Shell coins, the full name is colorless small crystals.

It is a cubic crystal-shaped small block that explodes when equipment is decomposed by a decomposition machine.

Those who have played DNF know it.

When Wang Chen opened the can before, he had opened something like [Portable Decomposition Machine]. Coupled with the proliferation of the good and fast sword [Xuezou], making colorless small crystals was not a problem for Wang Chen at all.

Wang Chen was also idle, so he decomposed the extra good and fast sword [Xuezou] in large quantities to get this thing.

At first, he didn't think of what the colorless small crystals were useful for.

After all, reality is not a game.

As a real person, he didn't need to consume colorless small crystals to perform skills.

However, he soon discovered that colorless small crystals were very hard and difficult to destroy. Even a supernova like Luo couldn't break them for a while with a knife. If they were used as currency, they would be just right.

So, there was this scene in front of us.

It is true that the colorless small crystal is not easy to destroy, but as its owner, Wang Chen can rub and manipulate it at will.

A piece of colorless small crystal can be decomposed into about 100 smaller small cubes.

Then use a mold to press it, and it will form this shell-shaped coin, which is what Lan and Margaret call"crystal coin".

Crystal coin is money.

Since it is money, it must have circulation properties.

So Wang Chen founded Sam's Supermarket, and sorted out and classified the messy things that were opened from the jar every day, and threw them all into Sam's Supermarket for customers to buy.

The currency for purchase is of course crystal coins, and it can only be crystal coins.

Sam's Supermarket does not accept Bailey and gold.

Because Sam's Supermarket has a lot of good things, Wang Chen is not worried that no one will come to patronize it.

In the early days of the use of crystal coins, Wang Chen did not require citizens to exchange them with money or obtain them through labor, but directly used crystal coins as rewards and distributed them to citizens every day.

Ordinary citizens get 5 crystal coins a day.

Like Margaret, like Lan, or the national warriors, or the official members of the Nine Snakes Pirates, because they are the backbone members of the kingdom, they can get 10 crystal coins a day for free. They will be given when they arrive.

As long as they go to the palace and tell Sonia who is in charge of this matter, someone will give them crystal coins immediately.

This is called"regular money".

It is given every day.

Add to that the dazzling array of goods in Sam's Supermarket, which means that Wang Chen is giving benefits to the citizens.

Of course, no one knew at the beginning.

What crystal coins, what Sam's Supermarket, even if someone promoted it, no one paid attention. After all, the Nine Snakes have stood up to this day, not relying on money.

In other words, things like Bailey cannot be spent in the Nine Snakes.

The self-sufficient small peasant economy, plus the pirate model of going out to sea to plunder from time to time, makes the Nine Snakes not buy this at all.

Even if Bailey is exchanged for crystal coins, what can it do?

No need, just no need.

Because of this, many people don't take it to heart, let alone care.

For Lan and Margaret, the warriors who protect the country, if it weren't for the second sister of Boya, Lady Sonia, forcing the crystal coins on them, they wouldn't even go to the palace to get such things.

Everything started with the official opening of Sam's Supermarket.

Then, someone walked into Sam's Supermarket out of curiosity and strolled around inside. Then... nothing happened!

Like Margaret, poverty made them shed tears!


"Sister, let's go to Sam's Club?"

"Why go to Sam's Club? Do you have crystal coins?"

"What I mean is, if you can't afford it, why not just take a look?"

"Don't look at it, it's annoying to look at it without money in your pocket! Only 10 crystal coins a day, what can I spend!"

Facts have proved that the promotion of currency never needs words.

No matter how much you brag, others will ignore you.

On the contrary, if your thing is really good, even if it is low-key and unknown, there will be countless people scrambling to get it!

In just two days, Sam's Club has gained considerable popularity among the high-end people in the Kingdom of Nine Snakes.

In the past, what everyone discussed was fighting, and what they yearned for was fighting.

Now, it has become"Sam's Club, crystal coins" when they open their mouths, and"Sam's Club, crystal coins" when they close their mouths.

Every The happiest thing in the day is to run to the palace gate early, find Lady Sonia to exchange the daily allowance, get your own 10 crystal coins, and then go to Sam's Supermarket to spend money, and then come out disappointed... There are too many good things.

Let's not talk about other things, just the endless row of food stalls in front of the store is enough to dazzle people.

And I heard that there are more areas and more dazzling goods in the supermarket, waiting for them to unlock.

But for the citizens who only have 10 crystal coins income every day, this... is really too much!

"Two buns... No, one, just one is fine. Two buns are 1 crystal coin, so I want one, can I save half a crystal coin? Can you exchange the remaining half for a pancake? I only have 1 crystal coin left, but I really want to taste the pancake again, woo woo woo……"

In front of the snack stand, a powerful female warrior of the Nine Snakes Kingdom was crying there.

It was so sad to hear about it and so tearful to see it.

Not far away, two fierce bandits with the Nine Snakes Pirates logo on their heads were walking together.

They carefully took out 6 crystal coins from their waist bags and paid in a small shop called Mixue Ice City. Only then did they get a cup of taro milk tea from the waiter.

Holding the milk tea in their hands, the two of them took a sip each and shared a cup.

It's not that they love each other, nor that the overall situation has been decided. It's just because the money they have added up is only enough for this cup... It's so sad to hear about it and so tearful to see it!

And this is just at the entrance of the supermarket!

Inside the supermarket……

"Wow, this lipstick is so bright, I like it so much, but why does it cost 300 crystal coins? Merchant, did you mark the price wrong?"

"Sister, can you make this pair of shoes cheaper? 80 crystal coins, I have to save them until next year!"

"Wow... What a cool longbow! And its performance is so outstanding! But, 500 crystal coins? Are you really kidding? Who can afford this price!"

"Wow, a special bow and arrow costs 20 crystal coins. I can’t afford to shop on this street!"

"Damn, if only I had money... woooo……"

Facts have proven that the products that Wang Chen can provide are dazzling and cost-effective.

However, no matter how cost-effective they are, in the eyes of the Nine Snakes, they are still too expensive to afford.

In addition to being stimulated, countless people couldn't help but ask:

Where can I make money?!

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