasy at this time.

"Colonel Dodori, this is just normal social interaction, you have to understand me.

After all, he is the king of a member country, I can't just reject him."

Also a colonel, Dado was sweating profusely at this time, because Dodori in front of him was a colonel of the Navy Headquarters.

The G branch navy of the Grand Line is at the same level as the headquarters, but the navy of the four seas is naturally three levels lower than the headquarters, which is a gap caused by the strength of the sea area.

In the Four Seas, the colonel is basically the highest military rank. Only a few people can reach the position of brigadier general. However, the brigadier general of the Four Seas branch generally means no hope of promotion. They can only retire in the Four Seas for the rest of their lives. At the same time, this is also the highest military rank in the Four Seas.

Compared with Dado, Dodori can be said to have a bright future.

Dado can become a colonel because he can only be a colonel. Dodori is a colonel of the headquarters because he has just graduated from Zefa's special training camp and lacks merits for promotion.

If Dodori writes a letter of complaint to the headquarters, he will be finished.

The Four Seas is indeed a weak area under the jurisdiction of the Navy. There are many guys who harbor filth, but it is not yet the era of great pirates. The overall quality should be stronger.

And even if they can't see it, if no one covers it up and it is really reported to the top, they will still be dealt with by the inspectors sent by the headquarters.

"It's okay, Colonel Dado, you don't have to explain this to me. It just happens that my mission is to go to the Kingdom of Solbe to deal with some trivial matters. Let's go together."

"Okay, then let's go."

Dado's reason is very reasonable. Dado has no possibility of refusing. He can only pray to God that Bekoli can be normal.

He is the king of a member country. There are less than 200 kings in office in the world. If something goes wrong, there is still a chance to save it, but I can't.

At the same time, in the Kingdom of Solbe, Ginny is still repeating the explanation.

"Is there anyone else! This is the last chance. If you don't sign up, you will have no chance!

The nature of the work will not change, but the salary will double. The new king here will not give you this opportunity. He is thinking about exploiting you!"

At any time, contrast can better arouse emotional resonance. Simply promoting the welfare after relocation is not obvious, but with Bekoli as a comparison, everything is much simpler.

If it was during the time of Bulldog, the public would still doubt these words, but after Beckley came to power, his various stingy performances have made some citizens lose confidence in him.

"But you have to think clearly. We are going to a new island in the Grand Line. There is nothing there. It will be very hard in the early stage. I can guarantee that your gains will be worthwhile, but the process will not be smooth sailing!"

Oran does not need all these people to have a strong spirit of resistance. After all, he is not going to directly pull these people to rebel, but he needs some people with a constructive heart, not those who are like Den Den Mushi, who are bent on lying down.

Instead of deceiving them and letting these people complain, it is better to make it clear in advance.

The rest of the people did not react much. Ginny had said similar words for several days. Those who had ideas had already taken action a few days ago, and now their luggage has been almost packed.

If they have to endure hardships in the early stage, then when the construction starts, they will be veterans. If they can become foremen, they will be much better than ordinary workers. Compared with hardship, most people are more afraid of poverty.

Many pirates go out to sea these days because they can no longer survive in their impoverished hometowns. Under the lure of profit, there are still many who respond.

"Olan, I guess there are not many people left. Including their families, there are only about 300 people."

Seeing that no one responded, Ginny returned to the lounge next to the factory. It was time for morning tea.

Originally, she did not have this process in her life, but Leliana did. In addition to the daily three meals, Leliana also had two afternoon teas and a midnight snack during the training.

This living habit made Ginny very agree, and she soon became friends with Leliana.

"Hmm~ Delicious, Orlan, your daughter lives a happy life. She can eat a full stomach every day with such a big appetite."

The happiness of Bear is to see everyone happy. Ginny's happiness is actually simpler, just to eat a full stomach, which is not an easy thing for her with a big appetite.

"Aren't you and Bear living a good life? Could it be that Bear has let you starve all these years?"

"That's not the case. Bear would rather not eat himself than let me eat more. Besides, after your factory has improved, it is still no problem to eat a full stomach, but it's not as exquisite as you. What are you reading?"

