Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 91 How about you and BIGMOM take the measurement?

Chapter 91 How about you and Big Mom take a look?

Not long ago, Coral Hill.

Located in the southeast of Fishman Island, it is the most prosperous area of ​​the Dragon Palace Kingdom and also has a mermaid cafe.

It was not Charlie who opened the Mermaid Cafe in the original timeline. The owner of this shop was a male mermaid.

Due to its excellent dessert craftsmanship, this cafe is somewhat famous in Fishman Island, but the main customers are mermaids, and Otohime is also a regular customer here.

"I want a cup of Coral Coffee, what about you? The food in this store is good, but there is no fish or meat. Miss Kate, would you like to try the grilled scallops? The oyster chowder is also good."

Mermaids do not eat meat or fish, and the shops do not operate. The protein intake of this group basically depends on shellfish. In the mermaid's concept, shellfish is an edible animal.

"Let's all have one. In addition, we want all the desserts in the store. Miss Otohime, you don't have to pay. Meow will pay for it, otherwise you will go bankrupt."

Kate stopped Otohime's idea of ​​paying. Oran's various researches accounted for the largest proportion of funds in their lives. Sometimes the funds for purchasing new equipment were in hundreds of millions.

The technology trees on the sea are inherently uneven. If you want to purchase this kind of equipment, you have to look for industrial islands and future islands. Coupled with the cost of sea transportation, the price has never been low.

Most of the royalties Oran earned from Feld were plowed back into new research.

The second most expensive item is Terra and Leliana's diet. A dragon plus a big eater, the food intake of one person and one dragon is shameful.

That is to say, the situation of the Big Mom Pirates is special. Otherwise, Leliana would let her stomach go and eat, which would cause the banquet to be terminated halfway.

Looking at her wallet, Otohime gave up the idea of ​​paying the bill. She had no choice but her strength.

"Sister Kate, can you buy some of this candy? The taste is different from the ones on land."

Leliana also became interested in the sugar cubes on the table. They were also white cubes, but they had a strange umami taste.

"Our customers have good taste. That's the special product of Fish-Man Island, algae. If you want it, I'll give you the rest in the store."

The boss had just put up the sign saying he was closed for business. With the amount of purchases made by Kate and the others, he no longer had the energy to do other business today.

After hearing what Leliana said, she also gave some gifts.

Due to the geographical environment, there is no sugar cane on Fishman Island. Sugar beets and other raw materials for making sugar are replaced by a special kind of seaweed. It is the sugar made from this seaweed that makes the desserts on Fishman Island unique. flavor.

"Thank you boss, you're welcome."

Not only this one shop, but all the dessert shops in Fishman Island today have gone through such a robbery. The final purchased items were gradually included in the book by Olan, creating a book of desserts.

Otohime was drinking bitter coffee and thinking about a philosophical question of life.

Leliana's smile was very sweet. Maybe in her eyes, mermaids and fishmen were just some strange uncles and aunts, but if someone spread evil thoughts to her at this time, her cognition might also be misinterpreted.

"With a good start, things will get better in the future. Races should not live with hatred."

What Otohime strives for is never the present, but the future. Just when she felt that she had taken a good step, she was suddenly poured cold water on her.

【Help. It’s so dark, please help me.】

Otohime suddenly felt a cry for help.

Jingle bell bell~

The doorbell welcoming guests at the door rang a series of times. First, Otohime disappeared, then Leliana followed, and finally Kate, who was protecting Leliana.

When the boss returned to the front desk again, there was no one in the store.

If Kate hadn't paid the deposit in advance, the boss's mentality would have collapsed.

"Please wait!"

Otohime opened her arms and stopped in front of a small cart transporting supplies, causing several people and a fishman who were transporting the goods to stop, and also attracted the attention of the people around them.

A man sitting on the cargo box looked over impatiently and reached out to fumble for something behind his back, but was held down by someone on the side.

"Don't be so impatient. This is a downtown area. If you attract the Sea King's army, you'll be in trouble."

Both Fishman Island and Sky Island have so-called immigration inspections. If you enter illegally, you will be pursued by local forces.

It's just that the entry inspection at Fish-Man Island is a bit in vain. Pirate ships will indeed enter through the entrance in accordance with regulations, but that is because intrusion from the outside can easily cause the bubble wrap of the hull to break, eventually causing damage to the ship.

Moreover, after entering the country, it is not certain what these people will do. Usually, before preparing to leave the country, they will do whatever it takes to make a fortune.

The chaos on Fish-Man Island at this time has not yet reached the chaos that started in the Great Pirate Era. The pirates are still a little restrained and are unwilling to make too much noise. Otherwise, they will be chased by the King of the Sea in the deep sea. Too much to take.

"Nuno, drive her away. We are leaving. We don't want to cause any complications."

"Okay Master Chris, but what I promised before."

"We'll give you the money when we leave, no nonsense, hurry up."


A fishman walked towards Otohime driven by Chris.

"Hey, little girl, don't block the road, get out of the way."

"You guys release the people in the box first. I've already notified the Sea King Army. If you release the people now, it's still too late to escape."

