Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 29 Departure and Two and a Half Years

Kate now had a shining gem on her chest, and a faint blue light shone from the cross-shaped crystal. That was her new heart.

This seemingly inconspicuous crystal took on the responsibility of circulating her blood. Under the dual stimulation of the glimmer and the Hex crystal, Kate's body recovered very quickly, and the heart had been perfectly integrated into her body.

She moved her arms, and every cell seemed to be filled with new power.

"Move around. It will take time for your body to fully adapt to the increase brought by this new heart. Moving more can help you adapt to it better."

"Come here, there is a special test site on the ship."

Vegapunk was even more excited than the two parties involved. He was more curious than Orlan about what kind of changes this heart could bring to people.

Under the leadership of Vegapunk, they soon came to the bottom of the ship, where many test instruments were placed, some targets were also full of bullet holes, and some experimenters who had just finished the experiment were packing up.

Seeing Vegapunk's arrival, they nodded silently and then made way.

"Come on, whether it's speed or power, the equipment here can give accurate data. Data will not lie. It's a pity that there is no comparison standard, otherwise the effect can be better seen."

"Such trivial matters are not important, Kate, it is now a part of your body, feel it, and then control this power. It is now in your body, just like breathing and emotions, it is just a matter of thought,"

Olan taught Kate how to use this power, and Vegapunk had already turned on the equipment.

The Hex heart does not beat like a flesh and blood heart, but Kate can feel the sound of the energy pulsating in it.


Electric sparks flashed in the fur. Unlike the original static electricity, these electric sparks gradually condensed into dancing silver snakes. The current surrounded the body surface while stimulating the body's cells.

Looking at the speed measuring device in front of her, Kate exerted force with her legs, and her body turned into a white electric light and flashed past the speedometer. From her own surprised expression, it can be seen that she never thought she could run so fast.

The sudden increase in speed made her feel uncomfortable. She couldn't control her body for a while and hit the wall next to her.

"Director Vegapunk, it seems that you need to improve this. The resistance of this equipment to electric current is a bit poor."

"I think it's the intensity of her electric current. The fur tribe I know can't do this."

The speedometer was emitting black smoke at this time. The current that leaked when Kate ran seemed to have destroyed some parts, but Orlan and Vegapunk didn't care about the small matter of equipment damage.

Compared with the result, this is not important at all.

"Okay, Mr. Sidilier, this is your permission card. I have opened the permission for all the equipment on the ship for you. I took you to visit the situation here yesterday. Please do as you please.

If you have any questions, ask other researchers. I want to continue my research. Time is really not enough. It would be great if there were more of me."

Since he saw what he wanted to see, Vegapunk didn't waste time any more and gave the permission card that he had prepared long ago to Orlan.

The activation of this card means that Orlan has become a core member of the MADS organization, and can command ordinary researchers to assist in his research, just like Vegapunk and others.

"Time is limited. It is fun to use limited time to pursue unlimited knowledge. Sometimes getting the answer directly will make people feel boring."

"Infinite knowledge is indeed like this, Sidilier, I am looking forward to our future cooperation."

From the current situation, Vegapunk thinks that Orlan is more suitable to be a scientific research partner than Quinn and others, but he has not made any conclusions. No one can say what the future will be like.

After Vegapunk left, Kate also began to test her limits. Sweat seeped out from her fur, but she liked this feeling very much. This was the first time she ran to her heart's content. The heart was no longer a burden, but a more stable source of power.

"Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"No, I just feel a little uncomfortable after the enhancement. It will be almost the same after adapting."

After stretching her body, Kate felt that her condition was surprisingly good.

"By the way, Oran, can you squat down for a moment?"

"What's wrong?"

"There was a missing link before, and now it's time to make up for it. Oran, don't you know the fur tribe well? Then you should know this, Kaluqiu~"

The height difference between the two is quite large now. After Oran squatted down, Kate grabbed Oran's shoulders and rubbed her cheek against him.

This is the traditional way of greeting the fur tribe. Rubbing cheeks is equivalent to shaking hands and saying hello to ordinary people.

After leaving Zou and being caught, Kate basically sealed this way of greeting. Even after escaping, she never used it again. In her opinion, this is a greeting that only family members have.

And today is her new life, a new beginning. In her cognition, a benefactor who changed her destiny is as important as her family.

The MADS ship stayed in the Kingdom of Solbe for a few more days. Oran also arranged the follow-up matters during this time and embarked on a new journey.

Although Quinn and his team had opinions on the allocation of funds, they were unable to complete Vegapunk's bet because they could not elect a leader.

At first, they did not think there was any big problem, but later, the three of them regretted not being able to stop this matter in advance. Unknowingly, there was one more person weighing on their heads.

MADS's voyage continued. As time passed, they also entered the Grand Route and began to explore new unknowns. Time also unknowingly came to 1487.

It has been two years since Orlan joined MADS, and it has been two and a half years since he came to this sea. Today, he and Vegapunk are experimenting with a new device.

"Punk, are you ready?"

"Ready, I hope it will succeed this time."

At this time, Vegapunk stood in a huge glass cover with an oxygen mask on his face.

As he pressed the switch on his body and indicated that he was ready, Orlan also pulled the handle on the side, and a large amount of seawater instantly rushed in and submerged Vegapunk.

After a while, the seawater was automatically drained, but Vegapunk's face was very disappointed.

"Olan, it still doesn't work. This can't prevent the influence of seawater on the ability users. They will still feel powerless. The composition of PYROBROIN particles is still too special."

"Dr. Vegapunk! Dr. Sidilier, a woman suddenly came to the deck and said she wanted to join us!"

While Orlan and Vegapunk were discussing the research results, the laboratory broadcast suddenly sounded, as if some emergency had occurred.

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