"Come on, little snakes!"

Looking at the thick black snakes in front of him, Xiao Chen waved his whip, no, it should be the fishing rod, and rushed towards them.

All this happened very suddenly, he raised the rod and lowered it.

These snakes also curled up and fell to the ground helplessly.

Xiao Chen hit them vigorously, like the Monkey King making trouble in the Heavenly Palace. He went all the way forward. He looked like he was going to hit the Lingxiao Palace from the South Gate of Heaven.

The fishing rod in his hand waved out afterimages.

One step, a snake, so happy. He didn't even blink an eye.


At the same time - at this moment in the monitoring room, a man with a long head was watching the monitoring screen.

Xiao Chen's figure was clearly on the screen.

""Xiaobei, go and have a look."

Then the man patted a robot and said.

This man was Vegapunk.

He was wearing a black windbreaker.

It looked like some high-tech and very powerful.

Xiaobei responded,"Yes, Master!"

After that, he walked out.


""Hey, isn't this my sister Li?"

Lockes was also blowing a hooligan whistle in the cell.

It was also the time when Lilia was taken to the cell.

She saw Lockes who was still not honest after being locked up, and she looked disgusted. She even ignored him.

"Oh, Lilia, why don't you pay attention to me? Really."

After saying that, Rocks also pretended to be aggrieved.

"Don't be a bitch.……"

As she said that, she threw something to Rocks.

Seeing this, Rocks also reacted.

Then he quickly picked up the thing to avoid being seen by the robots guarding the cells.

Soon, Lilia was locked in the last cell.


After the robot left, Rocks also opened the thing.

I saw a strange triangular key wrapped in a white cloth.

There was also a note attached to it.

It said:

Idiot, this is a master key, you know what it is for, and don't be a cheapskate to me, this time is very important, it concerns life, don't mess it up, or you will lose your life.

The font on it is obviously Xiao Chen's.

Early in the morning, Xiao Chen took advantage of the ring battle and stole the key from the host with the help of the system's reminder.

This was also to complete the crazy plan to stop Vegapunk.

Then, Rocks was seen quietly opening the seastone on his hands and feet.

First, he moved his wrists.

Then he saw him punch open the iron door of the cell.

"Finally I'm out. It's so uncomfortable to stay here. It's time to stretch my muscles."

Locks looked at the robot that detected him.

He stretched out his arm and hit a robot. Suddenly

, the robot fell down with lightning sparks.

Looking at it, the other robot was transformed.

Well, the huge mechanical King Kong


""Ah! You robot can roar! Come! Let me beat you into a monkey!"

Rocks was excited and beat the robot fiercely again.......

After a fight, he also got rid of this robot.


Rocks clapped his hands with a proud look on his face, and was then stopped by a voice.

""Don't show off, let me and Lilia out quickly."

Whitebeard also shouted at that moment.

Then it also caused a shouting in the surrounding cells.

"Brother, let us out too."

"Yes, let us go, we will fight Vegapunk together."


The shouting also gave Rocks some ideas.

Rocks thought about it and released all the pirates one by one.

He thought that since he was going to make a fuss, he might as well make it bigger.

If so many tortured pirates could really help, it would be a bit of a fighting force.

"Thank you, we will follow your command!"

After that, all the pirates who were released bowed to Rocks to express their gratitude.

Rocks smiled and said excitedly:

"Good! Let's have a blast!"


Soon, he rushed out of the cell with a group of pirates.

Whitebeard looked at Lilia speechlessly and said,"It seems that I can't control it."

"It's okay, just wait until Xiao and I meet up, and let him make a scene."

Lilia waved her hand coldly.

Then the two of them followed.

…… at the same time——

"Do you choose this burning stick or my fishing rod?"

At the moment, Xiao Chen also saw that he had beaten Xiao Bei, who was sent by Vegapunk.

At this moment, he was holding a burning stick and his fishing rod with an evil smile on his face.

Xiao Bei was electrified all over, and both of his mechanical legs were broken.

"Data error! Data error!"

With black smoke rising from Xiaobei's body, as expected, it was also scrapped.

""Tsk, so weak?"

Xiao Chen complained.

Vegapunk, who saw this scene in the monitoring room, was shocked.

"Impossible, how could he be so strong!"

"My most proud Xiao Bei! Why!"

At that moment, he was completely upset.

He thought that Xiao Chen's strength with a bounty of 100 million Baileys was just like that.

But he was wrong, very wrong!

This strength was simply BT to the extreme.

It was beyond the range of a bounty of 100 million Baileys.

Moreover, killing his most proud robot Xiao Bei in one move was too much.

Isn't this clearly telling Vegapunk that his strength is still hidden.

It is also a provocation to Vegapunk!

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