Ordinary people will not notice what is in the box, even the strong ones with observation Haki. Normal people will not keep their observation Haki on for 24 hours to be alert to everything.

Even if there is paranoia, it will only strengthen their perception of crisis, but Otohime's observation Haki is special, and her strong emotional reaction cannot escape her perception at all.

She can feel the panic and help from the box, and can also sense the tension of Nuno in front of her.

"Why do you do this? They are your people. What can you gain by betraying your people? Stop it, it's not too late now."

"What are you talking about? What people? I'm just their guide."

Nuno's tone became a little flustered, and he found a reason to explain casually. At this time, there was another urging voice behind him.

"Hurry up, our ship should return!"

"Get out of the way."


The quarrel here has begun to attract the attention of other people around, but most of them choose to retreat to the surroundings, and the doors of some shops are also closed, for fear of being involved in trouble.

This is the norm in Fishman Island now. Only a few people fight with human traffickers like Shaq. Most people choose to watch coldly, and at most notify the Sea King Army. It is this atmosphere that has encouraged the arrogance of the lawless elements here.

Nuno knew very well that if it dragged on, the Sea King Army would really come here. Seeing that only Otohime was blocking them, a murderous intention rose in his heart.

"Get out of here!"

Nuno grabbed Otohime's arm and pulled it to the side. If Otohime was not moving in the air with bubbles blown by bubble coral, she would probably break her bones directly. It was at this time that Leliana, who followed out of curiosity, supported Otohime.

"Master Chris, let's go. The people who are in the way have been driven aside."

His peripheral vision swept over Otohime and saw Leliana, who was a human. Nuno's guilt suddenly dissipated a lot.

[Isn't this the same as me? We are all in contact with humans. Why are you pretending to be noble? Are you afraid that I will steal her business? 】

Nuno did not notice that Leliana looked at him unkindly now.

Today, Leliana's concept is still very simple, and she has not yet understood the complexity of the adult world.

Her father is a good man, the person who invited her to eat is a good man, and her father's friends are good people, that's all.

Nuo Nu also did not notice that there was a lot of mercury flowing in the gaps between the reefs and corals under his feet, and he did not notice that a finger flashing with electricity was pointing at their heads not far away.

"Olan, don't you want to intervene?"

"Let's see first, Leli needs to grow up, and some experience is also necessary."

Flowers raised in greenhouses cannot withstand wind and rain. The environment of this sea is very cruel. Living in this sea, some things will be experienced sooner or later.

Leliana's upper limit is extremely high. She is undoubtedly a person who can stand at the top of the world, but before she grows up, she still needs some help. The mercury spreading through the gaps in the reefs is an example.

Although that is Zach's ability, Orlan can accomplish this by manipulating Zach.

"Sister Otohime, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Riley, don't go over there, just wait for the Sea King Army to arrive."

Otohime has seen Riliana bending an iron rod with her bare hands, but she still treats Riliana as a child.

She hopes for racial equality and is willing to work hard for it, but she won't order others around. No matter what, she will be the first to do it, even if it is very dangerous.

At least the people of this country are still willing to believe in the Sea King Army. If the country's army loses the trust of the people, the existence of the country will become precarious.

It's just that Riliana sometimes doesn't listen to others completely. The group didn't want to get entangled here, and wanted to leave here by pulling the cart, but in the end they found that the cart was stuck and couldn't move at all.

The person called Chris looked back and saw a little girl pulling the rear of the cart with one hand.

"Little devil, let go!"

While saying this, he looked around vigilantly. There were a lot of goods on the cart, and a mermaid they had just caught was locked in the box.

Chris and another little brother sat on the box as guards, and there were three little brothers in front to pull the cart.

How could a human child pull such a weight? The giants were almost able to do this.

So in his opinion, there must be someone hiding in the corner who made a move, and the kid in front of him was just a trick.

But he looked around for a long time and didn't find any movement. Only Otohime adjusted the gas in the bubble and floated in the air to block his sight with her body.

"Assholes. Go ahead and catch these two guys together! If you want to die, you can't blame us!"

Chris didn't want to make a fuss here, which led to a fight with the Sea King Army. It was a trouble after all. They had already caught a mermaid with the help of Nuno, a fishman, and it was a young female mermaid.

According to the current price, as long as it is sent to the auction, at least 200 million Baileys can be earned, and if you meet a sponsor, it can be more.

But being entangled by these two people seemed to have discovered something.

"We should have done this a long time ago, Boss. You were too hesitant before."

"Yeah, one is selling, two is selling, too. We should have caught more before!"

Before, the pirates in front had been pulling the cart and didn't notice what was happening behind. Now that Chris had a new order, they put down the rope to pull the cart and wanted to go back and catch Leliana and Otohime.

It was just that due to the obstruction of the cargo in the carriage, the pirates in front couldn't see the situation behind clearly. They didn't realize that it was because of Leliana that they couldn't pull the cart.

Now suddenly let go, but Leliana didn't stop.

Those who often play tug-of-war know that if one side suddenly stops during the wrestling process, the other side will most likely lose balance and fall.

