Pirate Kingship

Chapter 180: Disaster Curse, War Witch


With an unconscious scream, the sleeping Violet suddenly opened a pair of beautiful sapphire eyes and sat up from the bed suddenly.

The velvet quilt on her body and the white silk nightgown on her shoulders slipped slightly, revealing her delicate collarbones and a touch of cold white skin like snow.

Outside the glass portholes, there is still a rich night sky, and the continuous waves are wrapped in air-conditioning, and the waves are beating against the hull of the boat very rhythmically.

The girl immediately realized that she was still on the [Flaming Rose] traveling in the "First Circulation Zone" of the Echidna Triangle.

Her father, the pirate king [Whale Hunter] Jack Harold, was not swallowed by the giant whale in the sea.

The sleepiness in his blue eyes dissipated a lot, and he took a deep breath:

"It's been many years, and I dreamed about my father again today."

Looking at the extremely dangerous sea of ​​monsters under the moonlight outside the window, as well as the tall water jets ejected by whales in the distance when they breathe, the silver-haired girl looked far away.

The conversation between her father and her in the dream echoed again in her ears. It was also a scene that had happened many years ago.

The father and daughter held each other's hands, walking together on the beach of Anchor Bay under the bright starry night like today.

"Dad, can you stay at home and spend more time with Violet? Why do you always have to go to sea? Do you have to go?"

Even though the Pirate King tried his best to control his voice and wanted to sound more gentle, it still had a sonorous sound like gold and iron:

"Baby, daddy wants to go to sea often because the world is sick.

Have you heard of Whale Falls? "

Violet still remembers answering in a childish voice:

"I know, I know, there are a lot of fun things in the courses that Master Craftsman has to learn.

I once read in a book that whales, whether they are mortal creatures or sea monsters that break the limits of their race, are creatures that stand at the top of the ocean's food chain.

During their lifetime, they feed themselves with nutrients from the entire ocean until they grow into one of the largest predators in the ocean.

When a whale dies, it can form a whale fall, supporting other creatures to survive for hundreds of years while sinking into the sea.

Clams, worms and blind shrimps are at least 43 species and 12,490 organisms depend on them for their survival. "

At that time, my father didn’t know whether he sighed with approval or emotion:

"Yes, in nature, after a whale dies, it returns everything it takes from the sea to the sea.

But the 'whales' living in the human world do not.

There are too many "whales" in this world who will never die and turn into whales to give back to the world. There are so many that the world is somewhat overwhelmed.

They wantonly squeeze everything on the entire food chain, greedily swallowing it into their own stomachs, getting bigger and bigger, but they are never satisfied.

And we must allow ourselves and future generations to occupy the top of the ecological niche forever. "

The pirate king who ruled the entire east coast sea looked at his young daughter and said something that she did not understand in the past but now understands deeply:

"Violet, humans are the sum of divinity and animality. They have good things that you can't imagine, and they also have evil things that you can't imagine. There is no absolute right or wrong. This is what humans are.

It is impossible for those large carnivores to go against their instincts and eat less meat or not. If things go on like this, the nutrients in the sea will only become less and less.

Someone must hunt down the ‘whales’ at the top of the food chain so that the remaining 12,490 species of tiny creatures can have room to survive.

This is why I am called the "Whale Hunter".

And you have to remember.

Without a distinct individuality and a lofty ideal that one must achieve even at the risk of one's life, one cannot become a fifth-level legend. "

Jack Harold's eyes were gentle but firm. In the girl's mind, he was the most powerful and reliable man in the entire sea.

Then the dream became vague and bizarre, and gradually disappeared from the girl's memory.

However, as she thought about it, the face of her father Jack Harold that she had not seen for many years in Violet's mind quietly turned into that of Byron.

He spread his hands and said to himself seriously:

“When a whale falls, everything comes alive!

Thanks to the gift of nature, we can have enough to eat and drink. "

That was what the two of them talked about last night before going to bed.

Maybe it’s just what you think about every day that makes you dream about something at night.

Violet quickly shook off the evil shadow in her mind and spat lightly:

"Bah, that guy Byron doesn't care about the justice and welfare of all sentient beings, and he can never have as great an ideal as his father.

If there is a chance to hunt a 'whale'.

As a [Wild Hunt] and [Sea Hunter], he must choose to eat all the whale meat and then turn into a whale himself, and he will be the fattest and strongest one.

Free and unrestrained, until no one can oppress him.

This guy is stingy, cunning, and rotten. He is full of bad qualities. Compared with his father, he probably only has one thing in common: reliability.

Oh, and also, they are all handsome. "

The girl couldn't help laughing out loud as she thought about Byron turning into a fat whale.

However, if asked which of the two men's ideas she prefers, she would abandon her old father without hesitation.

Because Violet knew that one of the abilities of the title of [Whale Hunter] after reaching 30 points of legend:

"Anyone who hunts a being identified as a "whale" can absorb certain nutrients from the other party and replenish himself in all aspects.

Spirituality, personality, extraordinary ability.

Until he becomes the most powerful "whale" in the entire ocean."

Only the top predators can kill their own kind.

The story of the dragon slayer becoming a dragon is being played out every moment. Although his father's ideal is great, Byron's coquettish operations are obviously more realistic.

Moreover, in mythology, this most powerful whale really exists, called: [Rift Whale Leviathan]!

