The new branch of the Navy, the new branch of the Navy, was officially launched.

Navy G12 branch.

Smoker is meeting with several branch leaders.

Two months ago, he was assigned to the G12 branch.

This branch did not appear in the original plot.

It has been so long since I came here, and I have never heard of such a branch.

Therefore, Smoker is really looking forward to it and curious.

But after seeing the introduction of the branch, he suddenly felt a sense of laughter and tears.

It turned out that the predecessor of G12 was the Navy 1704 Base in the Sabaody Archipelago.

It was just approved to be upgraded to a branch more than half a month ago.

During this period, Smoker also made a lot of efforts.

Because Doflamingo was severely punished before, the world-famous slave auction house was not built on the Sabaody Archipelago, but there were many much smaller slave markets.

Smoker revealed to the Celestial Dragons through Guernica that many high-quality slaves with bounties of over 100 million appeared on the island.

When the Celestial Dragons came to the lower world, the navy deliberately chased the pirates and accidentally rushed into the Celestial Dragons' team.

Although the pirates were killed before they could say a word, the Celestial Dragons were still furious.

So, under the pretext of protecting the Celestial Dragons, Sengoku applied to establish the G12 branch in the Sabaody Archipelago.

Marshal Kong approved it without thinking when he saw that it was related to the Celestial Dragons.

So, the G12 branch was just born.

But when Smoker and others arrived, they were immediately confused.

Except for the signboard, nothing else changed.

There was no expansion, no equipment, and no additional personnel.

In desperation, Smoker could only go to Zephyr.

Zefa was eating in the cafeteria at that time. After hearing what Smoker said, he spread his hands and said, "No money."

Smoker was stunned. The emperor would not use hungry soldiers. There was no money to build a branch.

Zefa took out a booger and threw it at Smoker's face.

You should find a way to raise military funds by yourself, otherwise, see how much money you can get by selling me.

Smoker's eyes twitched. It's hard for me to deal with you like this.

Zefa turned the table over directly. It's hard, so I won't do it.

Zefa's rogue look made Smoker's face pale with anger, but he was helpless and could only persuade him.

Finally, Zefa finally gave in.

Anyway, don't ask the headquarters for money, don't dismantle the G12 branch.

You can do whatever you want. If there is a problem, I will take care of it for you!

There is no funding, at least there is a policy.

Smoker's trip was not in vain.

These days, he has been worrying about the construction of the branch, and today's meeting is also for this matter.

At this time, a female navy with a rough face and a tall figure is speaking.

"Regarding the branch expansion plan, 400 houses and shops have been expropriated, and the compensation and cleanup work is going smoothly."

Smoker nodded with satisfaction.

"Very good, Aiman, this can only go so smoothly if you do it!"

Aiman ​​saluted: "This is what I should do!!"

Aiman ​​was originally the base commander of the 1704 base. In this change, she was promoted to brigadier general and stayed here to become Smoker's assistant.

This kind of demolition work is more suitable for her to be responsible for.

Smoker turned around and asked his colleague, Esther.

"Esther, how is the staffing?"

Esther took out a notebook and stood up.

"Report to Major General Smoker, the headquarters has approved our application, and 1,050 naval soldiers will be in place in three days!"

Smoker nodded: "That's good... Accommodation and food, let's find a hotel nearby first."

A normal naval base has only 150 people.

This number of people is okay to guard a town,

But the Sabaody Archipelago is a large archipelago with 79 islands, what can these people do?

Including himself, there are not enough for two people on an island.

So, Smoker also asked Zefa for people.

Zefa said, you can ask for as many as you want, but you have to bear the expenses yourself, the headquarters will not pay a penny!

Smoker's teeth were broken, he understood it.

These old men just want to see what G12 can do without the military support of the headquarters.

This really dug a big hole for themselves...

At this time, Aiman ​​asked.

"Major General Smoker, why do we need to apply for so many soldiers? The branch expansion plus military pay is too much of a burden!"

A normal naval branch is equipped with 1-2 lieutenant generals, 2 major generals, 20 brigadier generals and officers, and 600 soldiers.

For example, Zane was a major general before the accident and served as the deputy base commander.

In the original plot, Smoker

The G5 branch that Mog went to has two vice admirals because it is located in the New World.

But the configuration of the G12 branch is very special.

There is one vice admiral, and the quota is occupied by the addition.

Although he is the commander of the base, he also serves as a naval staff officer. He is usually in the headquarters and can't take care of this side.

There is one major general, that is Smoger, who actually controls the G12 branch.

This is a bit of a cover-up, but at least it complies with the procedures.

Compared with the understaffed senior management, there are 45 brigadier generals and colonels and 1,200 soldiers below, which is twice as many as the normal branch.

Therefore, the current G12 branch is a bit top-heavy...

Faced with Aiman's doubts, Smoger was not angry.

