Pirate Family

Chapter 804 Lion

Hei Shu never dreamed that he just came to conduct a transaction with a big client, but he was attacked.

But in the face of the attack, this big customer showed extraordinary fighting power. When he thought that the overall situation was settled, the group of attackers really showed their minions.

Facing the few "corpses" that came out of the coffin, the powerful Gula had no ability to resist, and was quickly suppressed.

A large pit appeared in the center of the dense forest. Gula was lying in the very center of the pit with his arms wide open.

He has lost consciousness.

And the other beasts of the "Giver" legion, after their boss was suppressed, were even more powerless to face these powerful clones, and were arrested one after another.

"This, this has nothing to do with me!"

Seeing the knight slowly walking towards him, Hei Shu knelt down on the ground and said with a look of fear.

"I don't know them!"

The fat man tried to get away with it.

"Black Tree, a famous plant merchant on the Great Route, claims to be able to cultivate all the plants in this sea."

Lancelot walked up to the black tree, lowered his head, and looked at him slowly. directly stated his identity.

After his lie was exposed, Heishu also let go of his disguise. He limp on the ground and said to Lancelot.

"Tell me how much money you want."

Although he is stingy and greedy for money, compared with these things, he still cherishes his own life more.

"We don't want Bailey."

Lancelot shook his head and said slowly.

"But our boss is interested in you."

Hei Shu hugged his body subconsciously, and looked at Lancelot in horror.

There was a bad premonition in his heart.

The people brought by Lancelot quickly cleaned up the battlefield, and all the corpses and traces left by the battle were cleaned up. Even the bombed-out walls of the villa in the forest are completely new under their repairs.

They came and left quickly, and all the captives were brought to the secret base of the Vinhill family. Passing through the dark corridor, Heishu saw that there was a hall at the end of the corridor, and above the hall was a throne.

The throne was facing away from them, and it was not clear who was sitting on it. It's just that it can be vaguely seen that the man has golden hair that is as dazzling as the sun.

A crescent moon is engraved on the wall.

"A black tree?"

A young man descended from the throne, his voice hoarse and lazy, as if he had just woken up.

Who is he? !

Hei Shu crawled on his body, his mind began to spin wildly. In this sea, there are not many forces that dare to attack Kaido, but there are also many. However, none of them fit the characteristics of this man.

Marco, the captain of Whitebeard's first team, meets the condition of blonde hair, but he is definitely not so young. Moreover, it is said that the Whitebeard Pirates have encountered some changes, and it is absolutely impossible for Marco to appear in this place.

The deputy of the man called "Demon", Thunder God Enilo met most of the conditions, but his voice was full of arrogance, like a high-spirited teenager, not like it is now.

"it's me."

Black Tree replied.

He couldn't guess who this man was, so he stopped his unreasonable speculation.

"Kaido is making enemies everywhere in this sea, fighting constantly. But you dare to rely on him and make a deal with him at this time. You are very brave."

The man said slowly. When Kaido's name was mentioned, the man's tone was flat, without fear or disdain, as if he mentioned a very common name.

Cold sweat continued to seep from Heishu's forehead, and he knocked his head on the ground, not daring to happen.

There is only one possibility for someone who can comment on Kaido in this tone, and that is that he is not afraid of Kaido at all.

And no matter which faction this group of people belong to, it means one thing, that is, they are definitely not someone they can afford!

"You're scared."

The man seemed to notice Heishi's slightly trembling body, and said playfully.

"Are you afraid that if I become Kaido's enemy, I won't let you go?"

Hei Shu's body trembled more and more violently, and he felt an astonishing sense of oppression emanating from this man.

This sense of oppression squeezed his heart violently, and Hei Shu even felt his heart stop beating for a few moments.

quack quack quack.

The throne turned around slowly, and the man sitting on the throne looked down at the black tree surrendering under his feet, and said slowly.

"Head up."

Hei Shu raised his head tremblingly, just in time to meet the man's eyes.

The next moment, he yelled in horror.


But after shouting, he shook his head again.

Hei Shu will never forget Lorne's appearance. Although this man has more than 80% similarity with Lorne, his facial features are more three-dimensional, and he does not have Lorne's iconic long black hair.

He is not Lorne, or at least not the Lorne in Heishi's memory.

But no matter what, Heishu can be sure of one thing, that is, the relationship between this man and Kaido is definitely not very good.

Hei Shu stared into the man's eyes, he felt his breathing becoming more and more rapid, as if there was an inexplicable sense of oppression on his body, he felt the blood all over his body was flowing rapidly because he couldn't bear the pressure, the blood filled his veins.

Then, burst!

The next moment, Hei Shu lost consciousness and collapsed on the ground.

"He couldn't bear your overbearing arrogance, young master, and has already passed out."

An old man walked over to check the black tree, then turned his head and said respectfully to the blonde Lorne.

No one would have thought that Lorne would appear here in person because of this trivial matter, not even him.

This old man was originally the top officer of the Vinhill family at this base, but after Lorne arrived in person, he respectfully gave up his position.

"Is that so?"

The blond Lorne said to himself that the fragility of this black tree was beyond his expectation, and it was also a miracle that such a man could reach such a level.

It's just that the family just needs a talent like him to fulfill their ambitions, so Lorne doesn't care about his weakness.

Compassion is one of the virtues of the strong.

"Bring him back to the family."

Lorne clapped his hands and said slowly to Lancelot who was waiting aside.

The knight nodded, then slowly retreated into the shadows.

After doing all this, Lorne stood up and said to the old man beside him.

"Take me to see that Gula."

Lorne was in high spirits, with long golden hair fluttering in the hall.

Like, a young lion.

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