Pirate Family

Chapter 853 No one is a squirrel, at least you are not

"Find me a knife."

Larsiya said slowly to Xiao Zi next to her.

"I'll fix this."

She sensed that there was an unusually strong aura in the direction of the third mining area, which should be the "Plague" Quinn guarding here.

Regarding this man, I had fought against him before at sea, and Laersiya knew that she was no match for him, so she had to leave this prison before he could react.

Dave Ge, who fell on the ground, was very tough at first, but after hearing Laersiya's words, the toughness in his eyes turned into panic, and finally turned into a trace of pleading.

"I belong to Master Kaido..."

Laersiya took the jailer's long knife from Xiao Zi, and before Dave Ge could finish speaking, the sharp long knife pierced the man's chest.


Blood splattered, staining the female knight's jailer's clothes red.

"Let's get out of this damn place."

After doing all this, Laersiya got up, hugged Xiao Zi, and continued to rush forward.

On the same spot, Dave Ge was lying on the ground weakly with a long knife stuck in his chest.

This is the biggest flaw of all devil fruit ability users.

That is, no matter how strong the ability user is, how perverted the fruit is, as long as he touches the Hailou Stone, he will lose all his strength. At that time, even a child can take it away with a fruit knife. his life.

"Please bring Xiaosheng!"

At this moment, a sharp male voice sounded behind Laersiya, and a chubby kappa wearing a bamboo hat was chasing up from behind with small steps.

Behind the Kappa were Uncle Leopard and the prisoners who had covered them before!

"All obstacles have been resolved by Xiaosheng, please bring Xiaosheng up to this place together!"

The Kappa rushed to Larsiya's side and said slowly to the female knight.

The female knight nodded, and a group of prisoners quickly rushed towards the exit of the Rabbit Bowl Prison.

As everyone knows, when the Kappa rushed to the side of Larsia, the little girl in the arms of the female knight had burst into tears at some point.

"Uncle Kappa."

The little girl sobbed and said, her voice was very soft, even the female knight who was closest to her could not hear clearly.


"come yet?"

At the entrance of the Tuwan Prison, Fu Shoulu felt an approaching momentum, then opened his eyes, and said contemptuously.

"As long as the moths are eager to pursue the light, as long as they have the opportunity, they will rush to the flames regardless of their own lives, even if they are burned, will they not regret it?"

He turned his head, then reached into the large kimono, and pulled out two knives, one long and one short.

Even if wrapped in the scabbard, you can still feel the sharpness of these two long knives.

The Xueshou Twin Swords, one of Wano Country's twelve famous swords second only to Zhen Guo's famous sword Qiushui, is comparable to the Tianyu Yuzhan and Enma that Kozuki Oden had used before.

The snow scorpion double knife is composed of a long knife "fallen leaf" and a short knife "small scorpion". Both knives have a unique golden snow scorpion pattern. Among them, the long knife "fallen leaves" has such rumors,

It is said that no matter when, no matter where, as long as the long knife is stained with blood from the fallen leaves, the blood will continue to condense on the blade, and the long knife will be swung like fallen leaves in late autumn.

This kind of legend makes this pair of double knives a little more coquettish.

Fukushoulu gently wiped the black scabbard with white cloud patterns, which was found in the treasure house of the Kozuki clan after Kurotan Orochi ascended the position of General of Wano Country, and gave it to himself as a trophy.

And after so many years, Fu Shoulu didn't know how many necks of enemies trying to resist the rule of Heitan Orochi were cut with these two knives.

He is very clear about one thing, that is, the rumor about this knife is true.

Today, he doesn't mind letting the fallen leaves fly around once.

The crowd kept approaching, and soon, they were about to break through the gate of the Rabbit Bowl Prison.

Fu Shoulu held his breath and concentrated, Wano Country has the sword skill of drawing swords, which is to use Qi to cultivate sword intent before making a move. The longer the time of accumulation, the more terrifying the power of the sword will be.

He was going to give these escaped prisoners a small surprise.

But at this moment, behind Fu Shoulu, a man coughed softly.

He turned his head and saw a young man with long blond hair appeared behind him at some point. The blond man patted Fu Shoulu's shoulder lightly, then said slowly.

"Sorry to bother you."

The man pointed to the long knife held by Fu Shoulu.

"I'm a little interested in the knife in your hand, can you show me it?"


This is Fu Shoulu's first judgment. The man with blond hair in front of him is definitely an unprecedented enemy.

Even if it wasn't for him to speak, he wouldn't be able to find that someone appeared behind him.

Fu Shoulu drew his saber, the long saber came out of its sheath, and a shocking slash towards the man with a frivolous smile.

At this time, Fu Shoulu could no longer care about dealing with those prisoners. He had a premonition that the man in front of him might be ten times more terrifying than all the others combined!

At this time, Fu Shoulu was surprised to find that the long knife "Falling Leaf" in his right hand had reached the man's hand at some point.

The man pulled out the "fallen leaves" and looked at himself sarcastically.

"What a nice knife."

The man said slowly, then picked up the long knife and waved it lightly.

The next moment, Fu Shoulu saw blood-colored fallen leaves falling from the sky.

Who is this blood from? He lowered his head in doubt, and saw a huge wound appearing on his chest.

Blood gushed out from the wound continuously, dyeing the original azure blue kimono black and purple.

It turned out that the blood came from himself.

This was Fu Shoulu's last thought, and after that, his world fell into darkness.

At this time, the gate of the prison was finally blasted open by the prisoners.

Countless prisoners rushed out of the prison, greedily breathing the air outside.

What's more, he fell to his knees directly on the ground, weeping with joy.

They never thought that one day, they would be able to escape from that hell-like place.

"Don't take it lightly, Quinn is still in prison, he should have discovered our escape by now, so please separate and escape..."

At the front of the crowd, the female knight breathed a sigh of relief, then said to the prisoner behind her.

Only by escaping separately can they have a chance to escape Quinn's control.

But as she was talking, she suddenly froze because she saw a man with a familiar face standing not far from them.

He held a long knife in his hand, and blood kept dripping along the blade and onto the ground.

Tick ​​tock.

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