Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 27: Zuan District, a place of outstanding people and beautiful scenery, cats undergoing hair

"What does Zuan mean?"

Kate could understand the meaning of the word "Hanabi" literally, but she didn't understand the pronunciation of "Zuan". Although the thing was made by Oran and he had the final say on the code name, Kate also wanted to find out.

"Zuan, the place where I lived before was a good place, with "simple folk customs" and "producing talents in large numbers."

Zaun and Piltover were once united, but have long since split into separate factions.

Perhaps Zu An's way of greeting is a bit special, but most of them are prejudices and rumors. Only those who have truly experienced Zu An's environment will know that it is already polite.

Zaun has always been shrouded in the twilight of smog, but the bustling and bustling place has not given up. The residents here are all-encompassing and the culture is colorful.

Piltover's wealth also fueled Zaun's growth, making it a dark mirror to the city above.

Zaun is much more dangerous than Piltover, but even in such an environment, people still manage to survive and prosper.

Zaun Hanabi-Zeli is one example.

Born in a worker's family in Zaan, she was born with a special relationship with electricity. As time grew up, she began to make use of this power.

Zeli fought bravely for those who were unable to resist.

Zuan is not perfect, and neither is Zeli.

But sometimes, a spark of fire may finally illuminate all the haze.

Oran has been in contact with Zelie, and has treated Zelie's body injured several times under the siege of the Alchemy Barons, so he has a certain understanding of her abilities, so this Hex heart was born.

The electric energy operation method comes from Zeli, and at the same time combines the characteristics of the fur tribe. With the systematic training method and special equipment, Kate's power will usher in a qualitative change.

"This is the story of Zeli. Like you, she was originally an ordinary girl, but the environment changed everything.

She did not give up the fight and became a spark that ignited the fire.

The seed has been sown and there's been no turning back from the start, so Kate, are you ready to be the new spark in the sea? "

At this time, the Hex heart was in Oran's hands, and strange energy was flowing in the core. The sun had already fallen below the sea level at some point, and the blue light also illuminated Kate's face, and they were in the magical place. The valley is very similar.

"What about the price? You said that equal exchange is your principle."

"This is an investment. As you said before, you have to use the rest of your time to protect me, but my bodyguard is too weak, and the term in your previous plan was too short."

"Remember, Meow. Meow will definitely do what he says. Your investment will not be a loss. Meow will use this new power to accomplish the goals he set in the past."

Kate's eyes were firm, once for the Valley of the Gods and once for the heart. Even if Oran had her own purpose, she still owed two lives.

She still remembered what Oran said in the Valley of Gods. At this moment, Kate was even more determined to follow Oran.

"Very good, then there are some side effects that this heart will cause, but they are not a big problem. These side effects are even a good thing.

First, your growth slows down and stops completely just as your body reaches its optimal state. "

The energy of Hex's heart can even affect the entire body, so Qinggangying remains young forever. Even when her brother becomes older and older due to time, she can still devote herself to the family.

The reason why Kate, who was still a child, can continue to grow is because Olan has made some changes.

"The remaining one is the more harmful one. If you can't stick to your true feelings, your emotions may gradually disappear as time goes by. This is entirely up to you."

As long as the scope of Hex enhancement surgery is not continued to increase, this possibility is very low, but once one is attracted by power and becomes addicted to power, this will have a negative consequence.

Of course, if human nature is not considered, this can also be regarded as strengthening.

"That kind of meow. Is it still meow?"

"Of course it is you, but you will become more rational, but your heart is strong enough and you can overcome it."

"I understand, it's okay, Meow. Meow is ready, you can start at any time!"

"I've seen the operating room, and the environment meets the requirements. I'm going to start fasting now, and I'll stop drinking water tomorrow morning. Also, let me make it clear that skin preparation is required for surgery, you should know that."

Oran was very doubtful about Zou's medical level, so he gave Kate a vaccination first. Judging from her confused expression, she really didn't know the word.

"The process is not complicated, but the first step is to shave your hair."


The word seemed to step on Kate's tail, sending her into a frenzy again, something she was more afraid of than open-heart surgery.

"Can you please stop shaving? Meow."

What fur people cherish most is their hair. Although it can still grow back, the thought of that period of time when it was bald made Kate feel terrible.

"Unfortunately, we can't. Don't worry, a nurse will take care of it for you. Sleep peacefully and you will have a healthy body soon."

After telling Kate a specific plan, Oran let her go to rest, and he and Blitz returned to the church residence.

"Bear, Ginny, I'm ready to leave."

"When you leave Oran, are you going to sing the praises of freedom just like your elder brother?"

Hearing Olan's words, Ginny and Xiong froze. Although Olan looked only a few years older than them, these few months of life gave them the feeling of an old father and teacher.

Oran's departure was within their expectations, but they didn't expect it to come so soon.

"Pretty much, I can't complete my plan by staying here. Do you have any ideas? Do you plan to go with me or stay here?"

Xiong's ability and Ginny's talent in eavesdropping are both excellent, but now they are too young, and with Xiong's personality, bringing too many people would be a burden, so Oran did not force it, no matter how they chose , Oran has suitable arrangements.

"Brother Oran, us"

The bear thought for a moment and then expressed his thoughts.

The two of them were just like Ivankov when he left. They didn't want to leave the Sorbey Kingdom for the time being and wanted to settle down here for a while.

"It doesn't matter, that's fine. In this case, I will leave the subsequent upgrade plan of the smelting plant to you, and you can take part of it to Bulldog every once in a while.

During this time, you have also started to learn the basics. Continue to learn according to what I left for you. Just hoard some materials. If conditions permit, you can also absorb some outsiders.

When I find a more stable place, I will contact you, and we will see you then. "

"Okay, Brother Olan, we will definitely help you when you are in need."

"Hmm, wait for me to improve the phone bug, so that Brother Oran can contact us even if you go far away. Brother Ivankov left in such a hurry that I didn't even have time to improve the phone bug for him."

Ginny and Bear made their promise, and Olan also completed the preliminary plan for the two of them to continue "mining" at home while he went out to find a more suitable mine.

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