Pirate Family

Chapter 480 Ghosts and Angels

Jody coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood. In a sense, Yaze said that he was right, this fruit of his was indeed "invincible".

The "ghost dancer" that attacks in a large area, the "ghost form" that greatly enhances its own strength, the "curse" that weakens the power of all those who kill it, and the constant "resurrection" by plundering the enemy's soul Ability.

As long as there are enough souls under his control, Yaze is invincible. In theory, he can kill any opponent.

This is a fruit with no flaws at all. At least in Jody's eyes, none of the strong men he knows is stronger than Ze's.

However, a theory is a theory after all. Jody raised his head and looked at Azer with contempt. Boss Lorne was right. There is never a shortage of people in this world who are self-righteous after gaining abilities, so he designed Sky Island as A cage, a cage waiting for people like Yaze to throw themselves into the net!

"Why do you dare to look at me like that!" Yaze stretched out his ferocious hands, trying to gouge out Jody's eyes. But he suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of crisis.

On the wall of the Tower of Sacrifice, a laser muzzle was aimed at the position of the two of them at some point.

A dazzling laser shot out from it.

Yaze just wanted to leave, but found that his body could not move. Jody grabbed his body firmly, preventing him from moving.


The laser shot directly through Yaze's left collarbone. And Jody was even worse. The laser left a fist-sized cavity in his abdomen, and the scorching light scorched the flesh around him.

"Do you want to die with the grip so much?" Yaze felt that he couldn't use his left half of his body, and his expression was distorted. Just now, the laser almost shot through his heart, that is to say, this man named Jody The man almost killed him again, killed him who entered the "ghost form" and showed all his strength!

"Could it be, have you forgotten my ability? Any injury is meaningless to me, because I can be resurrected anytime and anywhere." He raised his hand, a ghost attached to all the laser turrets, and suddenly explode.

He doesn't like being in the same place, loaded many times.

"Resurrection?" Jody coughed up a big mouthful of blood, and then covered the hollow in his abdomen. The laser directly scorched his flesh and blood, and not a single drop of blood came out.

"Have you misunderstood something? Now you, can you still contact those puppets outside, and borrow their bodies to resurrect?"

Jody's words startled Yaze, he took a few steps back, and then touched the door that fell from the sky and blocked the exit with his hand, and a feeling of weakness came from his fingers.

"Sea Tower Stone?"

He quickly withdrew his arm and said in a cold voice.

"Yes, there is no need to try again, the entire Tower of Sacrifice is covered with a layer of this material, this place is a cage specially prepared for you!"

"I'm curious, how many lives do you have without the support of the huge ghost outside?"

Jody coughed up a mouthful of blood and laughed wantonly.

"How many lives? To deal with you now, one life is enough!"

Yaze said coldly, he really can't feel the connection between himself and the controlled pirates outside, this kind of situation has never been encountered before, so he is not sure, after he was killed, Can it be resurrected with the help of the body of the pirate who is on standby outside.

"I'm curious about one thing. Why are you yelling at me when you're hurt like this?" Yaze walked towards Jody. There must be a way out of this man.

"Did you misunderstand something?" Looking at Yaze who was slowly walking towards him, Jody's eyes did not show the slightest fear. "Did you forget where this is?"

"Who gave you the illusion that I'm the only one in this place?"

"What?!" Yaze said sharply, he had a vague feeling of something bad!

He saw a piece of pure white feathers fall to the ground, and when he raised his head, a girl in a white dress slowly flew down from the smashed ceiling.

She has a pair of white and slender wings, like an angel in heaven!

After flying to the first floor, she saw the bruised Jody, and hurried to him, stretched out her arm, and a layer of milky white light passed from her arm to Jody's body, and then, Jody's body was horrified. Human wounds are slowly healing like this.

"Human Fruit, Phantom Beast, Angel Fruit?" Yaze didn't answer Jody's words, but stared at the girl who fell from the sky, and squeezed out the words through his teeth. As the saying goes, where there is an answer, there must be a fruit, and where there is darkness, there must be light. Ever since he got this fruit, he knew that there must be a fruit with the completely opposite ability corresponding to him!

However, he has been traveling in this sea for so many years, but he has not gotten any news about that fruit, so he gradually let go of this matter, thinking that this fruit may be lost in a hidden corner, was not obtained by anyone.

But today he saw this fruit.

And this is not the scariest thing, the scariest thing is that he has heard about the girl in front of him. It is said that Lorne was not willing to join the Shichibukai at the time. It was this girl who was captured by the navy. She had no choice but to join the Shichibukai, and used the amnesty order to order the city to release the girl.

And in this incident, the famous battle between Lorne and Moria took place. It was that battle that completely destroyed Moria's self-confidence, and made this man who once competed with Kaido completely sink.

This shows how important this girl is to Lorne.

His appearance here means one thing!

Aoya, who had been peeping from the side, suddenly changed her face, and ran to the wall in a short step, picked up the dagger in her hand and stabbed towards the wall.

With the aura of cutting everything, the dagger stabbed fiercely at the wall. Like cutting tofu, the dagger easily cut into the wall. The ordinary bricks and stones instantly turned into powder and flew in the air.


Aoya's dagger suddenly stopped. In the wall, a layer of silver-white metal blocked her dagger. No matter how hard she tried, she could only leave a shallow trace on this strange metal.

"Don't waste your efforts, this is high-purity sea iron, which can isolate the effect of the ability to the maximum extent."

"Good job, little Anxi." Jody stood up and touched the head of the white-haired girl. The wounds on his arms and the hollow in his abdomen were completely healed. He felt his whole body was full of strength. In this state Even if he confronted Yaze head-on in ghost form, there would be no problem at all.

The pitch-black armed color was attached to his thick arms again, and he raised his head and looked at Yaze.

"How many times can I kill you now?"

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