From the child’s voice just now fell on this crowd, like a crack on the ice, with a light touch, it quickly spread to the surroundings, constantly spreading, and every one meant to stop.

More and more huge, he is now like the king of this world, unlike others in that he does not use force, but is very simple, and it can even be said that the thing that is ignored by everyone is news.

That’s how simple it is what Mosgen wants to see. Unlike their bloody battles, he just had to pay a small price.

Now keep your eyes on this front line.

Let everyone see how the heroic navy will defeat this Roa, the boss known as One Piece.

Let the world see how pitiful and helpless he is, like a weak human being.

Luo Ya pulled out the sword at his waist, “One sword flow, pull out the knife and chop…”

The swift sword strike quickly slashed in the air, leaving a conspicuous line, and the attack power of this silk line was extremely terrifying to pierce this sky, making this space slightly distorted!

Nami looked at the falling cannonballs in the sky, and her legs and feet couldn’t help but soften.

This shell looks in the direction definitely itself here.

If you can’t go anywhere else, you will definitely arrive…

Now there is a sea all around, there is no way to escape…

The most important thing is that there are quite a few navies ah…

Hit here by the waves…

Is the Navy actually so disregardful?

“Senior Roya…”

A figure soared in the sky, piercing at a rapid speed, Luo Ya took a breath, directly pierced the shell, a trace of sword qi directly shattered the inside, and the iron filings fell into the sea.

Roya’s expression was slightly gloomy, looking at Sakaski on the warship, and the peach rabbit body stood forward, looking coldly at Roa in the sky.

Moon step continued to step on, quickly approaching, Sakaski’s body turned into a stream of hot magma, and Roya’s sword blade condensed armed color!

“Boom!” The entire torso of the warship rose violently and was directly pierced, and the sword qi was incomparable, like the sharpest sword qi breaking the face with points!

The ocean exploded, and the surrounding sea water set off huge waves, “Boom! “A sword qi flew sideways, the navy looked at the sword qi, the warship cracked from the middle, became a lot of navies in half that could not be dodged, and died directly on the spot!


The warship exploded, and hot and magma-covered fists bombarded out, and Luo’s sword quickly slashed at these fists, leaving behind one after another sword flowers, each of which was extremely harsh sword intent, sharp and sharp, armed color domineering isolation from the hot magma, and striking on the fruit ability.

Sakaski is different from the pheasant, whose main thing is control, while he is completely unspared terror attack.

Among the three admirals of the navy, the highest peak attack power!

“Pluto!” The arm quickly magmagnated, bombarded and hit directly towards Luo Ya, Luo Ya’s armed color domineering condensed arm lightly, “A knife flow, pull out the knife flash!” ”

A sword qi slashed down, there was not much gathering time at all, and it could only strike instantly, but this was the ultimate speed, a shot in an instant, and an instant end.

Sakaski’s eyes hadn’t even received this movement from the other party!

Too fast, the ultimate sword intent, oppressing space and time, invisibly saw a sword already against his chest!

“Swoosh!” A figure fell towards the ship!

The huge ship broke up, and a huge wave of tens of meters appeared to engulf the surrounding ships, and the crew all jumped off the ship one after another!

A beautiful figure appeared, but the slender white legs were far from as beautiful as they looked, Luo Ya blocked it, and the air wave rushed out, so that the waves behind Luo Ya were directly separated and separated!

It didn’t stay too long, like a dragonfly in water.

A huge fireball rushed towards it, “Big Spitfire! ”

The cooperation between the two is natural, and they have not even done any actual combat, but they have a tacit understanding one after another.

One retreat and one attack, the blazing attack caused the ocean to continuously erupt with white qi, bursts of thick fog.

However, such a temperature is simply unbearable!

Roya’s sword slashed across the sea, and a light wave pushed away, constantly pushing the wooden boat far away from him.

“Senior, be careful!” Nami knew Roya’s intention, which was to get away from danger herself!

The seniors are very strong, don’t worry, just like the last time.

Just wait slowly, this battle will definitely be won…

I must live and not worry my predecessors!

“Little ghost with magma, let’s have a good fight now!” Luo Ya said coldly, looking at Sakaski on the ship, there was a trace of blood at the corner of the other party’s mouth, and the sword strike just now left a wound on his body!

Although he turned into magma to dodge, the armed color domineering still hit him!

The peach rabbit on the side landed next to Sakaski, “How?” ”

“It’s not in the way, but this person really shouldn’t be a little stronger as the rumors say!” His strength is not half boasting! Sakaski said with a smile, his eyebrows full of fighting intent, and the joy after hunting pirates!

“Here it comes!” Sakaski roared.

Luo Ya’s figure moved, a huge sonic boom appeared in the air, his figure was extremely fast, and he suddenly shuttled to the side of the two, and Peach Rabbit took out his own knife.

This is a famous knife! The supreme speed!


Different from the ordinary blade in Luo Ya’s hand, its patience and toughness are very different, the spark bred by “Gong” brings a series of harsh sounds, the beautiful eyes of the peach rabbit condense, looking at this face that is close at hand, very calm, not even the slightest fluctuation!

This sword of his is more like a random sword!

However, for Peach Rabbit, everything around him does not dare to bear easily! The scorching air was like a storm constantly tearing around, and there was sword qi carried under this knife, and Luo Ya did not show mercy because it was a beautiful woman, nor did he spare the slightest!

The shadows of the knives were stacked, and they quickly exchanged dozens of blows, this is a fast knife, and every hesitation at all, greeting one knife after another!

This knife has the momentum of destroying everything like decay, without the slightest mercy, each of them is a killing intention to kill people!

Sparks splashed everywhere, and every peach rabbit resisted very hard!

Luo Ya knew that the other party was two people, he would use a fast knife, and in this short moment, he did not intend to give the other party the slightest chance!

Sakaski and Roya were close, and the “canine tooth red lotus” arm turned into a magma hunting dog, and opened its red hot mouth, enough to melt the temperature of the person in an instant without the slightest mercy.

“One knife flow, pull the knife and chop!”

A circular arc moon slashed out, constantly forcing Sakaski to retreat, and his powerful offensive could not work at all in the face of this blow!

Arc Moon Chop did not have the slightest intention of showing mercy, and constantly persecuted Sakaski.

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