Chapter 120 Elephant Lord! The whereabouts of the red history text!

The next day, another day passed.

Just when people thought that Liu Feng’s next target was Kaido, today the Imperial Pirates set off on Cake Island!

But the direction of the voyage was somewhat surprising.

“Isn’t that direction exactly the opposite of Wano Country? Could it be that this time Liu Feng didn’t want to go to the country of Wano to defeat Kaido? ”

On Cake Island, Katakuri looked in the direction Liu Feng left and asked.

“yes, do they have something else to do?”

“Impossible, it is definitely to prepare for attacking Kaido, Liu Feng’s person is extremely dangerous, as long as he has not said a word of falsehood as long as he has said something.”

The Aunt Pirate Group they had to talk behind their backs, and at the same time they were also a little lucky, it didn’t seem too miserable that they fell from the Emperor Pirate Group to this point, and it depended on how Kaido responded.

At this time, everyone in the Aunt Pirate Group couldn’t help but have a kind of psychology of the melon-eating masses.

That’s right, the direction of the Emperor’s current travel is indeed not the country of Wano.

But an island with no specific unknown, and that island is on the back of the elephant lord!

He now not only wants the emperor to dominate the sea, but also collects four pieces of red historical text, but now he only collects one piece from Auntie.

The other three, one in the Duchy of Mokomo, a country made up of fur tribes.

There was also a piece in Kaido, which he planned to collect with him in the country of Wano.

As for the last piece, it is still unknown, but Liu Feng believes that when all three pieces are trapped in his hands, the last piece may soon surface.

And just like that, they went on the path of the fur nation.


Another two days passed.

At this time, the Emperor had already sailed to the position Liu Feng said.

“Captain Liu Feng, where is there an elephant lord here, it is clearly the endless sea.”

“Yes, there is nothing except a big mountain in front.”

Saab and Solon spoke.

“Ahhh… The sea, you are all water!!! ”

Ace couldn’t help but shout.

As for Han Cook, they didn’t say anything, but looked at Liu Feng together.

“Look up at the mountains in the distance.”

Liu Feng motioned for everyone to look at it.


What’s on it?

Is there anything else besides the mountains?

People followed Liu Feng’s gaze and raised their heads, their brows furrowed

Isn’t this still a mountain?



As their vision widened and wider, everyone’s faces were filled with shock.

“It’s a huge elephant!!!

“Is it what the captain is talking about as the Elephant Lord! This is the first time I have seen such a big elephant! ”


Ace couldn’t help but exclaim after seeing the appearance of the elephant lord, especially when they realized that the elephant lord was still a living creature, and began to admire the magic of nature.

After finding the Elephant Lord, Liu Feng was ready to lead everyone and begin to mount the Elephant Lord’s back.

However, at this moment, the elephant lord suddenly turned his head to look at Liu Feng!

“The ship … Captain, it seems to be looking at you…”

Solon said in shock.

“Does it still have psychic?!”

Look at me?

Liu Feng looked up and sure enough saw that the elephant lord was looking at him.

“You have a lot of power in your body.”

This is like the Lord speaking with his mouth.

But in Ace they sounded very harsh, and they had no idea what the Lord was saying.

“Captain, what’s going on? Could it be that the Lord is angry?! ”

Ace quickly plugged his ears and asked.

“No, he’s talking to me.”

After Liu Feng finished speaking, he then said to the elephant lord again: “There seems to be a shackle in your body, and this shackle is like a curse, urging you to only move in one direction. ”



Solon listened with a confused look.

“You can even know that I have a shackle in my body! Do you have a way to crack it? ”

The elephant lord’s voice asked excitedly.


His huge body, when excited, sounded extremely harsh in the ears of others.

“Ah! What is he talking about! ”

“Don’t get excited! Very noisy!!! ”


At this moment, as soon as Liu Feng raised his hand, an invisible protective cover enveloped everyone, and they felt much better, and there was no longer the harsh situation before.

“Naturally, there is a way, but what is the benefit?”

Liu Feng asked rhetorically.

“What is the purpose of your coming here, is it because of the country I have on my back?”

The elephant Lord spoke again.

“No, for the red historical text, I’m going to the final island of Ralph Drew.”

Liu Feng responded.

“There is indeed a red history text on the island, but I also know where the other red history text is.”


The words of the elephant lord made Liu Feng extremely interested, and then he asked rhetorically: “Is the piece you are talking about in the country of harmony or on Cake Island?” ”


“Then it is in the hands of the world government.”

Liu Feng said again.

“Count it as well, the piece I’m talking about is at the headquarters of the Navy, Marin Fandor!” _

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