Pirates: Mechanic

Chapter 65: Black Sheep

"Fire and prepare to sail."

Cook roared and gave orders to his subordinates. Then, while throwing a stone ball at Qiu He, he ran towards the pirate ship.

Cook's physical strength has almost reached its limit, and now Qiu He can't help it in this state. When his physical strength is exhausted, it is not the meat on the cutting board.

A man can bend and stretch, there is no need to drag it down here, and lose his life in vain.

Hearing this order, the pirate who was watching on the beach not far away was stunned for a moment, and immediately ran towards the pirate ship like crazy.

The pirates on the ship already knew the news of the death of the deputy captain under the notice of the watchman. Now that the captain wants to attack, let's attack.

For a while, the dense and orderly shells flew towards Qiuhe again.

After preparing for so long, Cook finally moved. Qiu He originally thought that he would do something unexpected, but he did unexpectedly.

Are you supposed to be a pirate? To escape so decisively is not hypocritical at all.

Qiu He wanted to step forward to stop him, but the dense cannonballs and stone **** that flew from time to time prevented him from moving forward.

The dense artillery fire made Qiu He dare not set up the snake cannon. Maybe it was destroyed by the cannonball just after setting it up.

The stone **** thrown from time to time can always block Qiu He's forward path just right, preventing him from getting close to the pirate ship.

"Why don't you try disguise!"

Qiu He thought of this skill he had just learned, used disguise to make the pirates lose their target, then sneaked close to the pirate ship, launched an attack, and destroyed the pirate ship, so that the pirates would naturally be unable to escape.

However, a figure that suddenly rushed out of the street made Qiu He dispel the idea. The figure was so fast that Qiu He's vision could only capture a faint afterimage.

In this world, there are many people who can do this, but on this island, Qiuhe can only think of one.

The shadow stopped in front of Cook, and the cloak of justice behind him was blowing in the air, revealing an old and thin body.

This person is Rear Admiral Stanley.

Suddenly there was another person in front of him, but the other party was just a thin old man. Cook, who was running away, didn't think too much, and slapped it with his left hand.

"Smelly old man, don't get in the way."

A hand that was bigger than his own body hit him, but Stanley didn't dodge and stood motionless.

"Armed color, iron block."

The jet-black color covered Stanley's whole body. I wonder if it was an illusion. Stanley's thin body also seemed to be bulging a lot.

"Even if you can dodge it, you still have to force it. It's really pretending."

With the speed that Stanley just showed, it was perfectly fine to dodge this blow, but he stood there completely motionless. In Qiu He's opinion, this was pretending to be a force.

But seeing the color change on Stanley's body, Qiu He knew that the outcome was decided.

Armament is domineering, an ability that can greatly enhance the user's attack and defense, and has a certain restraint on those with Devil Fruit abilities.

This kind of ability, which is relatively common only in the second half of the Great Route, is really a bit of a bully when it is used in the West Sea.

The huge stone hand fan was on Stanley's flesh and blood, but it made a sound of gold and stone colliding. The dust settled, and Stanley stood there unscathed. Instead, Cook's left palm shattered into stones and fell to the ground. .

"Is it only to this extent?"

Stanley stretched out his hand to flick the dust off his body, and his pupils stared at Cook without wavering.

Looking at Stanley like this, Cook was amazed. It was obvious that Stanley and him were as young as ants, but their identities seemed to be reversed at this moment.

"How can it be!"

Cook roared angrily, clenched his fist with his intact right hand, and punched Stanley.

Staring at the huge fist approaching him, Stanley kicked and flew into the air, just dodging the attack of Cook's fist and landing on Cook's arm.

Then Stanley used his shaving speed to instantly reach Cook's neck before Cook could react.

"Armed, the black sheep burst out."

Stanley's right foot instantly turned into a black sheep's hoof, which kicked violently under Cook's neck.

After a loud bang, a large hole was cut through Cook's chest. This large hole covered the lower part of Cook's neck.

Without the support of his neck, Cook's head fell to the ground and shattered into pieces.

"Fuck, it's so scary, so scary."

Qiu He, who was watching the battle while dodging the artillery bombardment, let out an exclamation, and his heart was straight.

The power of Stanley's casual strike is much stronger than that of Qiu He's current strongest attack, the Viper Cannon.

This is only a major general, I don't know how strong the general is, and there are also marshals, five old stars and so on. For the first time, Qiu He has an intuitive feeling of the high-end combat power in this world.

"caught you."

Even though his head is gone, Cook can still make a sound, giving people a weird feeling.

Cook's left hand has recovered, and together with his right hand, he is holding Stanley in the air.

From Cook's point of view, Stanley in the air didn't have any leverage, and being caught by himself was a sure thing.

Of course, Cook no longer expects to crush Stanley to death. Although Stanley's body still looks so thin, the two previous performances have made Cook dare not underestimate this old man.

Cook has already thought about it. He will throw the old man out with all his strength, and then run away quickly, lest another monster pop up in a while~www.NovelMTL.com~ Moonstep. "

However, fantasy is plump, and reality is skinny.

Stanley stomped the air in the air, and with the help of the air's reaction force, he changed his trajectory and avoided Cook's capture.

"So that's the case, are you hiding here!"

Stanley quickly moved to Cook's navel, looked directly at Cook's abdomen, and said doubtful words, but without the slightest tone of doubt.

"Armed, black hoof."

Stanley raised his right hand, which turned into a black sheep's hoof, and slammed it into Cook's abdomen. It seemed like a very powerful blow, but it only left a shallow mark on Cook's abdomen.

But on Cook's back with symmetrical prints, a huge hole burst out. A slightly chubby adult flew out along with the stones and landed on the sand not far away.

After this person left the stone giant, the stone giant seemed to have lost its core, shattered into stones, and piled up on the ground.

At this time, Qiu He also figured out what was going on. It turned out that this was Cook's real body.

Qiu He squatted down while shooting the cannonball that flew towards him, and set up a poisonous snake cannon.

However, before the cannonball arrived, a wind blade cut off Cook's neck first, and the cannonball just blew Cook's body into tatters.

For a while, Stanley stared at Qiu He, and Qiu He also looked at Stanley.

Seeing that his own captain was also defeated, the pirates on the pirate ship immediately set sail, trying to escape from here. Naturally, the suppression of Qiu He's artillery was much smaller.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Qiu He controlled the poisonous snake cannon and shot the main sail of the pirate ship, losing the power of the sail. These pirates were just fish to be slaughtered.


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