Leliana's situation here is more special. Not only did she not stand firmly and sat on the ground, she also overturned the cart in her hand.

Chris was thrown to the side, and the goods tied to the cart were scattered all over the ground. The big box in the middle was broken by the impact, and the mermaid tied inside fell out.

"So you are human traffickers!"

"Are you scared? It's too late, kid. I don't know which idiot let a little guy like you be bait, but he will pay the price!"

Chris stood up from the side. He was very angry about the fall, but before he finished his words, he found that Leliana didn't even look at him.

"Sister Otohime, where is the street light on Fishman Island?"

Leliana looked around for traces of street lights. Orlan said that human traffickers should be hanged directly on street lights, but there was no such facility on Fishman Island, which made Leliana a little disappointed in the end.

"Kid, you."

Chris just picked up a chain, but found that a strange force suddenly came from his chest. Leliana, who was still looking for a street light, had come to him and grabbed his collar without knowing when.

Sett's training method is not just a deliberate punch, but a whole set. In layman's terms, the current situation should be described like this.

Leliana didn't find the street light, she was in a bad mood, her hands were itchy, and she wanted to beat this group of people to vent her dissatisfaction, and the speed of moving towards the enemy was enhanced.

Then she grabbed Chris and another pirate at the same time, and with both hands, she knocked them together.

Before Chris could even react to what happened, Leliana grabbed his shoulders and then threw him to the ground.

At this time, his head was dizzy, and his bones were in pain under the strange force, but Leliana's attack was not over.

His body had been used as a weapon by Leliana, and he was thrown directly at the remaining brothers. They were just pulling the cart and were directly knocked out by Chris. After just one encounter, only Chris was still conscious among the five people.

Although he was attacked most directly, he was also the strongest among the group.

"Asshole. Do you know who I am? My captain is a pirate with a bounty of 40 million Baileys, Bright who never laughs! You dare to interfere in our affairs, you are finished.

Our captain has been to the New World! Don't be too proud!"

Chris only said half of his words. Their captain did enter the New World, but he was scared after staying in the New World for only ten days, and finally chose to escape back to the first half of the Grand Line.

The terrible weather and powerful pirates in the New World caused their pirate group to lose 90% of its members. After the remaining people fled back to Paradise in a panic, they changed their careers and became human traffickers.

The bounty of 40 million is in a state of neither up nor down in this era, but it still has a certain deterrent effect in Paradise.

It's just that it doesn't work for Leliana.

"I also know a pirate, wait a minute."

Leliana looked for the number of Den Den Mushi. Orlan has been training Leliana in combat, and there is also some theoretical knowledge to determine whether the battle can be won.

For example, if what you are good at happens to restrain the opponent, then this is an advantageous battle.

And there is a more obvious situation, both sides use the same thing, but their own is stronger, that is the purest crushing game.

Kris is now in pain all over his bones, he originally wanted to scare the other party, as long as the other party is afraid, he can find a way to slip away.

Unexpectedly, Leliana did not continue to attack him, but took out the Den Den Mushi.

"Hello, Sister Lingling? A pirate threatened me, he said I was finished."

"Huh? Who is so brave?"

"He said his captain is called Hey, what is your captain's name?"

"Bright who can't smile"

Chris repeated it instinctively, and at this time he suddenly had a bad premonition, he seemed to have seen the appearance of the Den Den Mushi in Leliana's hand.

"Sister Lingling, it's called Bright who can't smile."

"Well, well, I remember, the boy on the opposite side, I'm BIG·MOM! What do you want to do to my lovely sister?!"

Even through the Den Den Mushi, Chris felt a tremor at the soul level.

No, you know BIG·MOM, you should have said it earlier!

In the current version of One Piece, T0 is Whitebeard, Golden Lion, and Roger, and Charlotte Linlin is the T1 team following closely behind. Although she does not have the deterrent power of the Four Emperors era, she is still a terrible monster.

"How can it be fake? How can you be related to BIG·MOM? How can BIG·MOM have a sister?"

Chris was unwilling to believe this fact.

"Huh? Are you really a pirate? Pirates are free-spirited people. Do I need to report to you who I want to recognize as my sister!"

Charlotte Linling was not joking when she said, "You are my sister." She was serious because she felt that they were compatible. This was something her sons and Orlan herself had not expected.

This number was also given to Leliana by Charlotte Linling before Orlan and the others left. If Charlotte Linling was to go to war with Whitebeard now, then Charlotte Linling would have to consider the pros and cons.

But it is easy to deal with those little characters that no one has ever heard of.

"Little Riley, do you need my help? I can kill that pirate group for you in a few days."

"No, I can handle it myself. My father is also very powerful. I just want to tell him that I know people too."

"Mmmm~mmm~ So cute, then you have to work hard."

On the BIG·MOM Pirates side, looking at their mother's happy smile, Perospero and others wisely chose to shut up. They had no right to interfere with Charlotte Linling's decision.

Meanwhile, Leliana shook her fists and prepared to fight again.

There are still 5,000 words left, I'll post it later

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