Pirate Family

Chapter 864: A Fatal Omission

cluck cluck.

The carriage escorting the prisoners slowly drove towards the outskirts of the capital of flowers.

The entire long street was extremely silent, and all the residents of the Flower City, as if they sensed something, locked the doors and windows and shut themselves in the house.

For fear of being involved in something.

This is the instinct of ordinary people in this era. Only in this way can they survive in this era.

The warriors lowered their footsteps, leaving only the sound of uniform metal collisions, echoing on the long street.

cluck cluck.

"It's a weird scene."

Beside the long street, on top of a tall building, Lorne lightly dug a hole in the paper window, and then coldly observed the situation outside.

After a while, he slowly spoke to himself.

He didn't know what Tengu and the others would do after being awakened by him.

Laersiya asked him before if Lorne really wanted to help the people of Wano Country, and after getting Lorne's affirmative answer, he left in doubt.

Lorne didn't actually lie to her, but there was one thing Lorne didn't tell the female knight. In fact, he doesn't care about the fate of the entire Wano country at all. The reason why he helps them is because Lorne feels a little persistence from these people. Used against Kaido.

Another reason is that when he first came to Wano Country, that dream had been haunting Lorne's heart. He had a hunch that his dream had a very close relationship with the mysterious kingdom.

As a person with the ability to perceive fruit, Lorne believes in his sixth sense.

But the premise of all this is that Ariel herself is unscathed.

Because in Lorne's eyes, the entire Wano country is far less important than Ariel alone.

"It's so quiet."

Lorne said slowly.

The scene on the long street at this time was too weird. It's not because the seemingly stupid Heitan Orochi came up with such a brilliant plan to force the rebels lurking in the capital of flowers to show up. It wasn't because the ordinary residents of the Flower City hid in their homes early as if they had received some news.

It's because it's too quiet. Heitan Orochi never thought of hiding the news of escorting these prisoners. Nor is it necessary.

What he needed was to spread the news so that he could catch the rebels lurking in the capital of flowers.

What's more, he knew one thing very well, that is, when these prisoners were just sent out of the Orochi Mansion, they couldn't escape the eyes of the rebels.

Therefore, there is no need to hide your whereabouts.

However, Lorne still felt that there was something wrong with the matter in front of him, as if a used poker card was mixed into a new deck of cards. Even if he didn't find it, experienced gamblers could still feel the poker Feels a little bit wrong.

However, Lorne couldn't find the used playing card.

"I have a headache."

Lorne rubbed his temples. The physical fitness and ability of his body are far stronger than the main body, but there is a very fatal flaw, that is, after getting used to the strengthened head of the main body After thinking, thinking about problems with this "ordinary" body will feel a little sluggish.

This kind of lag will not affect the battle, but in this situation that requires observation, it seems a bit insufficient.

Therefore, Lorne did not choose to make a move this time.

He has always been cautious.

The carriage escorting the prisoners drove slowly towards the city gate, passing by a beggar lying on the corner of the street.

The sound of carriages and horses awakened the beggar. The beggar rubbed his sleepy eyes. Then, as if frightened by the heavily armed warriors in front of him, he subconsciously hugged his body, curled up, and pressed his back against the flowers. On the blue brick wall of the capital.

A samurai took a look at the beggar, and then continued to escort the carriage.

After the warriors had gone far away, the beggar hurriedly put away the floor covering he had laid on the ground, and then hid in a dark alley as if he had survived a catastrophe.


Lorne, who was standing on the attic, said coldly after seeing this scene.

He saw through the disguise of this beggar at a glance, and it was more than 90% likely that he was a subordinate of this group of Wano country old men who had been planted on the street.

After judging the strength of the defensive carriage, look for opportunities to do it.

It seems that in the end, these old people still couldn't bear to watch their old friends die like this.

They are still making their final attempts.

But this kind of behavior, in Lorne's view, is quite stupid.

Having been imprisoned in the Rabbit Bowl Prison for too long, these former bosses may have forgotten how they felt when they held power, and their thinking is still stuck ten years ago.

As Lorne, who personally founded the intelligence organization "Dark Moon" covering the entire sea, he still has some experience in disguising one's identity, one of the compulsory courses for secret agents.

In Lorne's view, the best camouflage is actually the layout in advance, just like a nail accidentally inserted into the deck, after decades of wind and sun, plus the maintenance of the boatman, it will also be in harmony with the ship. As one.

As long as you arrive at the target location ahead of time, live there for more than ten years, and imprint the traces of your own life there, even the top detectives will not be able to find any clues.

Because all the inadequacies, all the flaws, will be covered up by the years.

Only a flawless dive remains.

And the next point is substitution, through assassination, kidnapping and various means, to secretly replace a person, and then imitate the other person's daily life, with top-notch make-up skills, even lovers who get along day and night, it is difficult in a short period of time Found a flaw.

In the face of investigation, it is also possible to disguise the identity of the person being replaced.

But that group of people from Wano Country obviously didn't have such conditions, so they chose the simplest method.

Dress up as an ordinary resident.

Vendors, flower girls, dim sum shop owners, pedestrians passing by...

All kinds of identities that are very common on the street. This is a routine used in many spy war dramas.

Now that the residents of Wano Country have all locked their doors, at this time, there is only one person who is most likely to appear on the street.

That is the homeless beggars.

This is the only identity they can choose to disguise themselves.

"However, you overlooked one thing."

Lorne took a deep breath. He had a hunch that there was a little flaw in his great situation.

Because these big bosses who have been imprisoned by Heitan Orochi for ten years have overlooked one thing. A very simple thing that is easily overlooked.

That is, in the entire capital of flowers, there are no beggars at all!

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