Pirate Kingship

Chapter 220 When others are greedy, I am afraid; when others are afraid, I increase my position

Time moves forward slightly.

There are several large merchant ships anchored on the edge of the small island closest to where Treasure Island was born.

Although looking at the flags, they are a certain bank, a certain trading company, or a certain colonial development group from different countries and regions.

But without exception, they are all properties owned by various forces under the leadership of the wandering nation Remit.

Their ethnic group is widely parasitic in various countries in the Old World, and it is normal for the flags they hang to be different on the surface.

No one thinks that nationality can represent the belonging of these Remites.

As we all know, multinational financiers have no country.

The leader is Steele Black, a third-level gold dollar sequence [banker] from the "United Bank of the Netherlands".

Wearing a beautifully tailored black dress, there is a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, and all ten fingers are covered with gold seal rings used to use the third-level ability [Investment Contract].

Even though he does not have any title on his body, he exudes the attitude of a superior person from the inside out, looking down on all living beings.

A somewhat rich face was filled with arrogance that looked down on any inferior person.

That was the confidence that abundant capital gave him.

Only when he faced the compassionate nun in front of him did his arrogance subside slightly, and he lowered his head slightly and asked her:

"Mother Teresa, how is your divination going? Are you sure this is the best place to camp?"

On this small island with very simple conditions, not only did the servants set up tables, chairs, tea sets, and even a parasol, so that the nuns could enjoy tea here comfortably.

After hearing his words, Sister Teresa didn't even raise her head, she just played with the valuable porcelain in her hand for a while, and drank the black tea in the teacup in one gulp.

He stared at the tea leaves at the bottom of the cup for a while, then nodded and shook his head:

“Divination is not a panacea.

The higher the level of forces involved, the larger and more chaotic the systems involved, and the more ambiguous the results will be.

Especially when you are involved in it, in most cases it can only evolve into the two most ambiguous answers of 'unfortunate' and 'auspicious'.

When things come to an end, even good and bad luck disappear.

Unless those [Prophets] in the tower sequence choose to personally join the adventure and experience related events, they can solve the mystery step by step.

Decipher 10% to 20% correct answers from increasingly complex and abstract images.

I am not a [prophet], and the tea divination I use is much weaker than the ability of a prophecy.

We can only settle for the next best thing, predict the fate of relevant parties and indirectly infer the development of events. "

Looking at the bejeweled [banker] in front of her, Teresa said seriously:

"Whether this is the best place to set up camp, I have already divined it once before and got a positive answer. There is no need to divine it a second time.

Don't you believe me?

However, this time, the shape of the tea leaves showed that if you sincerely ask for help, Mr. Black, then the other party will agree. "

Mixed with this group of Remites was Sister Teresa and her team of three.

At the beginning, the hunting team of the Inquisition searched everywhere for traces of the heresy [Wild Hunt], but found nothing because they eliminated a correct answer first.

They walked around Hattings Port Royal and then went their separate ways.

While searching for clues respectively, they also began to promote missionary work in the Bantaan Islands, causing colonies in various countries to be in a state of chaos.

If a person is kind, has a harmonious family, and is happy, who would come all the way here to open up a colony?

A group of referee knights throwing [Detect Evil] around are clearly causing trouble!

It makes everyone tired, but no one can do anything about them.

This foreign aid team, composed of three mid-level players, immediately reached the former site of Azik King City.

Because according to eyewitness feedback, [Wild Hunt] snatched the largest portion of the cursed gold from here.

Since no one else was spared and were all cursed by the "living dead", that [Wild Hunt] was naturally no exception.

Although there are three ways to lift the curse, if you want to save the gold and lift the curse at the same time, the only way is to find Azik's cursed gold coins on Treasure Island.

So, here they unexpectedly met [Banker] Steele Black, one of the church's big financiers.

In recent years, as one of the most important destination ports for ocean-going fleets returning home, the Netherlands has experienced rapid development in commerce, handicrafts and finance.

