Pirate Family

Chapter 816

"According to my understanding, the current situation in Wano Country is like this."

"Behind him stands Kaido's Kurotan Orochi family, which dominates Wano Country's most affluent flower capital area. Other former daimyos are either demoted to common people, or linger on under the power of Kurotan Orochi."

Above the White Sea at an altitude of 10,000 meters, there is a huge fortress slowly advancing.

In the castle at the center of the fortress, Garrett looked at Lorne and said slowly.

"According to my understanding, the current situation in Wano Country is like this."

For this matter, she has nothing to do. After all, because of the policy of closing the country, it has always been difficult to convey the news of Wano Country to the outside world. This information was previously learned through the Charlotte family's intelligence network.

"As an emperor-level pirate, Kaido's territory is not worthy of his reputation."

Lorne pondered for a while before speaking.

The New World is roughly divided into four regions, ruled by four Pirate Emperors. And Kaido, as a veteran powerhouse, has the narrowest territory.

This is an incredible thing.

For so many years, even if he curbs his ambitions, does not expand, and is unwilling to give up the territory of Wano Country, it is enough to see how important Wano Country is to Kaido.

"You mean, there's something about Wano that attracts Kaido."

Garrett's pupils shrank slightly, and said solemnly.

We are about to fight Kaido, so the better you know about Kaido, the better your chances of winning the war.

What Wano country hides may have unpredictable consequences for the war.

She didn't want to see the consequences.

"There are not many things in this sea that can attract people like Kaido."

Lorne said so.

"It is nothing more than unique resources, talents, or a unique geographical location, as well as commendable technology."

He remembered what Sanchuan Lu said before he was brainwashed, Wano Country is related to Kaido's ambition.

Kaido, who has taken control of the Wano country, has the qualifications to aspire to the position of One Piece.

The importance of Wano Country, just like Sky Fortress compared to Lorne, is impossible to give up no matter what.

Lorne had a headache. When he died in his previous life, the original work of One Piece hadn't reached the chapter of Wano Country, so he didn't know much about this mysterious country.

"Perhaps there is someone who can help you."

Garrett looked at Lorne, and suddenly said.

"His understanding of Wano Country should be higher than that of anyone in the family!"


Lorne narrowed his eyes and asked suspiciously.


Garrett slowly said a man's name.


City of the Sky, Peel Wharf.

A tall man with pale skin and a bloated and tall figure like a vase is constantly carrying things.

His hands and feet were shackled with silver-white shackles, and the heavy shackles kept dragging on the ground, and fine sweat continuously oozed from his forehead.


He threw the goods like small mountain bags directly to the designated location, and then sat heavily on the ground.

"Damn it! You bastard Lorne! He actually thought of this way to torture me!"

As a former great pirate, hero, and one of the Seven Martial Seas under the king, Moonlight Moriah never imagined that he would have such a day. After failing to invade the Vinhill family, he was handcuffed all over his body to restrict his movements. The stone shackles were then used by Lorne as a hard worker.

After years of exposure to the sun, Moriah's pale skin showed some fine dry cracks.

He was a little resentful, but also a little helpless.

This is how the world of pirates is, winners and losers, Lorne's "punishment" is much more "merciful" than some other pirates.

At least, he didn't kill Moriah.

Just when Moriah was slacking off, a group of soldiers wearing silver-white Misty Moon badges on their chests walked towards the labor pier. The target was Moriah who was slacking off!

"damn it!"

Moria cursed secretly, and stood up quickly.

This group of warriors of the Waynhill family is simply a group of emotionless robots, they will carry out any order of Lorne without hesitation.

Including the peons who oversee the peonies dock, let them not be lazy.

Moria didn't want to continue to try the feeling of being smashed on the flesh by a long whip inlaid with sea stone gravel.

The group of soldiers walked up to Moria and surrounded Moria.

Moria had a bad feeling, maybe that bastard Lorne was getting tired of playing, and was going to execute himself today.

All my ambitions have not been realized yet, if possible, Moria doesn't want to die!

"Prisoner, Moonlight Moria."

Among the soldiers, a man with a higher status came out, looked at Moria and spoke slowly.

His tone was cold, like an emotionless robot.

"His Majesty Lorne summoned you, please follow us."

After finishing speaking, regardless of Moria's opinion, he waved his hand, and a large group of soldiers held Moria and walked towards the castle.

The gate of the castle opened slowly.

Moria saw a magnificent hall.

A dozen statues of angels with a height of tens of meters are neatly placed on both sides of the main hall.

Holding torches in their hands, they looked solemn and coldly stared in the direction of the gate, as if they wanted to judge all the guilty.

Above the dome, a giant steel dragon hovered here, with its bloody mouth wide open, as if roaring.

A red carpet spread from the entrance of the hall to the end of the hall, on top of a steel throne.

A young man with long black hair sat on the Iron Throne, supported his head with one hand, and looked down at the front, as if waiting for something.

"Come forward."

The man said slowly. Regardless of Moria's objections, the soldiers around Moria directly supported him and threw him in front of the Iron Throne.

"Lorne, you bastard seems to be doing well recently."

Moria raised her head, looked at the man in front of her, and said through gritted teeth.

It was this man who ruined everything about him.

If it wasn't for Lorne, he would still be the high and mighty King Shichibukai now, not a slave who works all day long!

"It seems that the days at the Peel Wharf still haven't made you restrain yourself."

Lorne said lightly.

"You don't seem to understand your situation."

A sense of oppression pressed on Moria's body, and Moria could hardly breathe.

"Is this... Overlord-like domineering?"

Moria's head knelt on the ground involuntarily, and he said with a look of horror.

Overlord-like domineering, it is said that among millions of people, only one person has the qualifications, and those who have overlord-like domineering are all people with the qualifications of emperors!

Unexpectedly, Lorne also had this.

No, it should be said that Lorne finally has this.

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