When he said this, was it to increase the trust of his words, this mysterious person also pointed to the corpses of the ninjas who were killed by Wang Hua just now.

“I came after these three guys before, they are all traitors from Water Shadow Village, and my mission is to kill them, but I didn’t expect it.”

When he heard the other party say that he was a bounty hunter, Ling Yun would not believe it.

“The three of them actually died at the hands of Your Excellency, and Your Excellency seems to have a strange blood stain, which makes me a little curious, if my guess is correct, Uchiha Itachi should also be from your family, right?”

Looking at the ninja with a fox mask in front of him, so polite, Ling Yun would not really think that the other party was a messenger of peace.

“If you really didn’t treat me as an enemy, you wouldn’t do these things, okay, don’t say any more, I know what you really want to earn, but don’t continue to waste time, come on, let me see how strong your strength is, since you can guess, I am from the Uchiha family, then let me see what other powerful power you have.”

After Ling Yun said such a sentence, he no longer wasted time writing wheel eyes, and after fully opening it, he could clearly feel who was the other party’s essence among the dozen or so multiple shadow doppelgangers in front of him.

It is the Chakra doppelganger around the fastest and most majestic one, they actually have a defect in the structure built by their bodies and itself, and in fact, although the words on their faces are very similar, Ling Yun can see that there is no unique emotion in their eyes.

“It seems that Your Excellency’s use of the Sharingan is also relatively powerful, and it is a little surprising to me to be able to directly find my own existence in so many invisibility in an instant, but Your Excellency is really a little impulsive, since you want to fight me as an enemy, then I will definitely not give up just like that, then I will lay down my life to accompany the gentleman.”

When Ling Yun rushed towards this ninja with a fox mask, in fact, a name had already appeared in Ling Yun’s mind, but he couldn’t believe it, because it was logical that at this time period, the other party should be dead.

However, after such a thought flashed in Ling Yun’s mind, he stopped thinking deeply about whether it was true or not, there were already many conspiracies and tricks in the Hokage World, and whether some things were true or false, Ling Yun even if he had some understanding.

But now I have forgotten some things, only remember some of the more important ones, such as the attack of the Nine Tails on Konoha Village, and the six powers of Uchiha Madara obtained, and Nagato, the time when Payne destroyed Konoha Village.

However, these things that happened after that, if Ling Yun guessed correctly, at least there are still more than ten years from now, so Ling Yun can polish his strength in these ten years, and the closest to this incident is the Nine Tails attacking Konoha Village, of course, there is also the black hand behind the scenes, Uchiha Spot.

Of course, Uchiha didn’t need Ling Yun to deal with it now, because there was a wave feng shui gate to deal with him, although it was said that the wave feng shui gate would die because of the seal when it was sealed for a long time, but he completely sealed the long absence in the body of Naruto Uzumaki.

But to be honest, Ling Yun thought that after two years, the Vortex Clan would be exterminated, in fact, he was a little sad in his heart, and even the beautiful face of the previous Vortex White Nine Phoenix appeared in his mind, as well as the unforgettable smile.

Then when he thought of these things, Ling Yun couldn’t help but try to put aside all the thoughts in his mind, and when he raised his head, he couldn’t help but break out in a cold sweat, because when he looked at the other party, Ling Yun could feel himself, and it shouldn’t really have such emotions just now.

It was influenced by the other party, and after thinking of himself, just now affected by the other party’s hallucination, Ling Yun suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, because he didn’t expect that this guy in front of him actually had a blood succession limit, and just now this kind of Ling Yun, such a Sharingan owner, is deeply trapped in it, then it represents the other party’s ability, only stronger than himself.

Ling Yun if he guessed correctly now, the other party should also be the owner of the Sharingan, but Lingyun he was very puzzled, because he didn’t know which of the legendary people who had the Sharingan would carry such a peculiar fox mask, at least in the previous plot, Lingyun’s understanding of this basically existed in the memories, and he couldn’t take it out at all.

“Who the hell are you? I can feel that you also have the Blood Succession Limit, although I don’t know whether it is the Sharingan or the White Eye, but the power in your body must be stronger than I thought, no wonder you have the courage to appear directly and stop me, but do you think this will be able to defeat me? ”

This mysterious man looked at Ling Yun and seemed to recognize the power in his body, and he couldn’t help but smile at once, but Ling Yun could hear it from the other party’s laughter, and the other party seemed to recognize him, or recognize the other party’s identity, and was not so curious.

But I also think about it, after all, Ling Yun himself is the owner of the Sharingan, but now Ling Yun has a problem that he has no way to determine whether the other party is from the Uchiha family.

“Are you from the Uchiha family, and if so, who are you?”

Just when he said such a sentence, he originally thought that the mysterious person in front of him would not tell this identity, because through the previous actions of the other party, including encircling himself and blocking his way, he could guess that the other party must have some terrible plan or conspiracy.

But just when Ling Yun’s whole person was in a strict position, and even worried about what other means the other party would use to attack him, this strange guy suddenly took off the fox mask on his face, and after the other party took off the fox mask.

When he looked at the other party’s somewhat familiar, but extremely strange face, Ling Yun’s whole person was stunned, because although this person in front of him made him very strange, it was because he was the first time he met in reality, and the reason why he was so familiar was because he could call the other party’s name, but he didn’t expect that it would

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