"Oh... It's a bit troublesome!"

Seeing more and more figures appear, Kizaru, who always faced the world with a lazy attitude, couldn't help but frown at this moment.

He tried to leave, but another heavy blow stopped him!

This time it was a figure with a burning body, and it was Big Mom's fourth son, Charlotte, Owen!

He sneered at Kizaru,

"……You want to leave after killing so many of us? That’s too good to be true!"


Kizaru said nothing and looked directly to the left this time. As expected, someone stopped him again.

This time it was a muscular man dressed in blue, and it was Big Mom's third son, Charlotte, Daifuku!

He took out a jar, and in an instant a huge monster appeared from it and chopped at Kizaru!

The latter looked at Kizaru with a sarcastic smile on his face, as if to say,"Why don't you run!"

Kizaru looked at these people without changing his expression, shrugged his shoulders, a little surprised and a little taken for granted... He said that this time it was a bit too smooth.

It seems that they are all waiting for him here!

Quinn, one of the Three Disasters, and Big Mom's third and fourth sons, such a lineup is really huge!

In fact, Kizaru is not panicking with just these guys... But……

""Mom...Mom, Kizaru, don't you want to say hello to me when you come to my territory?""

Tap! Tap!"

An extremely huge figure walked out from Kizaru's right side with her standard ugly laughter!

One of the Four Emperors, the Lord of All Nations, Charlotte Linlin actually appeared at this moment!

The arrival of this guy is the fundamental reason why Kizaru is a little helpless!

Three top combat forces plus a peak combat force at the level of the Four Emperors, appearing on this small island as if they have been prepared long ago... You know, Kizaru killed the group of Beasts Pirates and then came to this island in a very short time.

So he really stepped into the opponent

's trap! This is a game against the admiral level!

Kizaru looked at the four people who were coming aggressively, spread his hands a little bit, and said as a matter of course

"Do you believe me when I say that everything just now was a misunderstanding? How about we both take a step back?……"

"Let me go, I can promise to say hello next time I come!"

Kizaru told a bad joke, but Big Mom and the other four who were trying to kill Kizaru were obviously not in the mood to laugh.

Big Mom's wrinkled face laughed,

"Leaving your head here... we can discuss it."

The atmosphere in the field gradually became solemn... the air seemed to be solidified!

Seeing this, Kizaru sighed and said,"I hope that the vacation that Sengoku promised me can still be used.……"

Then she pointed her toes and shot towards the crowd, the Ame-no-Kume sword instantly gathered in her hand... Since it's hard to run, let's strike first!

Big Mom stretched out her hand, and the Napoleon on her head instantly turned into a big sword, carrying the domineering aura and going straight to meet it!

Quinn, one of the Three Calamities, and Big Mom's third son Daifuku and fourth son Owen looked at each other and attacked together!

"I want this old guy Kizaru’s head!"

"Phew, that guy is mine!"

""Get out!"

All kinds of attacks were launched at Kizaru!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The next moment!

The overwhelming sound of fighting rang out from the field, and the whole island trembled again and again, as if it was about to be shattered!

No one could have imagined that a war of this level would happen. What consequences would it bring... No one could know!



At the same time!

The amazing battle on Kraikana Island, far in the second half of the Grand Line, is almost coming to an end!

Akainu and Hawkeye Mihawk have been fighting for 5 consecutive days without a clear winner. Now their battle is almost over, and no one has intervened during this period... The battle between the baboon group and the navy led by Akainu ended with heavy casualties and a narrow victory for the navy!

Some seriously injured navy officers watched this epic battle from a distance!

Who is better, the navy admiral Akainu or the world's number one swordsman Hawkeye Mihawk!

"After so many days of fighting, there is still no winner... That Hawkeye Mihawk is really amazing!"

A marine watching the battle from a distance sighed while stroking his beard.

"Of course, otherwise how could that guy be called the best swordsman in the world?"

"This is one of the most powerful pirates!"

Someone explained that they had nothing to do these days so they could only chat. After all, it was too late to ask for support now... Of course, they couldn't bring themselves to do that!

If Akainu knew about it, they would be in big trouble after the war!

"Who will win?...It should be Admiral Akainu!"

"Of course, Admiral Akainu is invincible!"

"But, that Hawkeye Mihawk is not weak either.……"

Everyone discussed for a while, and finally the sharp-eyed young navy rear admiral narrowed his eyes and spoke with a calm look.

"Admiral Akainu has the upper hand... If the fight continues, Admiral Akainu will definitely win!"


On the battlefield at this moment!

Akainu and Hawkeye Mihawk have reached a tacit break after a great battle, and now the two sides are standing opposite each other!

Hawkeye Mihawk holds the sword with one hand... Five days of fierce fighting has consumed most of his strength, and at this moment he is no longer as elegant as he was a few days ago... Instead, he is in a state of embarrassment as it should be!

The long tuxedo has been almost burned by Akainu's hot lava, not only that... Even the skin on his chest has been scorched in several places, which looks a bit tragic.

Hawkeye Mihawk is panting at this moment, but he is full of fighting spirit!

This is really the most exciting battle in such a long time. The last time was with that guy Red-haired Shanks... It's a pity that guy lost an arm for some unknown reason, so he can't drink it again.���The two sides fought, so as not to be accused of winning unfairly!

But now it is different. Akainu, one of the three admirals of the navy, is really strong... so strong that even Hawkeye Mihawk may think that he will lose!

Will die!

But Hawkeye Mihawk is not panicked at all and is even a little excited. It is glorious for a swordsman to die in a real battle!

Hawkeye Mihawk's eyes are filled with burning flames.……

"Let’s fight!"


Akainu on the other side was in a better condition than Hawkeye, but not much better. His Navy Cloak of Justice had been ripped apart by countless sword strikes during the battle.

There were even several knife wounds on his chest, and blood was flowing slowly.

Akainu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"Damn... this guy is really a bit difficult to deal with!"

Hawkeye Mihawk's strength was a bit beyond his expectations. He thought he could easily deal with the opponent... Now it seems a bit sloppy!

The pirate camp is really full of talents, and Akainu sighed in his heart.

Five days of fierce fighting!

Akainu has never fought with others for so long. This guy is the first... I hope he will be the last!

Even if it costs some price today, this guy's life must be kept here forever!

He can't leave such a time bomb to his comrades, let alone to that little guy...

Thinking of this!

Akainu took a step forward, and the violent momentum instantly rose to the peak.

The next moment!

Akainu suddenly felt a crisp sound in his body, as if a switch was turned on!

An indescribable force is emerging from his body...

The scorching flames accompanied by red thunder suddenly unfolded from him!

The people watching the battle, including Hawkeye Mihawk who was standing on the opposite side, all murmured in a daze.

"This is... Domineering Haki!"

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