Pirate Kingship

Chapter 177 West Wind Express, Contract Fraud

It was Byron who reached behind the frogman alone and quietly.

Not to mention that after a violent bombing, there were not many pirates left in this ship.

Even if they were all safe and sound, with Fat Dragon's memory still there, it would not be difficult for him to temporarily impersonate a crew member.

As early as in Black Sail Port, I had already set my sights on the [Fiddler Crab] and the contracted conch.

He knows exactly what is the most valuable thing in this pirate fleet.

Seizing the opportunity, he immediately abandoned the fleet that was being pulled behind him and slipped onto the [Frog Warrior] disguised as another face.

While Jerome, who was seriously injured and had fallen into a state of residual health, did not pay attention, he took action decisively.

"A python swallows an elephant."

Reciting the cutting inscription, shaking the snakeskin bag on his waist, three 32-pound carron cannons crashed onto the scarred deck of the pirate ship.

The maximum load capacity of this storage wonder is only ten tons.

But these 32-pound carronade guns are all processed with boring machines.

The wall of the gun barrel can be made thinner and the projectile can be made larger, but the lethality at a distance of tens of meters is greatly superior to that of standard artillery of the same weight.

However, the weight is only one-third of a standard artillery gun with the same bullet diameter, less than one ton.

He can load ten carronade cannons like this at one go!

In order to cooperate with the most powerful assassination technique, he did not outsource any more.

Instead, he used Crystal Skull No. 8's [Morning Star·Light of Knowledge] to directly transform a pile of iron ore into a sophisticated finished artillery piece.

He is known as the fastest shooter in the low-sequence, he can draw the gun quickly, and he can fire the gun as fast as lightning.

"The Secret of Storm Swordsmanship: Metal Storm!"

[Son of the Storm] cooperates with the flow, making all the wind around him become an extension of his hands and feet.

It may not be possible to carry the artillery for the time being, but it is easy to create three small electric sparks on the medicine tank at the same time.


Three preloaded shotgun canisters exploded, and a full 1,500 small iron balls turned into a metal storm, instantly covering all the frogmen's dodge space.


The frogmen who take the forbidden knowledge route are essentially inhuman after completing the second ritual promotion sequence.

If the third ritual can be successfully performed, he can completely transform into a mythical creature that controls ocean currents and tides [Tide Frogman].

At this moment, he let out a shrill frog cry that penetrated the cracked gold and stone. He threw the conch and clasped his hands together, and his body suddenly became translucent like water.

The surging seawater and blood on the ground gathered around him, forming a high-speed rotating torrent of water around him.

Desperately resisting the invasion of the metal storm.

But it was too close, too close.

I have only heard that the artillery has a range of one or two kilometers and an effective range of one or two hundred meters.

What is the difference between a bombardment within seven steps and a shot to the forehead? !

Water mist rose all over the sky, and the torrent water ring was torn to pieces by the metal storm without any surprise.

The frogman, who was covered in rags, also fell to the ground with a plop.

His whole body was twitching, causing the light blue blood in his body to flow all over the deck.

Byron's body was filled with spiritual energy. He stretched out his hand and the conch that fell on the ground flew into his hand.

[Entry: Why do you want to engrave your name on my pipe? 】launch.

As long as he speaks these words to the owner of the thing openly, he can take the thing away by force and keep it forever.

Then not only the physical acquisition, but also the mystical ownership will be inherited.

With just a flash of light on the contracted conch, he immediately became the new owner of the [Fiddler Crab].

“Ha, with this baby, half of Bantaan will become my back garden.

Seize the east-west routes and set up cards to collect taxes without any problems.

Whoever dares to fight with me will be able to concentrate our troops and launch them remotely and accurately, and take them away in one wave.

You can even start a serious logistics business on the side, specializing in high-quality express. I have already thought of a name, and it will be called - West Wind Express! "

At this time, Byron suddenly felt a sense of weightlessness under his feet, but after a short delay, the blue hole had been successfully opened.

All ships within a radius of two kilometers lost the buoyancy of the water and suddenly fell into the whirlpool.

On the contrary, the [Golden Deer] and the privateer fleet of the Vanguard Colonial Company were "deliberately" pushed to the back and were not affected.

On the contrary, Major General Newman and his [Support], as well as a lot of coalition forces eager for quick success, were not so lucky.

