Pirate Family

Chapter 856 Collector

Inside the cabinet, rows of fruits were neatly placed.

A row of fruits with strange patterns.

This kind of pattern is familiar to any pirate who has sailed in the new world, because this is the unique spiral pattern of devil fruit!

This turned out to be a devil fruit in a cabinet!

"Surprised, isn't it?"

Mr. Zuo Mu picked up a dark brown devil fruit, turned his head, and looked at Haral in the cage.

"It's just part of my little collection."

Haral is sure that no force in this sea can produce so many devil fruits.

Because each fruit, in the hands of the right person, has the potential to create an all-powerful powerhouse. Any force, after obtaining so many fruits, will definitely transform these devil fruits into real-time combat power in the first place. Instead of putting them in a corner, collect them.

But the facts were right in front of Haral's eyes, and he had to believe it.

"Surprised speechless?"

There was a hint of sarcasm at the corner of Zuo Mu-kun's mouth,

"This fruit is a soil fruit."

"And the other one is the rotating fruit."

He picked up another fruit and said slowly.

"This is the Dog Fruit Hyena form."

"This is the soft fruit."


He introduced his collection to Haral one by one, and every fruit is like a treasure. He is very clear about what ability he can get from eating each fruit.

While Haral was listening, a chill flashed in his heart.

Because the abilities of these fruits have all appeared in the sea, every ability that Mr. Zuo Mu mentioned once belonged to a certain powerful ability user who was all-powerful and then suddenly fell.

Without exception!

"Finally found out?"

Seeing Haral's gradually serious face, Sagi-kun smiled slightly, and took out the only Devil Fruit without any patterns in the cabinet.

"These fruits are all taken from the bodies of those self-righteous ability users after I killed them."

"You are a collector!"

At this time, Haral finally reacted, and said with a shocked expression.

There is a legend in this sea, that is, there exists an existence that takes pleasure in hunting devil fruit ability users, and any devil fruit ability users will be targeted by him as long as they come to the new world.

If one's own strength is insufficient, coupled with bad luck, one will meet that man in a corner of the new world, and then disappear into the sea without a sound, without even finding the body.

Just like, a collector who specializes in collecting the corpses of devil fruit ability users,

Heral always thought it was a legend, because the new world was originally the craziest sea area, and it was normal for people to die in this sea area due to lack of strength.

Sagi-kun, or the collector, walked up to Haral with the unpatterned fruit in his hand. He licked his lips, a hint of madness appeared on his face.

"Your ability will become one of my best collections."

Looking at Sagi-kun who was gradually approaching him, this brave pirate finally got uncontrollable, showing a trace of fear.


Sagi-kun pushed open the door, and the bright sun of Wano country shone on the courtyard, making him a little uncomfortable.

"Steel fruit? Not bad ability."

He smiled slightly, and Haral's fruit ability gave him a surprise.

But this is not the most important thing. During the "ceremony", he discovered an interesting secret.

That is, before Haral was captured by that idiot Heitan Orochi, he desperately sent his men out to ask for help from the people in the outer sea.

And the person who asked for help was the famous Vennhill Lorne.

Combined with the fact that the Vinhill family declared war on the navy, which was uploaded on the sea a while ago, it seems that it happened not long after they asked for help.

"Things are getting interesting."

The floating island controlled by unknown forces is hovering over the Wano country. The remnants of the previous rebellion began to counterattack in the Kuri area. Soon after, an unprecedented prison escape occurred in the Tuwan prison.

It seems that there is an invisible thin thread that connects all these together.

Sagi-kun has a hunch that an unprecedented storm is brewing in the dark of Wano Country, and in this storm, the remnants of the Kozuki clan, Kurotan Orochi, and even the craziest Kaido.

No one was spared.

"Let me ignite this war with my own hands."

He snapped his fingers, and there was a beastly growl in the room behind him.

Haral broke free from the chain and stood up from the cage.

His face was dull, and he made an unidentified voice like a beast.

A coffin was slowly opened, and a female corpse walked out of the coffin.

Mr. Zuo Mu walked to the side of the female corpse, and the gentleman stretched out his hand, and then one person, one corpse, danced in the room like no one else was there.

And Heral's roar like a beast just happened to be the best accompaniment to their dance.

He is Sagi-kun, the most notorious Devil Fruit collector in the New World.

He likes to hunt and kill devil fruit capable users, and then deprive them of their abilities through "rituals".

The devil fruits placed in rows in the cabinet are his best collections, but besides that, he also has a bad taste.

That is, I like to take out some interesting fruits from the collection cabinet and give them to some people in the sea who are full of revenge.

Take a look at what they will do after suddenly gaining power.

Of course, the vast majority of people who desire revenge, after accidentally gaining power, their self-confidence is extremely inflated, and before they have fully developed their abilities, they rush to seek revenge on their enemies.

Then, the flames of their revenge were extinguished lightly by the enemies.

A small number of people, after acquiring powerful abilities, or choose to forbear, hide in a corner of this sea, silently develop their abilities, and then wait for a negligence of their enemies, jump out of the shadows Come out and take the life of your enemy.

Some choose to change their appearance, indulge in powerful power, give up revenge, and even use another identity to cooperate with their enemies.

All kinds, and so on.

But no matter what these people choose, Zuo Mu-kun will not interfere. After seeing the world's most powerful force, Zuo Mu-kun has lost his original ambition, and now he just wants to be an observer.

Observe where this era will go.

After so many years, after gaining the ability, there seems to be only one person who has made a career that amazed Sagi-kun.

The dance stopped abruptly, Sagi-kun frowned, because he suddenly forgot the name of the man who surprised him.

Mr. Zuo Mu began to think hard, and after a while, his brows relaxed.

He finally remembered the name of the fruit he sent out that time.

Infected fruit.

And the name of the man who ate the infected fruit, exactly.


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