Naturally, it attracted a large number of Remit bankers who started out as loan sharks.

Since the great invention of the "indulgence note" broke through the barrier between merit and money, the jewels of these bankers have instantly transformed into the golden light of merit.

Have money to escort you to heaven, but have no money? You are not pious!

Hearing the word "sincerity" with special emphasis in the nun's mouth, [Banker] Steele Black immediately understood.

He took out his checkbook, wrote a few words, and handed it to her hand.

“To support your mission, please accept my donation.

If there is any shortage of the supplies you need for this expedition, you can also get them from our supply ship.

I just hope that your three Excellencies can take care of our joint expedition. "

The nun took the check with a smile and agreed on behalf of her two companions who didn't like to talk or couldn't speak human language:

"No problem, we also have to go to the island to do business. Anyway, it's on the way, just leave it to us."

At this time, the private soldiers of Remit, who were responsible for building the camp, came forward to report:

"Mr. Black, we have suppressed all the natives on this island.

[Beast Trainer] judged that they are wild and difficult to tame, and there is a high probability that they will not cooperate with us in construction.

Lunch time is coming, we don't have food prepared for the waste, and then execute them immediately?"

The time of Treasure Island's appearance is uncertain, but usually about half a month.

It happened to be the rainy season, and they, the reception personnel, must build a sufficiently stable camp.

Even the Remit people did not rule out the establishment of a permanent trading point here to provide logistical support for the adventurers in the "celestial circulation".

The wandering people themselves are extremely eager to have their own land, or they can be called "soil-loving".

Without waiting for Blake to reply, the nun said with a face full of compassion:

"The natives will be riddled with holes when executed by muskets. In order to prevent plague in the camp, they will have to find firewood to burn their bodies after the execution.

They will be reduced to ashes and will never be able to go to the Kingdom of Heaven in their lifetime."

The [Banker], who never regarded the natives, or even the non-Remit people, as human beings, thought that this seemingly very kind nun was regretting that the natives did not have a complete body after death.

So he asked tentatively:

"Do you mean to hang them to preserve their bodies? There is no problem with this."

Who would have thought that Theresa immediately shook her head and corrected:

"No, I mean that since these people have been sentenced to death, they can't go to heaven anyway.

Then why not just burn them?"

God has given human rights and souls are equal.

But only the church has the right to define who is a human in this world.

Since they are pagans who do not believe in the Creator, they are no different from plants and trees, and cannot enjoy the glory of God, let alone human treatment.


Even her two companions, the murderous [Doppler swordsman] Hermann Schwartz and [Armed priest] Brandon, could not help but sweat.

Even the Inquisition would only burn those who committed serious crimes, such as witches, witches, and heretics.

But the [Banker]'s eyes lit up when he heard this. Even the gunpowder and lead bullets for just one shot are money. I am not as good as this nun in "saving money"?

What a bosom friend!

Their attitudes became more respectful subconsciously, and they couldn't help asking again:

"The church has the most experience in treating pagans. I wonder if you can teach me a thing or two."

Theresa's compassion remained unchanged, and she stretched out her hand to her waist and gestured:

"I read it in the "Crusade to the West" of the Church Knights.

The key to massacres is that the knife must be fast and the heart must be ruthless. Those taller than the wheel will die, and those shorter than the wheel will live."

Blake was convinced and turned his head to order his subordinates:

"Did you hear me? Go and do it."

However, soon.

It was Sister Theresa's turn to be shocked. Seeing the execution scene of the Remit people, she waved her hands repeatedly and said anxiously:

"What are you doing? Hurry up and stand up the wheel for me!"

At this moment, the colorful light rising into the sky not far away interrupted their debate on the issue of "treatment of pagans".

Without caring about anything else, the expedition team that had been prepared for a long time set off immediately, and the three-person team naturally followed.

