“Wen. gun!!”

In the distance, a series of pink heart-shaped bullets suddenly burst out from the forest.

But then he was blocked by Nami, who turned into lightning.

“Sir, hand over this stinky woman to me!”

Nami’s pretty face was cold, and she couldn’t bear it anymore.

She doesn’t care what kind of shit female emperor the other party is.

Dare to make a move on her sweetheart,

Must die.

Especially such a beautiful female slut!

Who knew that Zhang Yang smiled and shook his head:

“Nami, you have other tasks, you go to Amazon Lily’s country now, search the whereabouts of Luffy the straw hat kid, and if he is on the island, immediately notify Lieutenant General Karp and let him clean up his mess!”

“During this time, if you encounter attack or resistance, kill them all!”

Given the customs of Daughters Island.

Karp did not directly follow Zhang Yang to disembark from the ship.

Instead, he remained on board.

But when separated,

He asked Zhang Yang with a serious look to help him this time.

He really didn’t want to see his other grandson die.

Although Zhang Yang was slightly displeased in his heart.

But in the end, he nodded in agreement.

Luffy for him,

It’s just an ant that can be crushed to death at any time.

What a dog-smelling protagonist light is useless in his place with Ben.

“Lieutenant General Karp, please remember that whether Luffy is on this island or not, this is the last time!”

Before Zhang Yang got off the boat, he said without looking back.

His sympathy for Karp,

It has completely dissipated with this expedition.

As a grandfather and father, Karp,

That is, did not guide his own son well,

Nor did he guide his grandchildren and righteous grandchildren.

Today’s situation and tragedy,

There is an inseparable relationship with him.

Echoing the old saying,

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The wretched will have something to hate.

“Well… Be careful, my lord!”

Nami nodded somewhat reluctantly, and then turned into a bolt of thunder and jumped into the sky.

After eating the “Thunder Fruit”,

Under the guidance of Zhang Yang and Fuji Hu,

Nami’s domineering spirit has been completely fused with the “Thunder Fruit”.

Now it is no less than the original Anilu.

So search for Luffy’s traces in such a huge country,

It wasn’t that hard for her.


Just as Nami left.

The female emperor’s sharp kick had already slashed down.

“Find death!!”

A cold killing intent flashed in the dark pupils.

Zhang Yang’s pitch-black fist wrapped around the domineering color of armed color smashed up in the face of the kick.



After a crisp sound like a mirror cracking.

Lightning-like dark red energy splashed out like a furious thundersnake.

Yet the next second.

The figure of the female emperor flew out upside down again.


A crisp sound of bones breaking came from her right leg.

Even her attacks were wrapped with armed color domineering.

But regardless of hardness or grade,

are not comparable to Ben and the flamboyant.

“Damn, this guy is really too strong!”

The female emperor forcibly endured the sharp pain in her legs, struggled to get up from the ground, and while gritting her teeth of resentment appeared on her face, her eyes also flashed with deep fear.

“It’s over, it’s over, is the Amazon Kingdom going to be completely ended today?”

“Snake Ji, I have long known that one day, this place will be destroyed because of your hypocritical arrogance, but I never expected that this day would come so soon!”

Looking at the falling Amazon female warriors all around,

As well as the seriously injured female emperor and two other Goergong sisters,

Mother-in-law’s wrinkled old face showed a look of despair.

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