"I understand your concerns, but my plan below requires sufficient manpower!"

Aiman ​​was stunned: "Plan?!"

Smoger smiled slightly.

"You should also know the headquarters' attitude towards G12."

"I can tell you that this is not because the headquarters does not value us."

"On the contrary, we are carrying out an unprecedented mission!"

"In order to complete the mission, I will implement two plans in the Sabaody Archipelago: islander migration and investment attraction!"

Everyone was stunned. What did you say? !

Smoker smiled and began to explain.

First is the islander migration plan.

The Sabaody Archipelago is composed of 79 islands.

In the year 1517 of the Sea Circle Calendar when Luffy arrived, Islands 1-29 had completely become lawless areas.

Although it is still in the hands of the navy, the control is already quite weak.

The islander migration plan is to move out the civilians in this area, directly throw these islands to the pirates, and then establish a defense line on the periphery with superior forces.

You pirates can mess around in it, but don't even think about getting out!

To realize this plan, there must be enough troops, so Smoker applied for so many marines.

In fact, these marines are not enough. It is just because it has just been implemented and the funds are limited, so fewer people are needed.

After hearing this plan, everyone looked at each other in bewilderment.

In their minds, the navy should fight for every inch of land against pirates.

Who would have thought that Smoker would take the initiative to give up one-third of the Sabaody Archipelago. This is too crazy.

I have never heard of any army doing this...

The headquarters will not throw us all into Impel Down in anger, right?

Smoker has his own plans.

The Sabaody Archipelago is the gateway to the New World.

There are not only many pirates, but also many tourists and merchant ships.

Instead of grabbing everything at once and mixing them together, it is better to directly divert and manage them.

Ordinary people go to tourist areas and commercial areas, and pirates will waste their time in the illegal areas.

The strong men who really want to stir up trouble in the New World hope that the navy will not bother them, so they will naturally stay in the illegal areas.

The pirates who rushed out because they couldn't stand the loneliness would not be very strong and would be easy to deal with.

At this time, someone raised doubts.

"Major General Smoker, if the islanders' migration plan succeeds, it will be a good thing for our navy."

"But what about the cost?"

"If we provide them with housing, the cost will be too high. If we don't provide it, and pass the cost on to them... isn't that bad?!"

Smoker nodded.

"I understand what you mean. Although we are short of funds, we can squeeze out some money and lend them low-interest loans to settle down and buy houses."

"Think about it, if the plan succeeds, there will be bloodshed in the lawless areas, but what about other places?"

"It will be safer and more comfortable, with more people and more developed trade! Similarly, the value of real estate and shops will increase, and people's income will be higher! As long as we survive the first two years, the appreciation of capital and salary will be enough to offset the losses!"

"Our navy can also plan ahead and buy more shops. Even if we don't have money, we can cooperate with other branches... In the future, whether it is renting or selling, it will be a sure-win business."

"Of course, if you want to purchase shops and real estate, as long as you don't rob them, I don't object..."

When the navy heard this, their eyes lit up.

So it seems to be a good thing? !

So someone else couldn't wait to ask: ""Major General Smoker, what does it mean to attract investment? ! "

Smoker did not explain directly, but took out a box of cigars and threw it to everyone present.

"Try this cigar first..."

Everyone took a puff and was shocked.

"This cigar... is top quality! !"

"This is a treasure only available in the South China Sea, and it is usually only supplied to the royal family! !"

"Major General Smoker, do you have more? More!"

Everyone talked at once, wishing they could swallow the cigarette.

Smoker smiled


"I can't afford such a good cigar. This is a gift from someone."

He pointed to the boxes piled up behind him.

"These are all!"

Everyone was shocked: "Gifts?! Who?!"

Smoker laughed: "You should know, the traitor of the navy, the upstart of the underground world, the former princess of the Toden'ao Kingdom in the North Sea, Bradley Zane..."

"What?!" Everyone was shocked.

"Zane, who is called the gambling Rakshasa in the underground world?!"

"The fallen navy?!"

In recent years, Zane has been thriving in the underground world and has become an out-and-out gambling tycoon.

Smoker nodded: "That's right, whether it is branch construction or islander migration, it requires a lot of money, so we have to cooperate with guys with strong financial resources. The person I choose is Zane!"

"I plan to cooperate with her... to build casinos in commercial areas and illegal areas."

The eyes of the navy lit up.

This is a great idea!

Not to mention the casinos in the lawless areas, the pirates will not destroy everywhere if they have a place to vent their excess energy.

The casinos in the commercial area are also very beneficial.

It can attract customers, and when people come, money will naturally come.

Moreover, when pirates rob, the first target is also the casino, and the security force of the casino is not weak, which can greatly share the pressure of the navy...

"In addition to the casino, Zane also proposed a plan...slave auction house!"

