That day, after waking up in the dream, the world was almost frightened.

In the days that followed, Brant was a lot more honest. Even if he saw Liu Xing sleeping next to him, he didn’t dare to think about controlling his escape anymore – in his years of pirate career, he had never seen someone control thunder and lightning in the dream space he created!

Honestly give Ain as a sparring partner…

Even at her request, she unreservedly demonstrated the Devil Fruit ability again.

A battle with Ain in Dreamland!

It’s just that what makes Brant feel helpless is that this female navy faintly has a tendency to control the dream world in turn, and it took a lot of effort to maintain absolute control.

It’s really weird!

“How has this never happened before?”

“Are the two of them a special case? Or have you been imprisoned in the extremely cold hell for two years, and you can’t keep up with the times? ”

Looking back, Brant felt a strong sense of loss in his heart.

However, as time went on, he obviously found that Ain’s strength was gradually increasing in battle, and in the end, he was directly distracted 970 two-use, closing his eyes – while using the domineering perception of seeing and hearing colors, while honing the unskilled armed color domineering, he couldn’t help but feel more sad in his heart!

After taking Brant away from Advance City, it was the eighth day.

On the training ground.

“How do I feel… Your strength has weakened? ”

Hearing this, Brant smiled bitterly and quickly vowed: “I promise, I have really put out all my strength to train with you… Now that your strength is getting stronger and stronger, I really don’t dare to share a little bit of snacks, otherwise I will definitely lose my life. ”

He was telling the truth this time.

However, witnessing Ain’s strength become stronger, in addition to feeling sad.

There is also a thought of a black belly …

It is said that peers are wronged, and the competition between pirates is naturally no exception.

Now it is estimated that she will never have the possibility of escaping and regaining freedom, since this is the case, then fully cooperate with this navy and make her stronger – it is equivalent to making her peers unlucky in disguise! I am so miserable, I can help pull down the water one by one!

Woo hoo~~

Suddenly, the alarm of the naval headquarters sounded for a long time.

The whole Malinfodo was agitated, and one of the famous vice admirals stationed in the headquarters rushed out and rushed to the warships outside the port.

Ain, who was about to continue to strike, was stunned for a moment and looked in the direction where the alarm sounded from.

What happened?

Among the three people, only Liu Xing explained the reason.

As soon as he got up from the shade of the tree, he saw a shadow with an explosion falling from the sky, came to his eyes, grabbed his arm and was about to go out.

At the same time, he said eagerly: “I didn’t have time to explain to you in detail, what happened on the other side of the city.” I’m afraid that there is not enough time to take the warship, I will use the moon step to bring you over as soon as possible, this time I count that my Warring States owe you a favor. ”

Analysis from his current performance.

Liu Xing thought to himself.

“It is estimated that the Golden Lion guy still managed to escape from prison…”

In addition to the promise of the Warring States, on the one hand, he also felt a little curious about the plot that happened after he reminded him…

So I didn’t say much and let the Warring States take it with me.

Bang bang bang.

Both feet stepped out continuously in the air, Warring States used the fastest speed, and at the same time just wanted to sigh in his heart – Liu Xing actually cooperated uncharacteristically this time, but when he looked down, Liu Xing, who was dragged in the air by his arm, actually maintained this posture again, and yawned leisurely.

This guy!

Several black lines appeared on Sengoku’s forehead.

If it weren’t for the pheasant, Borusalino, Sakaski, Karp, these people would not be there. (bbcb)

He will definitely not find Liu Xing!

The whole process made six moon steps, and I don’t know how long it took to advance.

When the Sengoku Capital accelerated his breath slightly, he finally came to the advancing city where the situation occurred.


“It’s still a step down!”

Sengoku clenched his fists and slammed into the air in the air.

I saw the sea directly below, and there was chaos.

Most of the warships that were originally docked around the Advance City to guard and defend were now turned over and soaked in seawater. It was as if someone had been used as a weapon and thrown from the sky towards the sea.

The director of the advancing city was sitting on the wreckage of one of the warships, looking in a certain direction, his eyes full of mixed emotions.

His clothes were a little tattered, and they were torn out by the sword qi.

There were also some wood scraps on the fist, which corresponded to the fist mark on the warship that had been broken in half under him.

Sengoku fell with Willow Line.

“Warring States General you are here? But the matter is a foregone conclusion and irreparable. ”

Director Advance City smiled bitterly and said.

“There should be warships and headquarters powerhouses coming to support behind, right? Let them all go back. ”

“Huh… The myth of the copper wall and iron wall of the big prison was eventually destroyed in the hands of the conceited me. And the people who escaped were still the golden lions who used to stir the wind and waves on the sea in the last era. ”

Sengoku ignored his words, but asked first, “How long has the golden lion been away?” ”

“It’s been at least ten minutes.” Although the director of the advancing city did not want to talk much at this time, he could only answer the question raised by the Warring States: “With the ability of the fluttering fruit, after he broke out of the advancing city and reached the outside world, we have already lost.” ”


Sengoku fell silent.

As just said, the golden lion is now equivalent to a fish in the sea, and it is difficult to catch it again.

The last time he was beaten into Advance City, it was also because he lost his mind. After teaming up with himself and Karp, the lineup fought hard, and finally was caught exhausted – if he had the intention of leaving in the first place, he would never have stayed.

At this time, Liu Xing, who had been playing soy sauce next to him for a long time, asked.

“What about Hannibal?”

The mention of this name immediately evoked the sad story of Director Advance City.

“Hannibal… If I had listened to his advice earlier, today’s events would not have happened. ”

“He was the first to discover the Golden Lion escape, and then was taken away by the Golden Lion who successfully escaped from the prison…”

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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