Pirate Family

Chapter 863 Conspiracy and conspiracy! The Execution Song of the Condemned!

"So, you are my worst enemy."

The man looked at the woman with a smile on his lips.

This smile made the woman a little creepy. She suddenly discovered that the man's bet with her back then might have been premeditated.

Before winning himself, he had already planned his development for the next few hundred years.

The establishment of the world government, the stability of the Tianlong people's regime, everything is in the man's plan.

"So, what's your second weakness?"

The woman was silent for a while. asked slowly.

She still could not hold back her curiosity.

"My second flaw?"

The man paused and said slowly. "That is, I don't see a future for that place."

"That, the future of the most special place in the world."

Mentioning that place, the man made a secret of it and didn't say it.

But the woman probably already guessed it. She pursed her lips,

"Then you really don't have any opponents."

Because that place, whether it is a man or a woman, will never go there for the second time.

"Speaking of this, don't you wonder why Lorne died in Wano Country?"

The corner of the man's mouth curled up slightly.

Anyone who holds great secrets has a hard time not sharing them. And the only person who is qualified to share secrets with a man is the woman in front of him.

"Do you remember the name of Wano Country back then?"

"Of course I remember, the country of gold that is famous all over the world. It's just that the gold seems to have been transported to a certain place in the paradise and used by those people to build that thing."

The woman seemed to recall some bad memories, and slightly frowned her beautiful eyebrows.

"Then, that group of people were betrayed by you and completely disappeared, and that thing also disappeared."

"Then, you should still remember what they used to transport the gold back then."

The man tapped the table lightly and said slowly.

As if reminded by the man, the woman remembered something, and her face became more and more serious.

"Do you remember it?"

The man snapped his fingers and said playfully.

"That thing is in the current Wano country."

"Is this why the little guy from the Vinhill family died in Wano Country?" the woman asked in surprise.

"In the current Wano country, is there someone who can use that thing?"

Seeing the man nodded slowly, a trace of pity flashed in the woman's eyes.

"Then, that little guy's luck is really bad."


"This is the news from last night. Many prisoners who were imprisoned in the Big Snake Mansion were secretly sent out last night."

"The black charcoal snake seems to be looking for an opportunity to execute these people to prevent future troubles."

"Among them, there are not only the former retainers of the Kozuki clan, but also the pirates who united with the Kozuki clan and rebelled against Kurotan Orochi."

In the hot spring restaurant, Tengu took out a piece of information, walked up to Lorne, and said solemnly.

"Among them, many of our former companions are included."

"You mean, Haral is among them?"

Lorne raised his eyebrows and asked back. He had just woken up from his sleep when he got such an important piece of information from the Tengu's ears.

At this time, a strong man wrapped in a white towel stretched his waist and walked past the tengu.

However, when passing Tengu, he slipped a small note indiscriminately.

Tengu opened the small note, and his face became more serious.

"What happened?"

Seeing Tengu like this, Lorne asked curiously.

"According to the latest information, these people were sent to the execution ground outside the capital of flowers. Heitan Orochi seems to want to execute these prisoners publicly at noon."

Lorne was silent for a moment. At this time, there is still one day left before Wano Country's Fire Festival.

And the purpose of Heitan Orochi doing this is very obvious.

The two sides have reached a point where there is no end to death, and the captives are meaningless to Heitan Orochi, so he needs to make the most of these captives.

He wanted to use the lives of these prisoners to fish out some rebels who were lurking in the capital of flowers before the ceremony of the fire sacrifice began.

This is a conspiracy. It would be best to catch the rebels from the capital of flowers. Even if they can't be caught, at least they can hit the morale of this group of rebels and get rid of the prisoners by the way.

After figuring out the whole scheme of Heitan Orochi, Lorne nodded involuntarily.

Perfect plan. With Heitan Orochi's short-sighted eyes, he couldn't think of such a perfect plan.

I just don't know whether the person who hides in the dark and advises Heitan Orochi is the Sleeper who has returned to the Orochi Mansion, or the one who is extremely feared by Sleeper, Sagi-kun.

"If this news got out, it would have a huge impact on our morale."

Tengu said with a cold face, he didn't expect that at the last moment, Heitan Orochi would come up with such a way to draw salary from the bottom of the pot.

No matter what they choose to do, they will fall into great passivity.

"For those who achieve great things, what is a little sacrifice?"

Lorne shook his head slowly, "You have endured for so many years, can't you afford this little sacrifice?"

Frankly speaking, Lorne was disappointed to see Tengu like this.

In this world, there has never been a war without bloodshed, and there has never been a coup without sacrifice.

To restore the rule of the Guangyue clan, such a small sacrifice is a matter of course.

If they are not willing to bear this sacrifice, even if they overthrow Kaido, they will not be able to keep this country.

Lorne was pretty sure of that.

"I see."

Tengu was silent for a long time before he seemed to have made an important decision.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and then said slowly.

"This is an inevitable sacrifice for the Guangyue clan."

He is a fanatical supporter of the Guangyue clan, and Lorne's words only slightly woke him up.

For him, there is nothing more important than restoring the rule of the Guangyue clan.

"As early as when the flag of the Guangyue clan was raised, everyone was ready to sacrifice for it. Now, it is just to let this sacrifice come in advance."

Watching Tengu turn and leave. Gradually become firm back. A smile appeared on the corner of Lorne's mouth.

It seems that the awareness of this Wano country person slightly exceeded his expectations.

It doesn't matter to Lorne whether the people of Wano country sacrifice or not.

However, Haral was his subordinate anyway, and Lorne didn't want this subordinate to die in front of him in despair.

So, he wanted to take a little action.

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