It is precisely the super-sized existence that passed down the taboo book "Disaster Curse" inherited by the Harold family.

The core is the twenty-four runes, which include the knowledge of making whale bone amulets.

Violet thought of the black magic she possessed, and she didn't plan to continue sleeping.

He lifted the soft velvet quilt and jumped out of bed barefoot, deciding to hurry up and catch up.

"Tap, tap", the moonlight-white soles left a string of small and exquisite footprints on the waxed teak floor.

He sat in front of the exquisite mahogany desk in the captain's room, lit a whale oil lamp, and brushed a strand of beautiful silver hair behind his ears.

He put on a pair of small round-frame glasses made of tortoise shell.

He picked up a piece of whale bone that had been processed on the table and began to carve it carefully with a carving knife.

"Byron shared with me a lot of knowledge he had gained overseas.

He especially emphasized the importance of balancing the "id", "superego" and "ego". My father seemed to have said the same thing back then, but without the Byron system.

This is different from all the extraordinary theories in the old continent.

As a third-level master craftsman, my anchoring is already solid, and I can already start the transformation of the second ritual to the non-human level.

I began to gradually approach the mythical creature [Witch of Disaster] also called [Witch of War].

As the messenger of Leviathan, you can turn into any powerful aquatic creature, even aquatic monsters, at will.

But you will also hate the vast land with the continental shelf from then on, and you can't live on the continent for a long time, otherwise you will gradually weaken and turn back into an ordinary person, or even die.

But compared to the power you will gain in the future, this price seems to be worth it.

By the way, there is also the "flow" that is most important for maintaining balance. Byron said he could teach me step by step, and he guaranteed that he would teach me. I don't know if this guy is bragging."

Time passed quickly as she studied attentively, and in a blink of an eye, the sky was white.

Looking at the two exquisite amulets [Tide Surfer] and [Trembling Silhouette] that had just been completed in front of her, she nodded with satisfaction.


She jumped off the chair and snapped her fingers. In a flash of spiritual light representing the third-level ability alchemy, the silk nightgown on her body slipped off by itself.

The captain's room seemed to be illuminated by her skin.

The clothes, shoes and socks on the hangers next to her seemed to come alive, automatically flying over to lift her feet and stretch out her hands to dress her neatly.

It was a very rare female military uniform.

And it was in the style of the Kalmar Union of the Eternal Night Peninsula Bay National Alliance.

She put on a strange mask and turned into another heroic face.

Then she pushed the door and walked out of the captain's room.

"Captain, good morning!"

A sailor who had also woken up early greeted her, also wearing a standard military uniform of the Kalmar Union.

Looking up, you can also see that the fourth-level nominal battleship [Flame Rose] has changed its appearance, and an alliance flag is also flying high on the mast.

Further away was a huge ocean-going fleet that stretched all the way to the horizon. The various flags were very complex, but there was not a single pirate ship.

This was obviously a disguise specially made by Violet, the princess of the Bay People.

She was now wanted by Hastings and was also hostile to the conservatives of the church. It was too unsafe to travel alone on a ship, so she had no choice but to resort to this last resort.

However, the identity she prepared was real, and there was absolutely no flaw even if the [Silver Law] was mobilized for identification.

After the collapse of the North Sea Empire established by the ancestors of the Bay People to unify all areas along the North Sea coast.

The common ancestors of the Lancaster and York families established the Kingdom of Hastings, and Violet's ancestors continued to do their old business in Anchor Bay.

On the Yongye Peninsula, another largest piece of former North Sea Empire territory, several descendants of the Bay People established their own countries.

Among them, the three Bay People countries of different sizes: the Kingdom of Aalborg, the Kingdom of Gothenburg, and the Kingdom of Oslo also formed the Kalmar Alliance (Chapter 97) to keep each other warm.

Some time ago, at the same time as the Hastings throne war and the attack on Anchor Bay, there was also unrest within the Three Kingdoms Alliance.

The power struggle has now been decided.

The development of things did not exceed Byron's prediction before leaving.

The Queen of the Kingdom of Aalborg, Margaret I, who believed in the conservative church, [Queen of Eternal Night], sat firmly on the throne of the regent of the three kingdoms.

All the Protestant forces in the three kingdoms were suppressed and suffered heavy losses.

Once again, it was shown that under [Secret: The Shadow Behind the Red and White Rose War], it was a faction in the church that targeted all the people in the bay.

Violet had no good feelings at all towards that power-hungry old woman who wanted to re-integrate all the Northland countries and change her royal title to "Queen of the North".


"Forget it, she did do me a big favor this time. In the future, try not to speak ill of her behind her back and stop dealing with her."

Violet turned to look at the two battleships not far away on the other side of the [Flaming Rose], one behind the other.

The blazing fire rack painted on the sail is a bit dazzling red.

The force represented is the Inquisition under the church!

Such an encounter was really hard to make Violet feel happy.

When these two ships suddenly joined in when the previous ocean fleet set sail, she had already realized the task that the Inquisition was going to perform.

These eight achievements are the hunting force (Chapter 151) that went to Bantaan to perform the mission after learning that [Wild Hunt] took away the Golden Codex from Azik City!

If these killing machines see through their identity, I'm afraid they won't mind killing a future witch at all.

"Good citizen, we are in trouble again."

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