“Okay, stop arguing!”

Speaking of which, I really dare to thank Candle Dragon that damn guy, if it weren’t for him, I’m afraid that with Lingling’s bad character, he wouldn’t have joined forces with me until death!!”

Kaido waved his hand confidently and said.

When I first received the news,

Kaido’s expression was completely no different from the current “Volley Six”.

When they were young, the two originally belonged to the Rocks Pirates.

Therefore, their respective temperaments can be said to be quite understood.

Plus promoted to the fourth queen,

Friction in these decades.

Not to mention the trust that can be cooperated.


This situation was broken by a man.

This man is flamboyant.

Zhang Yang with super strong strength,

Rise like a dazzling comet.

And many times clashed with the Hundred Beast Pirate Group and the Pirate Group.

The two Four Emperors regiments were frequently rubbed.

There were countless deaths and injuries.

It can be said that Kaido and · are a thorn in the eye, ou.

And in the “war on top”,

Whitebeard, the strongest man in the world,

And in the end, he won unexpectedly.

Whether it’s Kaido or ·,

The jealousy of him in my heart has reached its peak.

And because of this,

· will be groundbreaking,

Offered to marry Kaido.

And Kaido happens to have this intention.

The two are ready to join forces to first take down the great secret treasure hidden at the end of the world “Ralph Drew”,

Then kill the candle dragon together.

And declare war on the Navy with the world government.

It can be said that

The ambition of the two is simply to the extreme.

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But for these two, after Whitebeard’s death,

For the emperor who stood at the apex of the pirate world,

That goal is not unattainable.


The legendary “ancient weapon”,

Most likely, it is hidden in “Ralph Drew”.

Even if it’s not there.

With the legendary “great secret treasure” that is unique in the world,

They can also call up men who are not inferior to the Navy.


Anything is possible!!

“Hey, Lord Kaido, can’t you tell us any important news now, why are you so mysterious?

Runtian asked with an annoyed look like a.

She thinks in the opposite way to everyone else.

“Don’t be so anxious Runma, this matter was decided by me on the fly, if I say it in advance, I’m afraid it will cause a lot of chaos!!”

Kaido explained without hurry.

“But now that a few of you are here, then I will give you a task first!”

“Before the banquet officially starts, bring me my stupid son Yamato, who suddenly disappeared, as soon as possible!!”

When he mentioned his son Yamato,

Kaido’s face turned much worse at once.

How could Damn’s Laozi give birth to such an anti-bone boy?

Unexpectedly, he has always dressed up as the guy from Mitsuki Ota.

Does she also want to be an enemy of herself?

What a beating!!

“Oh, Lord Kaido, you’re a bit of a strongman!!”

Black Maria pretended to be embarrassed on her face, and said with a giggle:

“However, in other words, that important news is related to Young Master Yamato?”

“That’s right!!”

Kaido nodded in confirmation.

“Cut, the trouble is dead, isn’t this your own family problem?!”

Silly Runmei spoke angrily.

“Hey, bastard, don’t talk to Boss Kaido like this, you’ll be killed!!”

Peggy stopped with a panicked look. _

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