Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 78 Idealism and Future Investment

Otohime is very weak, but has a special talent for seeing and seeing.

She has awakened that power since she was born, and unlike ordinary sight colors which are only used to avoid attacks, her sight colors can feel the hearts and thoughts of others and resonate emotionally.

If she is willing, she can even subtly change other people's inner thoughts. This is a power that all the failed art students in Vienna will envy.

However, there is no ambition in Otohime's heart, but an ideal and beautiful fantasy.

As she grows older, Otohime's abilities begin to show. She can feel the grief and fear in the hearts of people around her, so she wants to change everything.

She has seen many people of the same race who are in contact with humans, but the thoughts in their hearts are all about profit, and even have many evil thoughts. Many fishmen themselves will abduct mermaids and hand them over to humans in exchange for large amounts of money.

But in Shaq's heart, she didn't feel that kind of evil thoughts, but a sense of pure gratitude and trust.

It didn't take long from Otohime's idea to taking action, but so far, she has been hitting a wall all the time, and no one agrees with her idea. At this time, she is very eager to agree.

"Are you kidding? Do you know what you are talking about! Put away your unrealistic ideas, you will only harm yourself!"

But the reality is that Shaq did not agree with her philosophy. Instead, he became irritable. He ripped the hand-drawn flyer out of Otohime's hand and his expression became a little ferocious.

The sharp shark teeth and the original fish-man appearance make him look a bit scary.

"Uncle, that's not what you think in your heart. I can feel the worry and tenderness in your heart. Aren't you a trustworthy human friend? Why do you avoid this?"

Otohime was not afraid, but asked Shaq face to face.

"You kid, you don't understand anything. Do you think equality can be shouted out with your mouth? Human beings are dangerous! Your thoughts will only harm yourself!"

Because of his experience, Shaq understands the benefits and dangers of these things better. He doesn't know that Otohime has the intelligence of a bug. In Shaq's opinion, if a mermaid with such naive ideas comes into contact with humans, sooner or later he will be kidnapped and sold. .

Once they become slaves, the fate of mermaids is often much worse than that of fishmen.

"Mr. Oran, I'm not talking about you. I know you are a good person, but the human group"

Shaq also realized that he had just fired the map cannon, but he really didn't want to watch his compatriots take the initiative to approach danger, so he didn't think too much about it in his excitement.

"No need to explain, Shaq, I can understand you. It's a good thing to have a sense of crisis. You are also worried that something will happen to her."

"No, that's not the case. It's just because I don't understand."

"Otohime, right? If you want to change everything, you must first accept it. In fact, the reality may be even worse. It seems that this is not the first day you have done this. Have you met any compatriots who recognize you? "


At this point, Otohime became a little disappointed. She seemed so happy before just because she felt that Shaq's attitude towards humans was not so indifferent, but the reality was not so satisfactory.

But soon she cheered up again.

"So Mr. Human, would you like to be friends with me?"

Otohime is still in the exploratory stage. At this moment, she realizes that she herself doesn't understand human beings, so how can she talk about persuading others.

Oran already had fish-men friends, and Otohime didn't realize that Oran had any evil intentions, so he took the first step of his own attempt.

"Of course, Miss Mermaid."

When you come out to hang out, you need to have connections. At this time, she is just an innocent mermaid girl, but she is the future queen of Fish-Man Island, and she is deeply loved by the people.

There's no harm in connecting with Otohime now.

"I didn't bring anything with me, so this is just a welcome gift."

Oran took out a book from his backpack. It was originally an atlas bought for Riley in the Shampoo Islands, but at this time it was very suitable for a mermaid who had lived in the deep sea for a long time.

"Thank you, I like this very much, then this can be considered as a return gift."

Books are not valuable on land, but they are very precious on the underwater Fish-Man Island. In the end, Oran exchanged an atlas for a pearl as big as a baby's fist from Otohime, and also exchanged contact information.

"Mr. Oran, you are really lucky that the girl came into contact with humans first. I hope you can help her understand humans better."

After Otohime left, Shaq felt a little emotional, but Oran didn't feel that way.

"Her character, even if she is bruised and bruised, will still give back kindness to the world, it doesn't matter.

I see that your living conditions on Fishman Island are relatively average. Come and help me, Shaq. "

Out of trust in Olan, Shaq agreed to Olan's request without much thought and became Olan's comprador on Fishman Island, recruiting some fishmen to explore the seabed in his own capacity.

After all, with the current situation on Fish-Man Island, it would be somewhat difficult to directly recruit fish-men as humans.

After that, Oran and Frankenstein purchased some supplies and took the boat back to land.

"Father, isn't this a waste of energy? Maybe we can build some robots to accomplish your goals."

When he reached the surface of the sea, Frankenstein was still a little puzzled.

"Fran, you are right, but this is a cost issue. The situation under the ocean is changeable, and ordinary underwater detectors are difficult to cope with such complex situations. If you want to achieve this goal accurately, the cost is too high. At least you need to have independent self-awareness."

Olan also considered Frankenstein's idea, but the cost was too high. Even the cost of manufacturing a detection robot is higher than the value of the mineral deposit itself.

"Fran, you are priceless in my heart. You, Riley, Blitz, and Zach are all unique.

Even if I create another creature with the same way of thinking, the same ability, and the same appearance as you, you are essentially different."

Olan gestured to Frankenstein to sit aside and not to be on high alert all the time.

"But the value of your parts can be calculated. Feld spent 150 million berries to purchase the accumulative fruit. The Hex core is a unique product here, so I will assume it is worth 1 billion berries.

The special material used to make your body was also synthesized by Bear. If you calculate it carefully, it can be worth 100 million berries, and this is just the cost price."

Exploration robots don't have to be as sophisticated as Frankenstein, but equipment that can explore the deep sea is not easy to make.

The cost of one machine is enough to hire hundreds of fishmen to work for a year, and this is still the premise of high salary.

In addition, because the industrial system has not been established, Oran will have to devote a lot of time and cost to build it by itself. After all, it is not cost-effective.

And this is a diplomatic investment in the future. The fishmen are too convenient to move at sea in this foreign race, and it is also related to the Sea King, one of the three ancient weapons.

Although Oran's technological development does not rely on archaeology, there is no harm in bringing this kind of power under its command.

After comprehensive consideration, Oran had the idea of ​​hiring this underwater race.

In the original timeline, Whitebeard had a high reputation in Fishman Island because he lent the flag to Fishman Island when Fishman Island was in its darkest time.

Then Orlan could also help here at an appropriate time, expand his influence here, and complete a deeper layout.

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