Huge shells came out of the chamber.

It skyrocketed a hundredfold under the multiplication power of the Momo fruit.

In the blink of an eye, it’s the size of a warship.

And at the same time, it has a hundred times the speed before.

“I’m afraid that Hades is nothing more than that!”

Zhang Yang had no doubt that Walde’s blow could destroy an island.

World saboteurs are really not called for nothing.

If he had such a huge cannon thirty years ago,

I’m afraid that the world government has long been frightened.

The right hand swipes outward without a trace.

A powerful magnetic force poured out instantly.

The giant cannonball that originally flew out in the direction of the Chambord Islands,

The flight was strangely corrected to the laterite continent farther away.

A steady stream of magnetic force provides an ample source of power for shells that consume a sharp amount of kinetic energy.

“This… You…… Poof!”

No one knows better than Wald what he was aiming for.

However, when he looked at Zhang Yang with a surprised expression,

The figure of the other party had already appeared in front of him.


An arm went straight through Walder’s heart.

Zui angle slightly arced,

Zhang Yang said in a voice that only the two of them could hear:

“Let me use your ability to test the hole cards of the world government… But if you can blow them up in one fell swoop, this honor will all belong to you!”

“Fruit… Sure enough, people with the color of overlords will definitely not succumb to others…”

Wald’s body collapsed weakly to the ground.

It’s just that his pupils that are quickly losing their brilliance,

But he was always looking at the towering red earth continent at the end of his line of sight.

What a pity.

I can’t see that feat with my own eyes.

But Zhang Yang’s gaze turned sharply to the other side of the sea.

Over there

Hawkeye armed with a black knife,

Already jumping high.

Make chopping motions.

“Don’t get in the way!”

Zhang Yang’s eyes froze,

At the same time, the right hand is like a fly in the air, swinging outward.

The eagle eye that jumped up in the air suddenly felt an unparalleled force coming from the black knife night,

And then before he could slash out,

The body then smashed uncontrollably into the sea.

And the huge shell the size of a warship quickly disappeared from everyone’s view.

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“Oh my God, where the hell is that Wald guy trying to hit that shell?”

“That kind of volume, I’m afraid it can destroy an island with one blow, right?!”

“Damn, we can’t catch up with that kind of speed!”

“The pirate is really unreliable, the guy from Hawkeye just had a chance to shoot, but he pretended to make a mistake and fell into the sea, he just wants to see the jokes of our navy!”

“That is, if it weren’t for Lord Candle Dragon dealing with Wald, he would definitely have been able to stop this shell!”

The sailors on the warship said in a seven-tongued manner.

But only the parties Hawkeye knew what had really happened.

stared at Zhang Yang with an extremely solemn expression for a long time,

Hawkeye jumps straight from the water and returns to his small boat.

Ignoring Perona’s chirping questioning,

Start the boat and return directly without saying a word.


Toot toot…

The shrill sound of sirens instantly resounded throughout Mary Joa.

After receiving notice from the Navy,

Mary Joa went straight into the early high alert state.

“Damn, that damn guy Wald dares to do such a big disobedient thing!”

The bald five-year-old star roared with an extremely corrupted face.

Since the establishment of the World Government,

This humiliating thing has never happened before.

“Hmph, it’s not the fault of that bastard of the red dog, if you let His Majesty’s Seven Martial Seas make a move, Wald must not have such a chance to strike!”

The five old stars of the flat hat snorted coldly.

“If we disturb Lord Im’s rest, even we will not be able to escape death!”

The long-haired five old stars said with a worried look.

“Send someone to Rozwald to bring the tyrant bear back, with his ability he should be able to shoot that shell!”

The blond five old stars ordered.

“The guy isn’t there in Rozwald now, and Vegapunk said there were still some improvements that hadn’t been completed, so he was taken away a few days ago!”

The bald five-year-old star reminded.

“It’s too late to call people now, this time it’s up to me to strike!”

The five old stars holding the sword said with a solemn expression.

Immediately the figure turned into a phantom,

Rushed out of the palace like lightning.

Meeting the giant cannonball that is getting bigger and bigger in the line of sight,

The first generation of ghosts in his hands was completely unsheathed.

The sound of harsh cries suddenly came out.

It was like countless ghosts and unjust souls imprisoned in the knife.

“One knife flow horizontal cut!”


Heaven and earth seemed to dim instantly.

The string moon-shaped sword qi cut through the long sky,

Wrapped in amazing power,

Directly cut the giant shell that struck from a distance in half. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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