Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 38: The Natural System Makes You Lose Your Brain

"Shhh, kitty, I am no longer the same as I used to be. Do you want to try and see how I can prove my ability!"


Caesar's expression now looked very provocative, and with that provocative expression and words, Kate immediately met his request and kicked Caesar in the chin.

This kind of thing has happened before, but at that time, Caesar, Quinn, and Judge were together and kept a relatively safe distance. It was unprecedented to walk into Kate's direct attack range like this.

However, it turned out that there was a reason why Caesar was so arrogant. Kate did not kick Caesar out as expected. The moment she kicked Caesar, Caesar's body dissipated into a ball of purple smoke, so Kate kicked it directly into the air.

"Shoo, I told you that I'm different now. You should call your iron-shell partner to come with you!"

"Natural? I was wondering why you suddenly changed your personality. It turns out that you got this thing."

Seeing Caesar's body turn into gas, Orlan immediately realized the reason for Caesar's change of mentality. It seems that during the time when MADS was docked, he found a natural fruit.

Compared with superhuman and ordinary animal types, natural devil fruits are much rarer. Of course, the mythical beast species is said to be rarer than natural ones, but from some situations, the number of exposures of this thing is almost more than that of ordinary animal types.

Compared with superhuman and animal types, the natural devil fruit brings the largest increase at the beginning, all because of its passive ability-elementization.

With this ability, natural ability users can be immune to most attacks. In areas where armed color domineering is not popular, there are very few enemies who can attack them.

"That's right, the Natural Gas Fruit. This is a fruit tailor-made for me. Sidilier, if you are afraid, just give me 50% of the extra research funds, and I will give you some face. Huh, huh, huh."

Caesar knew a little about the situation on the ship. At least he was sure that there was no research project on seastone on the ship, and Oran should not be able to produce seastone weapons.

"It's just a fruit. If you don't know, you would think you are invincible. Let's see how meow will deal with you today!"

Caesar didn't know that after Oran got the set of domineering training experience from Bajin, he had already started to learn with Kate. Although it hasn't been long, he has already had a glimpse of the way.

As a fur tribe, Kate is born with the blood of a fighting race in her body. It's no problem for her to touch the entity of the natural system. It's just that she didn't expect Caesar to eat the natural fruit before, so she didn't use domineering.

If this natural fruit is eaten by someone with equal physical skills to Kate, then the increase in the fruit will turn the tide of the battle, but Caesar's foundation is too poor.

The natural system has never been invincible. If you are not careful, you may become the shame of the natural system.

"Kate, come back. You should take a rest today. Didn't this test subject come to you on his own?"


Before Kate was about to act, Orlan stopped her and then set his sights on Frankenstein behind him.

"Give our new members a chance to try. The ability of the natural system should not be lethal. In this way, we can know where Frankenstein's upper limit is. Frankenstein, are you ready for the battle?"


Frankenstein nodded vigorously, ready to deal with her "coming of age ceremony", and picked up her warhammer and wanted to fight. Now she is eager to show her ability.

"Don't worry, this is not a place to fight, Caesar, I won't argue with you whether the fruit you ate is part of the scientific research results, but you'd better not forget what you will bear after failure."

According to the tradition of MADS, this kind of competition is to compete for research and development results, but there is a lot of room for operation, such as Kate using the Hex Heart, so it is also in line with the rules.

If someone becomes stronger, then it is okay to participate in the battle with the weapon he invented. Caesar had always complained about this before, because this rule was not in his favor.

But after eating the fruit, Caesar suddenly became a firm supporter of the rule.

"Swoosh, Sidilier, this time the loser will be you."

Not long after, Caesar was ready with a bunch of messy equipment at the weapon test site on the deck of the MADS ship, and Oran also saw the figure of Vegapunk in the crowd of people watching the excitement.

"Punk? Why are you here? Aren't you not interested in this kind of thing?"

"Didn't you notice? Your previous experiment destroyed all the circuits on the ship. It is still under repair. Now it is only relying on backup energy to maintain basic operation. It is impossible to do other experiments.

What experiment did you do? How could there be such a big chain reaction?"

It is common for them to accidentally blow something up. In order not to interfere with each other, their private laboratories use separate circuits. This is the first time that Oran has destroyed the entire ship's circuit.

"The fusion of the devil fruit and the energy core, the energy released during the fusion was a little bit bigger, I will pay attention next time."

"You succeeded? Congratulations, it's another amazing achievement, in this case, except for the natural system, we all have achievements.

Oran, I have a new idea. Although the classifications are different and the abilities are diverse, there must be something in common between the devil fruits.

Through blood comparison before, I found that the blood composition of the ability user will have an additional unknown component. As long as this secret is deciphered, we will be one step closer to conquering the secret of the devil fruit. "

Vegapunk took out a notebook, which recorded his latest research, which is the prototype of the bloodline factor.

"Wait a minute, I will go to you to get it later. The focus now is on the following situation."

Oran did not take over Vegapunk's research records immediately, but focused on Frankenstein.

"Don't you have confidence in her?"

"I have never lacked confidence, but she was created by me, so I will naturally be responsible for her.

Although she is a machine, she has her own expectations and she longs to be paid attention to. She should be responded to. This is a part of her growth. As a mechanical life, she has her own feelings. "

As an artificial human, Frankenstein's field of vision is wider than that of ordinary people.

Although she only tilted her head slightly, she was actually looking at Orlan. Orlan also noticed this, so she didn't distract herself to look at the research materials at this time.

Frankenstein herself didn't know how to express this emotion. She was just born and was easily satisfied. Just a look of gaze could make her feel happy.

And action is her response, but this response means that some people are going to be in big trouble.

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