Pirate Family

Chapter 871: Betrayer

The moment Sagi-kun pressed the button, Sleeper Kushiro seemed to think of something, and subconsciously looked in the direction of the capital of flowers.

A white ray of light rose in the sky above the Flower City, and then, like a filled balloon being punctured by a needle, it suddenly exploded.

The afterglow of the explosion annihilated everything in the Flower Capital, and Sleeper Kushiro could almost see that the towering buildings in the Flower Capital were reduced to ashes in the explosion.


At this time, a piercing sound came long overdue, and Sleeper Crazy Lang subconsciously covered his ears. But even so, he still felt his eardrums vibrating constantly.

It hurts like being pierced.

A black mushroom cloud rose slowly over the capital of flowers, and then exploded suddenly.

"You blew up the capital of flowers!?"

Sleeper Crazy Lang grabbed Sagi-kun's collar and asked in disbelief.

"Do you know what you did?"

He originally used those prisoners as bait, and then blew up some houses to attract the rebels, which was already very cruel.

But he still underestimated the lower limit of Sagi-kun. This man, like Heitan Orochi, didn't care about other people's lives at all. It seems to them that the ordinary people living in the Flower City are just pawns that can be discarded at will.

"Just doing what a dog should do."

Zuo Mu-kun broke free from the hands of Suimian Kuangshirou, and then smiled at the angry man in front of him.

"After all, for a dog, everything else is less important than its owner."


Sleeper Kushiro raised his arm, trying to slap Sagi-kun down, but Sagi-kun deftly dodged it.

He endured humiliation and lurked beside Heitan Dashe for so many years, why?

It was not to help the Guangyue clan rebuild their former glory, otherwise, with Heitan Orochi's trust in him, if Sleep Kushiro wanted to assassinate Heitan Orochi, he would have succeeded countless times.

However, this bastard in front of him actually directly blew up Wano Country's pride, the Flower City, and involved all the innocent people living in the Flower City.

Unforgivable! Absolutely unforgivable!

The blue veins on Sleeper's forehead were exposed, and his anger can be imagined.

"What. As the most loyal dog of His Highness Heitan Orochi, do you care about those untouchables?"

Sagi-kun tidied up his clothes, and looked at Sleeper Kushiro, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Could it be that you have long been disobedient to His Royal Highness Heitan Orochi? Or, are you the remnant of the Guangyue clan back then?"

"The capital was blown up, let me see how you can explain it to the general later!"

Sleeper Crazy Lang clenched his fist, he wanted to tear the face of the cold man in front of him, but he let go of his fist when he thought of the entrustment of a certain man. Then turned and walked away.

"It's all just dogs."

Seeing the back of the sleeping madman going away, Mr. Zuo Mu completely restrained the smile on his face, and then said sarcastically.

"A dog must look like a dog."


While talking, he actually learned how to bark like a dog. Learned vividly.

While screaming, this crazy man raised his head and looked at the looming floating island in the sky.

The floating island was originally floating smoothly in the sky, but after the explosion, as if it was affected by something, it began to shake a few times, and then lost the power to make it float. It fell down towards the bottom.

And the direction in which the floating island fell was exactly the destination of their trip.

On the Inland Sea of ​​Wano, Oni Island!

"A fool with no power."

Zuo Mu-kun said to himself, making no effort to hide his sarcasm towards the man he played around with. In fact, his scheme was far more than simply planting a bomb in the Big Snake Mansion, but the man seemed unable to last until then.

"It's a pity that this fruit did not become my perfect collection."

Saying so, Sagi-kun walked towards the deck dancing with hands and feet.

At this time, the boat was not as bumpy as before, and the black charcoal snake finally stood up straight with the support of everyone. And Zuo Mu-kun also took advantage of this opportunity, walked directly to Heitan Orochi, and straightened the crumbling crown on his head.

Like a loyal servant.


On the other side, the sleeping madman on the other side snorted coldly when he saw this scene, and didn't say anything.

However, in the long sleeves of his white kimono, two fists were clenched tightly.

The nail pierced into the palm of my hand without knowing it.


"This is the fate of being a black charcoal snake's dog."

Outside the capital of flowers, a young woman in black tights slowly put away the long knife in her hand, and looked coldly at the warriors who fell at her feet and escorted the prisoners.

A trace of shock flashed in the eyes of these warriors, before the weapons in the scabbard could be fully pulled out, they fell to the ground.

Instant kill with one hit! They are not at the same level as the woman in front of them.

And the woman just did a very simple thing. After doing all this, she took a deep breath, walked to the side of the carriage, frowned, then drew out her saber, and bound the cage His chains were cut.

A man wearing a mask and dripping with blood rolled out of the cage.

"No matter what you look like, I will always recognize you immediately."

The woman hugged the man and said slowly, tears could not stop falling from the corners of her eyes.

She couldn't imagine what the man in front of her had experienced during the period of being captured by the black charcoal snake. She stretched out her hand and tremblingly stretched it in the direction of the man.

Slowly took off the mask on the man's face.


Although she had been prepared for a long time, the picture that appeared in front of the woman's eyes still made her heart tremble uncontrollably.

What did she see?

The face of the man in front of him was completely destroyed by the sharp blade, covered with hideous scars, the wound has not yet healed, and blood can be vaguely seen seeping from the wound.

The man exuded a strange stench all over his body. It was hard to imagine what kind of harsh environment he lived in during this period of time.

But this is not the scariest thing, the scariest thing is that on the man's eye sockets, instead of the resolute eyes of the past, there are a pair of black holes,

His eyes were completely gouged out.

"You have always protected me before. Today, I will definitely protect you well."

The woman hugged the man tightly, and then said slowly.

"Captain Haral, I will definitely protect you!"

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