Pirate Family

Chapter 843 Calm and Panic

Lorne looked contemplative, "Twenty years" means twenty years, that is to say, this poem was written ten years ago.

And ten years ago, it happened to be the time when Roger died and he was trapped in the city of advancement, preparing to escape from prison.

Very subtle coincidence.

The world fell into a long night, and the fire of vengeance was burning in the dark. After the fire burned for twenty years, the nine ghosts would return. At that time, the sun would rise to disperse the long night.

This is what the poem means.

"Very interesting poem."

Lorne nodded, "If possible, I would really like to take a look at the person who made this poem."

The long night is about to fall, but as a person standing at dusk, there is no despair at all, but through the long night, he sees the dawn of hope.

This kind of courage is not like a woman, but more like a heroic pirate.

"It's a shame you'll never see the man who made this poem."

Nana said slowly. Then, as if thinking of something, he turned his head and glanced at the Tengu sitting next to him. After seeing the latter's expression remained the same, he seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Because, Mrs. Yutian is already dead, and died in that tragedy."

"But Mrs. Mita's will will always exist in our hearts!"

Tengu said passionately. He clenched his fist tightly.

"As long as we have not died, the will of the Guangyue family will never be depressed."


Lorne showed a trace of regret,

"Then change the subject, how many troops do you have now. How many troops does Kaido have now, and how many people can you hold?"

Lorne put down this heavy topic and asked a question that he cared more about.

He wants to know how much help these allies of his can provide him.


Hearing Lorne's words, Tengu showed a look of embarrassment, and Nana next to him also showed a look of unnaturalness. After a long time, the man gritted his teeth. Said slowly.

"Actually, after the failure of the siege of the Flower City, we don't have many troops anymore. We have fought hard, and now we can only find 500 people."

Five hundred people, for such a huge Wano country, is no different from a drop in the bucket. Not to mention the powerful Kaido, even his black charcoal serpent can easily dispatch a samurai group with more than thousands of people.

"And Kaido," Tengu paused, and then said a somewhat desperate number.

"In the previous wars, except for the last moment, Kaido did not join the battle on all fronts. That is to say, his strength did not suffer much loss."

"According to the most preliminary judgment, there are more than 10,000 pirates under Kaido's command, and among them, more than 70% of the pirates are stationed in Oni Island next to Wano Country."

"Once a war breaks out in Wano Country, these pirates will rush to Wano Country as soon as possible."

Five hundred to ten thousand, this is a desperate ratio, not to mention the black charcoal Orochi who rules the entire Wano country, and there are countless ninja legions and samurai groups under his command.

It's a war that's nearly impossible to win, or so the Tengu think.

Tengu has given up any hope for this war, and he is going to take the remnants of the Guangyue family into hiding, waiting for the return of those vengeful spirits ten years later.

"I see."

However, the man with blond hair in front of him didn't show much surprise on his face, but nodded slowly.

"Such a force is indeed worthy of Kaido's name."

"However, starting today, the name Kaido will be erased from this sea forever."

"Because he annoyed me."

"who are you?"

Tengu said with a shocked face, any normal person would feel despair when hearing such a disparity in military strength, but this young man in front of him actually has such confidence. It seems that he doesn't have the confidence to put Kaido in his eyes at all.

"Don't you know me?"

At this time, it was Lorne's turn to be a little surprised. He turned around and looked at Tengu carefully. Then slowly said his name.

"My name is Lorne."

"You'll remember."

"Vynhill Lorne."


Wano country, the capital of flowers. Orochi Mansion.


The black charcoal snake was furious in the main hall, grabbed a ceramic vase with a long history and slammed it on the ground.

The ceramics were shattered, and the retainers of the Heitan family prostrated themselves on the ground, sticking their heads firmly to the ground, trembling all over, not daring to make a sound.

But the black charcoal snake was still not relieved, so he suddenly pulled out a long sword, and slashed randomly on the main hall, chopping all the surrounding tables, chairs, calligraphy and paintings into pieces, and when there was no one in the main hall. After the decorations were over, he said viciously.

"You can't even catch a seriously injured female swordsman!"

Heitan snake in the early morning. I got the news that the samurai group and ninja legion I sent to the Kuri area were all wiped out, and even the corpse could not be found, and the female swordsman named Sakura Miyagi was still alive and kicking in the Kuri area. ,

What made Kurotan Orochi feel even more desperate was that the man who controlled the floating island moved the floating island into the mid-air not far from Wano Country, then hovered it, and then There was no movement either.

Heitan Orochi didn't believe that the man moved the floating island here because he wanted to settle here.

Therefore, the calmer the floating island was, the more flustered Heitan Orochi would be.

He is afraid that the person who controls the floating island will suddenly attack him, just like ten years ago, he joined Kaido and suddenly attacked the previous head of the Kozuki family, the old guy named Kozuki Sukiyaki .

"I'll give you two days! The heads of those traitors must be taken back with me!"

The black charcoal snake yelled at his subordinates. The group of warriors got up quickly and ran out in a hurry.

Only a thin young man knelt down on the ground and didn't move for a long time!

"Didn't you hear me?" Seeing that someone dared to disobey his order, Heitan Orochi was furious, walked over and kicked the courtier suddenly.

"Hurry up and help me kill those traitors! Zuo Mu-kun!"

The man named Sagi-kun rolled a few times on the ground before slowly standing up and walking out with his back to the Heitan Orochi.

"Trash! A dog that can't compare to Sleeper!"

Seeing the back of his subordinates leaving slowly, Heitan Orochi couldn't help spitting.

But he didn't notice that when Sagi-kun, who was facing away from him, raised his head, a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

A trace of unstoppable killing intent.

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