[Banker] Blake looked at their departing backs, his eyes revealing some meaningfulness:

"The Cathedral of Our Lady of Mercy and the Cathedral of the Holy Armed Forces are both considered heterodox sects in the church.

There are also those [Doppler Swordsmen] who were originally double-paid mercenaries of the Holy Silver Empire. When there was no war to fight, the empire could not afford to support them and had to come out to do odd jobs.

Although they are mixed with the traditional Inquisition, it is not impossible for them to turn to the Protestant camp."

"Ordinary people may not notice it, but the upper echelons of various countries have already been able to feel the storm coming.

Optimistically speaking, perhaps within a few years, the church, a behemoth that has ruled the old continent for a thousand years, may usher in a split.

It may even usher in a A religious war that swept across half of the Old World, displacing countless people and leaving their homes. "

"The nature of capital is to break free from shackles, get rid of royal power, gain complete freedom, and even master power.

At this critical moment, it is time for us Remit people to decide where the next investment should be.

This time, I invested in so many teams, including the church, to participate in the adventure, and each shared the risk. As long as one team can return with a full load, I will not lose money.

Others are greedy and I am afraid, and others are afraid and I am greedy.

As long as I learn to hedge risks, as a banker who is good at investment, I, Steele Black, will never lose money! "

Every investment of [Banker] can make them a profit.

And personally hosting an investment case with huge profits is their promotion ceremony to the fourth level.

The phrase "rare goods are worth living" is exactly what bankers do.

"If I can make one of my investment objects successfully subvert a country, I will have a chance to reach the fourth level. "

On the other side of Treasure Island, all the expedition ships that saw the spiritual light rushing to the sky were chasing each other.

Some of them were cursed by the "living dead" and were eager to end this torture that was worse than death.

Some people were eager to get rich overnight and made up their minds to just grab a handful of the legendary gold and silver mountains and leave without being greedy.

Of course, there were also lighthouse sequence [pirates] like Byron who came for the third-level promotion. The ritual "Pirate Treasure Chest" was common to both, and the path of transcendence was more important than anything else.

On the flagship of the Barbary Pirates, Feilong looked at [blue-haired] Barbarossa Hailding standing in front of him.

This vice king was still so domineering and glorious.

He was obviously a vice king, but he exuded the aura of a king, as if he was the center of the entire ocean.

Just a glance over, it was like a mountain pressing on the hearts of other competitors, making them unable to help but feel anxious and obediently make way for the Barbary Pirates' sailboat.

‘Unfortunately, as the commander of the Guards, I still have no idea what the special effects of the title [Blue Hair] are.’

The Governor of Havana, Velasquez, who led all this, also stood on the bow of a fourth-level ship with his own Governor’s Guard.

He stroked a card in his hand, on which was an image of a golden scale.

“Treasure Island will be the burial place of most of you.

And with the right to use the first-level holy relic [Domination Scale] borrowed from the church three times, the final winner must be me.”

Then, he also drove the ship to actively meet the white waterline that stretched to the end of the field of vision.

And when this group of elites in the Bantaan Islands rushed to Treasure Island.

Far in the middle of Yucatan Island, the Bay of Campeche closest to the Azk Royal City.

"Weigh anchor and set sail! Join me in robbing the Governor's Palace of Castile. Gold, silver, spices, and the Governor's women are all ours."

"Roar, revenge for all the dead Azk people!"

Under the command of the current emperor [Conqueror] Cortes, a pirate fleet composed entirely of natives of the Azk Empire marched towards the Royal Port of Havana.

The hatred of having his wife stolen must not be tolerated. Today he will repay tooth for tooth, blood for blood, and hat for hat.

Let his good brother-in-law know what regret is.

There is a famous saying: You stand on the bridge to enjoy the scenery, and the people who enjoy the scenery are watching you from the upstairs.

Everyone thinks that he is the protagonist, but everyone may just be a small supporting role in someone else's story.

Only when the final ending comes, whoever laughs last can laugh the best!

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