"In the recent newspapers, Morgans probably has nothing to say about the news. Even last year's events have been turned up."

[The remnants of Wald are still on the run, and the execution of the navy needs to be discussed. 】

The captain of the Wald Pirates is Bondi Wald, known as the World Destroyer, with a bounty of 200 million Baileys, and he is a very difficult character.

However, last year, agents sent by the World Government successfully infiltrated the pirate group and stabbed Wald in the back when Wald was fighting the navy. At this time, Wald had been arrested and imprisoned, and only the remaining cadres were still on the run.

Morgans always fabricated big news when there was no big news, but it was easier to attract attention by making up rumors about people who were already well-known than to fabricate them out of thin air.

"Morgans? Now I remember, he is the reporter that Ivan dislikes very much. His newspaper is too much nonsense, but he writes short stories well."

"It's still a little short. He hasn't mastered the essence of fabrication. He should create a tragic character.

See the playboy die of loyalty, the conspirator die of loyalty, the thief die of dedication, the selfish die of sacrifice, the sunflower die before dawn, and the weeds die in the wind that no one cares about.

This is the only way to attract people's attention and finally write a continuous story."

"Olan, why don't you start a newspaper? I think you will definitely do better than Morgans."

What Oran said next aroused Ginny's interest. Although there was no specific content, the framework was indeed more interesting than the news compiled by Morgans.

"Maybe I will do it in the future. I don't have the energy now. There are too many things to consider when running those things."

"Olan! It's the Kingdom Army. Bekoli and his men have surrounded this place!"

While Oran and Ginny were chatting, Xiong ran in hurriedly.

【Pirates inside, listen! You have illegally kidnapped Solbe citizens and have violated the laws of the Solbe Kingdom! Release the hostages now. You still have a chance to escape before the navy arrives! 】

Becoli's staff held an iron loudspeaker and shouted incomprehensible words in Oran's ears.

The definition of pirates in this sea is actually very broad. Generally speaking, if the king of a member country or the head of a naval base slanders you as a pirate, it is basically impossible to clear your name.

If you surrender, you will basically have no chance to explain.

If you resist, attack the navy and member countries, which will confirm your identity as a pirate. The world government will not invest energy in such a small role.

Becoli played a set of tricks, first turning himself from an evil exploiter into a righteous savior.

"This guy is really talking nonsense."

Putting down the newspaper in his hand, Oran sat up helplessly. He was not worried about not being able to clear his identity. He was a friendly partner of the navy. If he was really hit with a pirate bounty order, the navy would probably have to apologize to him first.

However, Bekoli's move aroused Oran's interest. He wanted to see what other tricks this guy could play.

"How is it possible! There are no pirates here! What nonsense are you talking about!"

"That's right, we all voluntarily followed the factory director to leave, don't talk nonsense!"

Several backbones of the factory were the first to make up their minds to leave with Oran and others, so Ginny entrusted them to manage other people who wanted to leave and help maintain order.

However, Bekoli did not hear these protests. Instead, he said very coldly: "There are many pirates. Let's kill a few pirates first. This is also for the greater good. After all, I have to protect my people."

"Wait, King Bekoli! Those people are civilians!"

"I said to kill the pirates, don't you understand?"


A muffled sound came, and King Bekoli suddenly flew backwards, and a silver fist stayed where Bekoli was originally standing.

"Where did you come from, you idiot? Does King Bulldog have a relative like you?"

Olan shook his arms. He didn't quite understand how such an idiot could replace Bulldog and succeed to the throne here.

"What are you still standing there for? This guy attacked the royal family. He is an out-and-out pirate! The navy is here too. You are finished!"

Although he was punched, Bekoli was a little happy. With this punch, he felt that he could confirm the other party's identity as a pirate, especially when he saw the navy approaching the shore, Bekoli felt that he had accomplished a great thing.

But after that, what happened was beyond his understanding.

"Dr. Sidilier, do you need help?"

The navy that came from afar did not cooperate with his actions, but saluted Oran instead.

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