Pirate Family

Chapter 943: The Miscalculated Hero

At such a time, does Old Buck still maintain the setting that he controls everything?

Violet found the old man more and more ridiculous.

At the very beginning, she also regarded old Buck as a dormant hero here. If it wasn't for his lack of strength, he was destined to have a place in this sea.

He is a lunatic like Lorne, paranoid, crazy, unscrupulous, without the slightest sympathy.

But now it seems that comparing Lorne with this old Buck is simply an insult to Lorne.

Because at least Lorne would admit his failure.

Moreover, Lorne's ambition is far from a small island, but the entire sea.

There is a fundamental gap between the two of them in terms of structure.

"Do you really think so?"

Violet looked at Old Buck with undisguised sarcasm on his face.

This conceited man has not discovered his identity until now. No, it should be that he didn't even investigate.

He firmly believes that as long as anyone falls into his hands, he will cut off all contact with the outside world, as if the world has evaporated.

So he doesn't care what kind of identity the people he catches have, whether there are people standing behind them that he can't afford to provoke.


Old Buck said to Violet coldly, and then signaled his subordinates to gag her mouth.

"I will take you and your niece away."

"You will never be able to escape my palm!"

Old Buck roared with a distorted face.



The audience gradually dispersed, and Gao Suo and Cyclops, who were sitting in the auditorium, looked particularly abrupt.

"The real stage always belongs to the strong, not to a despicable person like you who only hides behind the scenes."

Gao Suo said slowly.

Seeing that Gao Suo hadn't moved, the two strong men walked towards him slowly, trying to drive this "disobedient guest" away.

But when they just walked in front of Gao Suo, the one-eyed man who had not moved all this time moved. He stood up suddenly, holding two sharp daggers, and directly wiped off the necks of the two strong men.

Blood gushed out, and the two strong men clutched their necks and fell to the ground helplessly. They never thought that they would die like this!

"Life is fragile, but there are always people who don't cherish it."

Gao Suo stood up, jumped over the corpses of the two strong men, and walked forward.

"Let's go to our boss and talk again."

A cruel smile appeared on Gao Suo's face,

"Talk about our deal."

After mentioning the word transaction, Gao Suo emphasized his tone, and the sarcasm in his words was barely concealed.

"Take all the slaves to the cave."

On the high platform above the octagonal cage, Old Buck commanded his subordinates.

Two strong men grabbed a black-haired lady in a lady's suit, gagged her, and put a hood on her. Then took her down.

The cave was where Old Buck held all the slaves, and it was also where Violet woke up and met the masked people who took her away.

As a cunning villain, of course, Old Buck would not put the Garden of Eden where he entertained his guests in the same place as the lair where he kept his slaves.

In fact, few, except his few true confidants, knew where he kept the slaves.

The disguised guests in the ground tavern played a very good blocking effect, buying time for the evacuation of the guests.

The guests left the underground boxing ring through another passage, and the exit of that passage was at the end of Tiansha Town, a relatively hidden place.

There is a horse farm here. After the guests came out of the passage, they were immediately arranged to sit on a group of strong horses that had been prepared long ago, and left the town in a hurry.

And Old Buck led his men out from another passage in another racecourse.

"Go to the cave!"

Old Buck got into the carriage and said coldly to his subordinates.

The heads of this group of slaves were all covered with black cloth, they didn't know what happened, they could only let the strong men stuff themselves into the cage of the crowded carriage.

The same was true for Rebecca, who possessed superb swordsmanship, her weapon was confiscated, her hands and feet were bound and she was thrown into a cage.

With her eyes blinded, she didn't know what happened, she only felt that someone grabbed her tightly after being thrown into the carriage.

She was about to resist, but she heard a familiar voice.

"Don't be afraid, it's me."

Violet didn't know when she spat out the cloth strip in her mouth, and broke free from the rope that bound her, and gently grabbed Rebecca's hand. He lowered his voice and said slowly.

"Don't be afraid, I will definitely take you out."

Violet said so.

As the chief executive officer of the Vinhill family, how could Violet, who has experienced the wildest waves of the sea, be caught by an unknown youngster in a place?

She was just pretending, and her purpose of doing all this was to find Rebecca.

And now, she found it.

No one noticed that on her right arm, there was a slight bump, as if something was hidden under her skin.

The convoy loaded with slaves slowly left the carriage and rushed into the desert.

The yellow sand all over the sky will cover up all traces, and Old Buck's cave is hidden in this desert.

But Old Buck didn't notice that shortly after they left, a girl with long white hair in a navy uniform slowly appeared in the yellow sand.

With a blank expression on her face, she slowly spread out her hand.

A piece of white paper slowly trembled in her hand, as if dancing in the center of her palm.

And the direction in which this piece of paper was shaking was exactly the direction in which Old Buck and the others left!

Life card!

Cards made of fingernails and human hair can communicate with the location of the main body after being shredded, pointing to the location of the main body forever.

After Violet guessed that they were going to catch her, she hid her life card and her diary in the hotel. As long as the family members came to this place, they would definitely find it.

This is a technology that is circulating in the sea, it is not too rare, but not everyone has mastered it.

There are even many pirates who don't know this.

And old Buck, who was content with the status quo and hid in Su'an Island and never left here all his life, happened to not know this.

So, he miscalculated.

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