The navy was stunned and looked at each other.

Aiman ​​frowned and said: "Slave auction house? Why do we let her build such a thing??"

It is true that the slave industry is prevalent in the Sabaody Archipelago,

but this is only because Aiman ​​can't control it, not because she doesn't want to control it...

Smoker took a puff of cigarette.

"The slave trade is the cancer of this island... no, the world!"

"Unfortunately, as long as the nobles are still using slaves, no matter how hard we try, we can't eliminate the slave trade."

"Even if they disappear from the Sabaody Archipelago, they will just move to other places..."

Eman nodded, agreeing deeply.

"Indeed... the more the navy encircles and suppresses, the higher the price of slaves, and the more human traffickers there are!"

"Those nobles not only don't help, but also protect them in every possible way..."

Most of the navy are disgusted with the slave system.

But if they want to break this corrupt system, the first one who is unwilling is the World Government, and the second one is the member states.

After all, they are the biggest slave owners.

Smoker snorted coldly.

"The bigger the wind and waves, the more expensive the fish..."

"We can't eliminate the slave trade by relying on our navy alone. In this case, why not join forces with Zane to build a slave auction in the illegal zone and only allow slaves to be sold there in the future!"

"Of course, we have to set rules for her. We will keep a close eye on who can sell and how much they can sell!"

"Besides, this slave auction can't be built just like that! She has to pay a deposit first, and half of the future profits will be divided among us!"

Aiman ​​nodded: "So that's how it is. Using the money from the slave trade to subsidize the branch, but..."

She whispered: "It's still hard for me to accept things like hurting the people."

Smoker smiled sinisterly.

"Who said to sell civilians? Why do we have to sell civilians?"

"In the illegal zone, there are as many people suitable for being slaves as you want..."

Aiman's eyes suddenly lit up.

At this time, Vip, who was in charge of intelligence, seemed to have thought of something.

"Major General Smoker, you said the slave auction is in an illegal zone? What if those nobles go in?"

Smoker took a puff of his cigarette and showed a sarcastic look.

"CP is responsible for the safety of the world's nobles. We don't need to worry about it, and there will be no madmen to attack the Celestial Dragons."

"Of course, in order to show our attitude, the Navy must still come forward. When the time comes, we will clear the area in advance to prevent idiots from offending the Celestial Dragons!"

Why choose the 1st to 29th islands with a fairly good location as the illegal zone?

The most important reason is that it is close to Mary Jo Asia.

If the Celestial Dragons want to come to the Sabaody Archipelago, these islands are the first choice for landing.

So, Smoker simply cut off these islands. .

Come if you want, don't bully the civilians. As for how to degrade the pirates and underground forces, it's up to you!

"What about the nobles of various countries? They also have a great demand for slaves."

Smoker smiled.

"I will find Mr. Zefa later and ask him to inform all countries in the name of the headquarters to land at regular ports when coming to Shampoo."

"Then contact the World Economic Daily and ask them to issue a similar notice..."

"You can also compile a booklet called "Precautions for Landing on the Island". On the first page, write "Don't enter illegal areas!"

Before the ship comes to the Sabaody Archipelago, we will be notified. You can send the booklet to them! It doesn't matter if they read it or not, but they must sign for it in writing! ! "

Vip: "They won't be so obedient with just a notice..."

Smoker said nonchalantly: "We are just the navy. We have no right to interfere with the behavior of nobles from various countries. They can go wherever they want..."

Vip asked worriedly: "What if they enter the illegal area, conflict with pirates, or even get kidnapped? ! "

Smoker laughed: "Our duty is to guard the island. What does the nobles of various countries have to do with us..."

"This..." Vip said with a wry smile: "If we don't care, they will definitely go to the Navy Headquarters or even the World Government."

Smoker said disdainfully: "The notice has been issued, the news has been issued, and the manual has been issued. Who can they blame for their own death?"

"Of course, don't blame us for being unkind. We will rescue them when necessary! "

"But let's make it clear in advance. We are just a branch, established a few days ago, with few soldiers and generals, and need to ask for help from the headquarters. As for the time... because it needs to be approved at all levels, it will naturally be slower!"

"If you can't wait, we can also transfer personnel to rescue, but other places will be lax in defense. In case of losses, they must compensate in full! ! "

"Elvis, is the scene set up?"

A thin navy stood up: "Don't worry, it's all set up! We chose three streets. These three streets have long been abandoned. They are all ruins. They are usually closed and no one will pay attention. When needed, we will add fuel to the fire and make sure that those nobles will have nothing to say..."

"Well... very good!" Smoker nodded with satisfaction: "Do a good job of registration. Some unlucky people may not be caught only once. Don't take them to the same street!"

"Don't worry! ! "

The other navy officers gasped.

They really will do anything to make money!!

But...why do I feel like life is getting better and better?!!

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