“Marshal of the Warring States, give the order!”

Zhang Yang slowly turned his head to look at the Warring States and said.

Although in the current situation,

Even if he directly ordered the Warring States on his behalf, he would definitely not blame him.

But Zhang Yang didn’t want to do that.

Because the Warring States are, after all, the marshal of the navy,

And now it’s a live broadcast to the whole world.

As a member of the Navy,

He must preserve the honor and unity of the Navy.

“Everyone obeys orders!”

The fighter plane was fleeting, and the Warring States did not hesitate to directly order:

“Those who have lost their ability to fight stay to take care of the wounded, and others who still have the power to fight a battle, continue to hunt down the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates, and absolutely cannot release these villains back into the sea!”

Safeguarding justice is our Navy’s duty, and even sacrifices for it are justified… If anyone dares to stop you, they are declaring war on the navy, and I grant you the freedom to fight back!!”

The majestic voice of the Warring States instantly resounded throughout the entire Marin Fando.


Tens of thousands of naval officers and soldiers on the square spoke at the same time, and their voices were like thunder.

“Hehe, the red-haired guy will leave it to me!”

The red dog smiled viciously, and walked towards the direction of the red-haired pirate group.

“Wait a minute, you better continue to chase the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates, and it’s time for those two guys who can’t contribute to play a role!”

Zhang Yang stretched out his hand to stop the red dog, and looked at the “water releaser” green pheasant and the “real water releaser” yellow ape on the side unkindly, and said:

“If you two don’t want the navy to lose face in front of the people of the world, let’s deal with the red-haired Shanks guy a little more seriously,

I think with the two of you making a move, the red-haired pirate group should not be able to affect the battle situation in a short time, and when I kill Blackbeard, I will come to help you!”

Compared to red dogs,

The performance of the green pheasant and the yellow ape is really confusing.

If the pheasant is because of Karp,

Not wanting to go all out to hunt down the members of the Whitebeard Pirates who were protecting Luffy’s evacuation made more or less sense.

But the yellow ape that releases water out of the Pacific Ocean makes people a little puzzled.

After all, in a war of this level,

If he still maintains the same laziness as before,

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This is absolutely unjustifiable.

“Yo yo, you guy still talks as annoying as ever!”

The yellow ape’s eyes condensed slightly, and his face was full of displeasure.

It’s just that when he saw the gloomy-looking Sengoku casting a stern gaze at him,

Raise your hands as if in surrender,

Said helplessly:

“Mr. Sengoku’s gaze is so terrible, it seems that our light is covered by others, do you say it is Kuzan!”

However, what made the yellow ape feel a little embarrassed.

The green pheasant simply ignored his tease.

Instead, Shen Shen glanced at Zhang Yang and nodded gladly:

“Leave it to me!”

Compared to hunting down Lieutenant General Karp’s grandson,

He prefers to fight the redhead.


Part of the navy, led by the yellow ape and the green pheasant, directly confronted the red-haired pirate group.

Shankston, who had just been arrogant, was in a bit of a dilemma.

This situation in front of him was something he never dreamed of.

“What to do Captain, are we really going to war with the Navy?”

Raki Lu, who was holding a large piece of rou in his hand, asked with some concern.

Shanks didn’t speak.

It’s just that his gloomy gaze has already looked at the proudly standing Zhang Yang on the opposite side,

Killing intent surged in his heart.

If it is not ostentatious.

I am afraid that the situation has now been stabilized by him.

The members of the Whitebeard Pirates can also leave safely.

And now not only the members of the Whitebeard Pirates can’t go.

Their red-haired pirate group was also dragged into this chaos.

Damn candle dragons.

Last time in the New World,

I really should have killed you!

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