He screamed and disappeared over the sea.


The frogman at Byron's feet let out a weak scream. The vitality of the third-level non-human creature was extremely tenacious, and it had not completely died yet.

"The deep sea jump has begun, don't be complacent, you can't run away.

Come with me to the main battlefield between overlords. If you dare to get involved in the Pirate King's property, [Blue Hair] Your Excellency will never go around and spare you! "

The voice that was like a gossamer was really hard to hear. Byron took out his ears and asked:

"What did you say? Say it again?"

The next moment, the frogman's already huge eyes widened.

But he saw that Byron actually stepped on a wisp of sea breeze and floated up like a weak fallen leaf.

What a joke, what does the buoyancy of water have to do with him?

As long as the air is buoyant, that's fine.

Obviously, only a fool would go to the battlefield where the two overlords are fighting at this time.

At the same time, the [Holy Grail of Blood] in the palm of his hand lit up, harvesting everything the frogman had.

And under Byron's order, the [Fiddler Crab] did not follow the ships within the range of the blue hole.

Instead, it took advantage of the blue hole to suck away the surrounding turbid seawater, dived back into the water, and quickly escaped.

In the blink of an eye, the sea surface has returned to calm.

The Barbary pirates disappeared without a trace, and the third-party force of the joint fleet also lost a full fifth.

Then, the eyes of all forces in the entire Bantaan Islands fell on the main battlefield, the Bay of Campeche.

Time moved forward one and a half hours.

The Castilian Invincible Fleet, which collectively entered the bay, has formed a landing formation.

Not far from the shore, a group of middle-sequence extraordinary people were besieging [Tarsal God], and the battle was in full swing.

It was like a group of ancient beasts fighting, and pieces of trees were crushed and fell like straw.

The tragic momentum made countless birds and beasts in the forest, even monsters and evil spirits, flee for their lives.

"Others trap the cursed spirit, giving the [Fragment of the True Cross] a chance to kill with one strike.

I will try to find a way to permanently kill this monster."

The Governor of Havana, Velasquez, was in charge of the command outside the battlefield.

Holding a valuable antique gold coin in his hand, he used his spirituality to weave a contract, ready to make a move at any time.

The advanced ability obtained by [Pawn Merchant] at the third level is called: Pawn Contract.

In ordinary pawn shops, usually only antiques, artworks, clocks, strange objects, etc. can be exchanged for money.

Essentially, it is a lending business with personal property as collateral.

Under normal circumstances, it can be regarded as a supplement to the banking industry with currency lending as the main business and commodity sales as the supplement.

But the [Pawn Merchant] of the Jinyuan sequence is more than that.

Their trading objects include not only physical property, but also many special goods rooted in spirituality and illusory.

For example: a person's happy emotions, happiness, courage, self-confidence for the rest of his life, and even extraordinary abilities or black magic granted by the Silver Law!

[Pawnbrokers] can borrow the power of the pledged items in their hands just like using rare items.

But their most common and simplest method is contract fraud.

Pay a negligible amount of money and collect a certain ability of other extraordinary people as collateral.

Then use their own wealth, power or contract traps to force the other party to easily breach the contract and forcibly possess the other party's extraordinary ability.

Once the collateral becomes a pawn, they can dispose of it at will, and can choose to sell it to others or use it themselves.

It is similar to the ability of the Lighthouse Sequence [Pirate] at the third level [Plundering Like Fire], but it is just a trick and a robbery.

Both are very few professions that can forcibly possess other people's extraordinary abilities.

It is said that when [Pawnbrokers] reach a high sequence, the scope of pawning will continue to expand, and the commodities traded can be extended to a person's body or even fate!

Beauty, health, love, wealth, etc. Things that mortals pursue but cannot get will be at their fingertips.

Even if it cannot be created out of thin air and can only come from transactions, it can be said to have touched the realm of gods realizing "wishes".

Of course, pawnbrokers who can be promoted to high-sequence are rare in the world.

You can't even find one in the open.

You have fulfilled the wishes of the rich and powerful, so why do you need the church?

At this time, Velasquez tried to use [Contract Fraud].

Ignoring the true intention of the Tarsal God, he completed an incredible transaction - forcibly taking away the other party's immortal body!

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