Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 84 Death Note on Cake Island

The chef did not change, but after that, the equipment on the ship changed, and auxiliary kitchen utensils such as automatic mixers also appeared in the kitchen.

After a period of sailing, Katakuri took Oran and Feld back to Cake Island, which is also the main island of the Kingdom of Totland and the headquarters of the Big Mom Pirates.

"Oran, the chef gave me something before we got off the ship."

After landing, Kate took out a notebook and handed it to Oran.

"What is it?"

"It's a recipe, it seems to be some dessert making methods or something, he said it was for Riley."

"Put it away, it seems that he has figured out something."

Some people are carrying more modern kitchen facilities to the ship. Oran doesn't know what the chef has planned, but it can be seen that changes have occurred.

"Well, I know, but is this island alive?"

Kate's eyes are full of all kinds of strange creatures, cakes running around on the street, egg tarts and red bean pies are in love, and the teapot next to them is still preaching to them like an old man.

There are two eyes on the big tree next to it, and the grass at the foot is singing a cheerful nursery rhyme.

Today's Cake Island has just been established, and many things have not been planned yet, but in the center of the island, you can already see a huge cake mountain and biscuit castle, and strange lives have already appeared on the island in batches.

"The island is not, those are the fruit ability of BIG·MOM. She is the ability user of the Soul Soul Fruit, and these living things are the Homies she created with the fruit ability."

The ability user of the Soul Soul Fruit can deal with people's souls at will, allowing the souls to reside in various things to make them anthropomorphic, but they cannot be placed in other people or corpses, but other animals can.

There are also chess soldiers patrolling on the streets, and like the previous food, they are all the products of Charlotte Linlin's fruit ability.

As for the source of the soul, it is other residents on the island. The islands protected by pirates will collect protection fees, but the BIG·MOM Pirates will collect a special thing in the territory-soul.

In other words, life span. If you want to get Charlotte Linlin's protection, you must regularly hand over a certain amount of life span.

"Lick Lick~ Welcome, Mom is waiting for you at the venue, please follow me."

After getting off the boat, Katakuri went to nowhere, and the person who greeted them became Perospero.

Olan and Feld were actually the last group of people to arrive here. After all, Doudou Island is far away from here. Even if Katakuri is strong, he does not have the ability to change the distance between islands.

"Dr. Sidilier, I have heard of you. Is this your daughter? She is really cute."

Seeing that there were children, Perospero casually conjured up a few lollipops and handed them to the other party. He is the ability user of the Licking Fruit and can make all kinds of candies at will.

As the eldest son, he knows his mother's preferences. Only by making Charlotte Linling happy can they live a happier life.

With rich experience in raising children, he knows how to coax children, which can be said to be quite professional.

Just like Katakuri, he didn't know what Charlotte Linlin looked like when she was a child. Even if he knew, it would be meaningless. Putting six-year-old Charlotte Linlin and 28-year-old Charlotte Linlin together, no one would believe that they were the same person.

As a clone, Leliana looked similar but a little different. There were many people with similar faces in this sea, and Perospero didn't pay any attention to her.

"I'm not a child. I'm an adult."

If there was any misunderstanding, it was that Kate's appearance was relatively young due to the Hex Core, and Perospero thought she was a child.

"It doesn't matter. Adults can eat candy too. Sweet things are the most delicious. Dr. Sidilier, would you like one?"

"No, thank you."

"What a pity. This is a special candy. I'll give it all to you, cute girl."

Giving all the lollipops to Leliana, Perospero created a huge candy elevator with a wave of his hand, leading directly to the venue of the tea party.

"Please, everyone. The elevator will take you directly to the venue. I still need to receive other guests here."

There are more people in the underground world than Feld and Umit, but these few people are the most famous.

The candy elevator began to operate under the control of Perospero's ability, and slowly ascended with several people.

"Riley, this can't be eaten, we are still using it."

Seeing that Leliana has been looking at the elevator below, Oran has guessed what she is thinking.

"Can it be eaten after that? So much candy feels like it will take a long time to eat."

"No, these candies are placed directly on the ground, which is not clean. There will be more delicious food later."


Swallowing her saliva, Leliana finally held back the idea and looked forward to more delicious food in Oran's mouth.


As the elevator reached the top, a shutter sound came from Oran's ear, and a birdman was standing in front of them with a camera.

"It's incredible that the famous Dr. Sidilier would come to the tea party hosted by BIG MOM.

And isn't this the recently famous "financial philanthropist" Du Field? It seems that you have also been invited."

"Isn't it the same for you, Morgans, the president of the World Economic News Agency?"

"Wow, Doctor, you actually know my name? This is really an honor. Can I do an interview with you?"

This birdman is Morgans, a newly emerging talent in the news industry. He is the ability user of the Bird-Bird Fruit·Albatross Form. His true appearance is unknown. He is a relatively mysterious person present.

"I'm not interested. Maybe you can interview Charlotte Linlin and see what she wants to say. A pirate with a bounty of more than 1 billion is much better than me."

"Doctor, you are really a joker. Then I won't bother you."

After being rejected, Morgans didn't say anything. He turned around and ran to other places with his camera, taking pictures everywhere.

"Oran, that guy took a picture of you here, do you want it?"

"No, I'm here now, so I'm not afraid of what others say."

A tea party alone is not news. Even if Morgans likes to exaggerate, he can't make any explosive points. Even if he reports this matter, it will not affect Oran.

The World Government doesn't care about this kind of thing. As long as Orlan is not studying historical texts, digging up ancient weapons, or shouting that he is Nika, the World Government will not be too excited no matter who he does business with.

If the Navy comes to ask him, Orlan can even ask the Navy in return, why is your power so weak, if you destroy the pirates, I don't have to go there, right?

It's helpless for a weak scientist to be coerced by pirates, you should compensate me.

"Okay, I know."

Since Orlan said so, Kate naturally had no objection, and took out a new notebook and recorded some things.

This place is full of ready-made villains. If it weren't for the fear of Charlotte Linlin's power, it would be almost impossible for these people to gather together.

This opportunity is rare, and it may be useful to record it later. When that day comes, this is not an ordinary notebook, but the roll call of the King of Hell.

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