The battle was over, but the battle was over.

Colonel Hoba led the marines to the armory, and the mysterious masked man must have been gone long ago.

At this time, Colonel Hoba's face was so gloomy that water could be squeezed out, and the people around him didn't even dare to breathe, for fear of angering the base commander.

This hateful masked man has been playing the entire Rogue Town Navy around from day to now!

And the instigators have now returned to the luxurious soft bed room, and the excitement has made Ling Yan and Nami's little faces flushed.

"Haha~~ Ling Yan, we are really rich this time!" Little Nami danced with excitement.

If all the treasures just obtained are converted into berries, it will definitely exceed 100 million berries!

"Little Money-grubber, by the way, Nami, you can't tell Belle-mère about what happened at the naval base this time, otherwise she will definitely be angry." Ling Yan warned in advance.

"I know, Belle-mère was also a navy before, of course she can't know.

Ling Yan, your purpose of coming to Rogue Town this time has been achieved, and it will be my turn tomorrow." Nami said softly.

"Of course, I will accompany you tomorrow." Ling Yan immediately promised.

Nami's most important goal is of course to draw a sea map of Polaris Island. She is the one who wants to draw a world map!

"Hehehe... Then let's go to bed quickly." Nami said happily.

Then she quickly got into bed, Ling Yan also smiled slightly, and followed to bed to rest.

At this time, the naval base was in chaos, and Colonel Hoba ordered all marines to go to work and turn the base upside down.

Until dawn, the marines did not find anything, and Colonel Hoba could only accept the fact that the mysterious masked man had left.

The next morning, warm sunlight shone through the window into the room, casting colorful shadows on the floor.

Ling Yan and Nami were still sleeping soundly on the soft big bed.

The quilt covering them had been kicked under the bed at some point, and they were lying on their backs like two cute little pigs.

Until the sun shone on them, it was warm and comfortable.

Nami slowly got up, stretched, rubbed her eyes, and was fully awake a few seconds later.

She gently pushed Ling Yan, who was still sleeping, and whispered, "Ling Yan, get up quickly, I'm hungry~"

"Hmm~~Is it dawn?" Ling Yan slowly opened his eyes.

The first thing that caught his eye was Nami's cute little face. Seeing the sunlight pouring into the room, the dazzling sunlight dispelled Ling Yan's sleepiness.

In Kokosia Village, he insisted on getting up before dawn to practice every day, and he hadn't slept so comfortably for a long time.


Suddenly, there was a sound of stomach growling, and little Nami's face instantly turned red.

Seeing Ling Yan's blank eyes, Nami said coquettishly: "Hurry up and get up, let's go find something to eat!"

"Oh~ I'll get up right away!" Ling Yan quickly jumped out of bed, and then the two of them quickly washed up.

It was already morning, and there were bursts of lively hawking sounds coming from the streets of Rogue Town.

Obviously, the riots caused by the navy's arrest of pirates yesterday have passed, and the civilians living in Rogue Town have also returned to normal life.

"Wow~ Ling Yan, the pancakes over there smell so good!"

"And that spring roll, I haven't eaten spring rolls yet, I want to eat it!"

"Huh? What kind of snack is this? So sweet, it looks delicious, Ling Yan, let's buy some back for Nokigo and the others."

"And that fried sea fish, we don't have this kind of fish in Kokosia Village, let's buy some of this too!"

As soon as she arrived at the busy street, Nami, who was growling with hunger, was immediately attracted by the food on both sides of the stalls.

Then the two children began to quickly patronize the stalls that smelled delicious, almost sweeping away all the food stalls on the street.

Ling Yan and Nami didn't stop until their little bellies were full.

"Ling Yan, I'm going to buy some tools for drawing nautical charts and some books on navigation first." Nami said softly while walking.

"Well~ there should be Den Den Mushi for sale here, let's buy a few back too." Ling Yan added.

Den Den Mushi are not something that can be sold everywhere.

That is to say, Rogue Town, because of its special geographical environment, there is another special meaning, which is why it is so lively and prosperous.

So only here can you buy rare things like Den Den Mushi.

Nami agrees with Ling Yan's words very much. In Cocosia Village, no one has Den Den Mushi.

This time I bought a Den Den Mushi back, and they will go to the sea in the future.

Mel doesn't have to worry too much, and they can contact their families at any time.

After deciding what to buy, Ling Yan and Nami immediately walked to the store.

Nami bought books about climate and tools for drawing sea charts in a store.

Just when they were about to buy Den Den Mushi, they ran into Colonel Hoba from the naval base in the store selling Den Den Mushi!

"Hahaha! We meet again, brother." Hoba's eyes lit up as soon as he saw Ling Yan.

Even the depressed mood yesterday because of the masked man was much better at this moment. He could feel that Ling Yan was a rare good seedling.

So at this time he was ready to try whether he could let this potential kid join the navy.

As soon as Nami saw Hoba, she hid behind Ling Yan in an instant, and then poked her head out to look at Hoba with guilt.

After all, yesterday, the two of them turned the naval base in Rogue Town upside down.

Now that she saw the real owner, Nami must be guilty.

When Ling Yan saw Huoba, he was a little nervous, but he soon calmed down.

After all, Huoba couldn't know that they were the ones who did what happened yesterday.

"Is there anything wrong? Mr. Navy." Ling Yan asked in a relaxed tone.

"Of course, well, let me introduce myself first. My name is Huoba, a colonel of the Navy Headquarters." Huoba straightened his chest and said proudly.

The shop owner looked at Colonel Huoba with respect in his eyes.

Although Huoba didn't do very well in Roge Town, and the navy officers and soldiers under him were not so disciplined, Roge Town was generally peaceful.

Moreover, this is a colonel of the Navy Headquarters. Colonels in other places in the East China Sea are completely incomparable to him.

"Oh~ Then what?" Ling Yan's tone was very casual.

Huoba suddenly felt something was wrong. He was a colonel of the Navy Headquarters!

In the East China Sea, no navy had a higher status than him, but why did he feel that the boy in front of him was not surprised at all?

"Boy, this base commander can see that you have some strength. Do you want to join the navy?

As long as you join the navy, I can send you to the navy headquarters when my term is up!

You have such good potential. If you can get systematic training, you will definitely become an excellent marine in the future. What do you think?" After saying that, Huoba looked at Ling Yan expectantly.

"Ah, I'm still a child. I don't want to join the navy. My mother won't agree. Sorry, Colonel Huoba." Ling Yan refused immediately.

Damn it, if I go to the navy headquarters, with my own fruit ability, how can I have a leisurely life.

Now the elite training camp of the navy headquarters is still managed by Zefa, the strict teacher!

Rejected? Huoba was a little stunned.

That's the navy headquarters, where many people who believe in justice want to go!

"That's really a pity." Huoba said a little frustrated.

But this kind of frustration comes and goes quickly.

"Well~ If you change your mind later, you can contact me. This is my Den Den Mushi number." Huoba left his number and left.

He felt that he would meet this guy again in the future, but he just hoped that they would not be enemies when they met in the future.

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