After defeating these people, Ling Yan and his team were ready to leave for the next place. Hogg and Leah simply packed their luggage, and then reluctantly followed Ling Yan and the other four and left their home. This place where they had lived for more than ten years carried too many memories for them, but with the advent of war, their stable life was gone. "Let's go, maybe you can come back here to retire in the future." Ling Yan said softly. Hogg and Leah nodded heavily, and the group began to head to the next place, which was the former capital of the country, which was the largest city on Kozia Island. Nami should be able to complete the sea map of Kozia Island today. "Draw a world map?"

"Shh~~~ What a great dream!"

On the way, Ling Yan and the others told Hogg the ultimate dream of their team. Hogg was very surprised and felt a little fortunate.

It turned out that he and his sister really joined an incredible team!

Everyone knows about sea charts, but so far, the largest sea charts are only connected to the nearest islands.

There has never been a great sea chart like the world map in this sea.

If they really do this, then everyone who goes out to sea will remember them in the future!

"So, what is the name of our team?" Hogg asked with some anticipation.


For a while, Ling Yan and the four girls sat cross-legged and began to think.

To be honest, Ling Yan and Nami had never thought about the name of the team. They were not pirates, so it was impossible to be called a certain pirate group.

"Name~~~ It's really a bit distressing~~~" Ling Yan rubbed his chin.

"We~~~We don't have a name yet?" Hogg was stunned, and couldn't even believe that such a great team like them didn't have a name yet!

"I thought of one!" Nami suddenly shouted excitedly.

"What is it?"

"Hmm? Nami, have you thought of it? What is it?"

"Tell me quickly, what is it called?"

Everyone didn't think about it anymore, and they urged, looking at Nami expectantly.

"Call it~~~ Dream Expedition Team! What do you think?" Nami said excitedly, and then looked at everyone with burning eyes, full of expectation.


"Expedition Team?"

The six people looked at each other, their eyes were confused, why did it sound weird?

"That's right! It's the Dream Expedition Team!

Think about it, what we are doing now is not just to realize the dream of one person, but to enable everyone to realize their dreams!

This is the real Dream Expedition Team!" Nami stood up with her hands on her hips and said confidently.

She raised her head slightly, her eyes firm and persistent, as if she had seen the future.

The sun shone through the dense leaves, casting patches of light and shadow on the ground. Nami was bathed in the sun, her face illuminated, full of sacredness and solemnity.

"Hiss Ge Na~~~"

"Si Guo Yinai~~~"

The six people were all stunned, and then there was a burst of warm applause and cheers. They gathered around, with reverence in their eyes, and expressed their sincere admiration for Nami's idea.

"Awesome, Nami! This name is really meaningful!" Desha danced with excitement and cheered loudly.

"Hehehe, I didn't expect Nami to be so smart and come up with such a great name!" Nojigo couldn't help but admire.

Others echoed and gave Nami a thumbs up to express their approval.

Nami smiled from ear to ear, feeling happy in her heart.

Ling Yan naturally agreed. He knew that this name not only represented their team spirit, but also symbolized their determination and courage to pursue their dreams.

From today on, they will continue to explore the unknown world and pursue their legendary journey under the name of "Dream Expedition Team".

From today on, Ling Yan is the captain of the Dream Expedition Team, and Nami is the only doctor of scientific research in the team!

Of course, the title of doctor is self-proclaimed by them, but everyone on the sea will definitely recognize it in the future!

After the name of the team was determined, the spirit on their faces was different. It felt like they had a clear goal to strive for, and they were full of energy!

The group continued their journey.

Nami has been writing and drawing, as if she has isolated the whole world from herself.

in their own little world.

After more than two hours of travel, they finally arrived at their destination - the largest city on Kozia Island, Lamena!

The seven people overlooked the entire city from the mountain.

This city, which should have been prosperous and lively, has now become a ruin, with broken walls and burnt marks everywhere, which shows how fierce the war was.

"Are we going in?" Kuina looked at Ling Yan.

The same was true for others.

Ling Yan did not answer immediately. He used his observation Haki to sense the situation of this broken city. Three words, very chaotic!

Even if they stood on the mountain outside the city, they could clearly hear the gunshots coming from time to time.

It seems that people die in the city almost every day.

As the former capital, this is where all the nobles of Kozia Island live. Now that Kozia Island has been destroyed by Germa, the order of this country has completely collapsed.

Because of the shortage of resources, the conflicts between the survivors are getting bigger and bigger, resulting in the final split into several forces.

Those civilians at the bottom of society either depend on them or flee the city to seek refuge in the countryside, but the situation in the countryside is even worse now, because even before Germa came, the resources and food in the countryside were the least.

Now that the entire Kozia Island has been destroyed, and there are battles in the countryside from time to time, who is willing to grow food?

"Let's wait for Nami to draw the map of this area first, as for whether to enter the city~~~ we'll talk about it later." Ling Yan murmured as he looked at the ruined city below.

"I know~" Nami replied sweetly.

Then he found a relatively flat place and began to draw a map of this area.

Nokigo and the others also began to help.

Hogg and Leah, the two siblings, watched Nami take out tools from the alien space one by one, and felt very magical. Now they also knew that it was the ability of the devil fruit. They had never heard of this kind of secret treasure!

Now, every time I see Nami using her abilities, it feels very novel. However, after eating the devil fruit, she becomes a landlubber. This makes Hogg completely give up on the devil fruit. He doesn't want to become a landlubber.

He is a boatman and will definitely go to sea in the future. He can't become a landlubber.

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