Pirate Family

Chapter 812 War Madness

On the other end of the phone bug, there was a moment of silence.

The meeting between Shanks and Mihawk is definitely not a trivial matter. This matter deserves the attention of the entire Navy Headquarters.

"When the two pirates meet, I'm afraid they will create some unimaginable disasters."

Warring States' old and steady voice came from the other end of the phone bug.

"Little Tina, you are paying close attention to their actions, if there is anything unusual, please report to me immediately..."

Before the words of the Warring States were finished, there was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps outside the door, and a navy rushed in.

"Report... Marshal of the Warring States Period! There is important information."

"What important information?"

Zhan Guo frowned, with a bad premonition in his heart.

"It's about the Vinhill family."

Tina could almost feel the condensed atmosphere on the other end of the phone bug. After a while, there was a sigh from Zhan Guo.

"Little Tina, you don't need to continue to follow Shanks and Mihawk's actions, and rush back to the Navy Headquarters, Marine Vandor."

"What happened?"

Tina heard the solemnity in the words of the Warring States Period. This man known as the "Smart General" of the navy has always been calm, and he was able to speak in this tone. The things he encountered were definitely not trivial.

Perhaps, it is a big event that can affect the entire sea!

"The battle report just came back from the front line. The army of the Vinhill family has left Sdio."

Warring States paused, and continued.

"And their route is going against the route of the New World, heading towards the Chambord Islands."

"What is their destination?"

Tina's tone faltered, and she said in disbelief.

The Vinhill family has been domineering in this sea for so many years, and has already grown into a giant.

In the entire sea, there are only a few forces that are qualified to be their opponents.

Except for the New World, there is only one force in Paradise.

That is……

"It is very likely that it is the Navy headquarters."

Zhan Guo said in a very calm tone, but everyone who knows him knows one thing, the calmer Zhan Guo is, the more serious he is about this matter.

And any move of the Vinhill family is enough to cheer him up.

"War may be about to break out."

At the end, he added a word.

"A war, enough to subvert the entire sea, is about to break out."

With a calm tone, Zhan Guo uttered a piece of news that would surely shock the entire sea.


Vinhill's actions touched the heart of the entire sea.

No one knows why they sent troops to Paradise at this time, when the war between Kaido and Whitebeard had just ended.

But everyone knows one thing, that is, the war broke out.

After the events of Marie Gioia and most of the Tianlong people living there were slaughtered, everyone knew that it was impossible for the world government and the Vinhill family to coexist.

There will be a war between them.

But no one thought that this war would break out so unexpectedly. No chance to breathe at all.

Sky Fortress, SKY, above the walls.

Enilu looked down at the endless sea of ​​clouds at his feet, and said with a smile to a man with black hair beside him.

"Fighting on two fronts is really the character of a lunatic like you."

"This is not called fighting on two fronts, it's called fighting east and west."

Lorne responded with a smile.

"When the whole world thinks it's declaring war on the navy, everyone else is bound to let their guard down. And the navy will shrink its forces and respond with full force."

"At this time, including Kaido, all the forces that have a long-cherished wish with the Vinhill family should have the mentality of watching the fire from the other side. They will choose to stay on the sidelines and wait until we and the navy are both defeated. Then do it. From the family, or the navy Search for enough benefits."

"So even if the family's defenses are empty now, it will be the safest before we are completely defeated."

"And this kind of time is our best chance to invade Wano Country."

Lorne raised his finger and pointed to the sea of ​​clouds under his feet.

"Kaido would never imagine that his most powerful enemy is not from the sea, but from the sky!"

Enilo was silent. Lorne said a long time ago that the sky belonged to the Vinhill family. This is not empty words, but full of Lorne's ambition.

He used the power of the entire Vinhill family to build the city of sky SKY, in order to compete with the invincible golden lion Shiji for the supremacy of the sky.

Now Skee is dead. The supremacy of the sky belongs to the Vinhill family as it should be.

The floating city can move freely in the sea of ​​clouds, that is to say, as long as Lorne is willing, he can invade the hinterland of any force.

Gage's research on the "blood factor" has given the Vinhill family almost unlimited war potential. As long as there are resources, Lorne will be able to get a steady stream of absolutely loyal and fearless soldiers.

The war fortress equipped with the "Sword of Damocles" has a terrifying destructive power comparable to ancient weapons. Even pirates at the emperor level dare not easily accept this "God's Punishment" that fell from the sky.

All of these, combined, gave the Vinhill family a terrifying war power that was unimaginable to others.

And this invasion of Wano Country is just the first step for this terrifying family to show its fangs.

"With the cautious character of the Sengoku guy, after getting the family's action, he will definitely shrink his troops and defend at Marin Fando. But he will never imagine that the pirate fleet I sent is just a cover, that's all. This fleet will never reach Marin Fando at all, and by the time Sengoku reacts, the war between me and Kaido should have ended."

Lorne stretched out his hand towards the sea of ​​clouds under his feet, and a terrifying sense of oppression centered on him and spread towards the sea of ​​clouds.

The sea of ​​clouds fled away one after another, as if they were humble courtiers avoiding the king.

On the wall behind him stood the senior cadres of the Vinhill family.

These cadres looked indifferently into the distance, and they could not see the shadow of the enemy in their pupils.

Inside the city walls, countless soldiers stood together neatly. They had the same strong bodies and serious expressions, as if they were carved out of the same mold.

They were densely packed, covering the entire long street.

"End with my victory."

Lorne said arrogantly. For him, this is not a wish, but a declaration.

His declaration of victory.

He has always been so arrogant.

The city of the sky is slowly driving forward, Lorne is going to fight a war.

A war that ended with his victory!

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