Not long after Zhang Yang’s warship left Marin Fando, the phone call from the Warring States came directly.

It’s just that Zhang Yang didn’t tell the other party about the Liku royal family’s call for help.

Because he guessed,

With the cautious character of the Warring States,

After knowing his upcoming “big move”,

I will definitely try my best to stop him.

So he casually found an excuse to prevaricate.

And promised to the Warring States,

This voyage will definitely not poke him in the basket.

Hang up the phone,

The people around couldn’t help but burst into laughter.

“The actions of the lieutenant general really impressed the old man!”

Fuji Hu flattered with a serious face.

“Hee-hee, I really want to see for myself what kind of expression the Sengoku Marshal will have on his face when he knows that we have arrived in Dressrosa?”

Nami said with a smile.

“I think it must be exciting!”

Ain, who has always been serious, showed a rare playful expression on his face, and quipped towards Zhang Yangnuzui.

“Hey, troublemaker, what the hell are you going to Dressrosa for? If you dare to delay my assessment for promotion to lieutenant general at the end of the year, I will definitely finish with you!”

Peach Rabbit said with a straight face.

However, Gu Yina, who was standing beside her, duly dismantled the stage and said:

“Master, didn’t you just say that you hope I can find a suitable opponent in Drosrosa and complete the breakthrough?”

“Bastard, when did Wei Shi say this…”

Peach Rabbit’s pretty face instantly turned crimson.

Reaching out and pinching this smelly apprentice who always demolished his own platform, he began to clean up.

Seeing this, everyone immediately burst into laughter.

The entire warship was shrouded in laughter.

Lei Jiu looked around with envy.

The sight in front of her had never been seen before in the kingdom of Djerma.

Compared to that indifferent place,

She prefers it here.

Hesitate for a moment,

Lei Jiujiu got up the courage to walk to Zhang Yang’s side and gently reminded:

“Lord Lieutenant General, aren’t the troops we brought with us on this voyage a little too small!”

“Doflamingo has occupied Dressrosa for many years, and there must be a lot of troops under him, plus he has been using His Majesty’s identity as the Seven Martial Seas to steal and sell weapons in the underground world over the years, so…”

Although Lei Jiu’s words were not finished, the meaning of worry in them was self-evident.

Before her father Gaji was because of the power of Langmingo,

That’s why they are ready to rely on the power of the four emperors to fight back.

And now Zhang Yang is actually ready to use the power of a warship,

But the other side is a super big.

If it weren’t for the strength of the ostentatious before,

Lei Jiu would definitely think that the other party was a crazy person.

But even so,

She still couldn’t understand Zhang Yang’s action.


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Zhang Yang looked at Lei Jiu with some surprise.

This is after Lei Jiu boarded the ship,

The two had their first conversation.

The elegant, beautiful and generous woman in front of her is not at all like the arrogant and arrogant “waste” in the Vince Mock family

She seems to be more sociable,

At the same time, I am very willing to think about others.

A trace of goodwill suddenly rose in Zhang Yang’s heart.

Zui Jiao arched a confident smile,

Zhang Yang said with a mysterious face:

“Don’t worry about the strength of the troops, Doflamingo has already prepared a large number of ready-made troops for us!”

Nami smiled and threw herself into Lei Jiu’s arms at this time,

Staring at Zhang Yang with burning eyes, he said:

“Sister Lei Jiu, don’t worry, Lord Lieutenant General’s decision can never go wrong!”

“Oh? yes?”

The curious look in his eyes became more and more intense,

Shell teeth light start,

Lei Jiu immediately smiled at Zhang Yang and said:

“I’m really looking forward to what kind of feat the lieutenant general will do!”



East China Sea

Windmill Town.

At some point, the townspeople all gathered on the port.

“He’s finally on his way, Mayor!”

Marcino looked at the boat on the sea that was slowly sailing into the distance, and said with some reluctance:

“Without this child, it really makes people feel lonely!”

“Yes, mayor, I really didn’t expect that kid to really follow in Ace’s footsteps and embark on the path of pirates!”

The townspeople laughed and said.

“Hmph, as the grandson of the lieutenant general, he actually chose to be a pirate, it is really our windmill town… Shame!”

Upu Slap, the elderly mayor of the town, pretended to be annoyed and said.

It’s just that the concern and reluctance between his eyebrows speak for itself.

“Mayor, Luffy shouldn’t be in any danger, right?”

Marcino asked a little boldly.

Mayor Upu shook his head with a reassuring smile.

“He will definitely be fine, since Lieutenant General Candle Dragon took office, there have been no sea thieves in the four seas!”

“Yes, Lord Candle Dragon really deserves to be the guardian of our world, without him, I’m afraid we still can’t live a stable life now!”

“That is, now even the group of officers and masters of the naval branch have become much easier to talk to, if this is put in the original, dare you think?”

“But isn’t it, only a worthy admiral like Lord Candle Dragon would think of standing up for our people!”

The conversation of the townspeople in the port soon shifted from Luffy out to sea to Zhang Yang’s contribution to the four seas and his glorious achievements that have shocked the world in the past few years.


In the distance, the sea water suddenly rolled violently.

Then a king of the near seas with a body length of nearly 100 meters appeared viciously in front of Luffy’s boat.

“Hehe, King of the Near Sea, you finally appeared… Now let you see my ten years of cultivation!”

Luffy, wearing a straw hat, smiled confidently.

Immediately, he opened his mouth and punched out the king of the near sea.

“Rubber … Pistol!”_

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