Pirate Family

Chapter 461 The Second Spy

"Report number 9527 to you." Aoun took out the miniature phone bug and said in a gloomy voice.

"No. 9526 failed to assassinate target No. 2, and his identity was exposed."

"Is the action affected?" A gloomy female voice came from the other end of the phone bug.

"No, during the operation, monitoring target No. 9 was on the ship of monitoring target No. 2. When the operation failed, 9526 acted decisively and shifted the blame to monitoring target No. 9, trying to muddy the situation."

"Lorne?" The female voice asked in surprise, "How is he doing now?"

"Target No. 9 took the initiative to take on this matter, and I didn't expose it." Aoun replied coldly, his face was expressionless at this time, like an emotionless robot. "Please instruct me on what to do next, whether to pretend to be dead and return to the headquarters, or continue to lurk beside the No. 2 target, waiting for an opportunity..."

"Continue to lurk," said the female voice, "and pay close attention to target No. 9. If there is any situation, immediately..."

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door, and Aoun's face changed slightly. He put the miniature phone bug into the stake, and then stuffed the stake back to the foot of the bed. All movements are smooth and smooth, extremely proficient, as if they have been rehearsed countless times.

He rubbed his face, and the muscles on his face squirmed, showing a sad expression.

"Excuse me, what's the matter?" Aoun opened the door and saw that the captain of the first team, Marco, was standing outside, and a familiar pirate was lying on the ground like a wild beast.

"Did you talk to someone just now?" Marco asked in a deep voice.

"No, I'm just too sad to lose my brother, and I just want to be alone." Aoun said calmly, without any waves on his face.

"Really?" Marco asked again, this time with a hint of chill in his voice.

When Ornn was organizing his words and preparing to perfunctory, the beast-like pirate suddenly rushed into the room and rushed towards the wooden post at the foot of the bed. He was holding the piece of wood, and the corner of his mouth was drooling, and he stared blankly at Marco.

"Please give me an explanation." Marko said lightly, looking at the miniature phone bug in the stake.

Blue flames continued to burn on his body.


The ability of the fruit of surgery is to create a space, in this space, the ability user can cut and splice the limbs of the target at will. Lorne cut off Otto's heart before he died, and now "Otto" is in a wonderful state,

He should have died a long time ago, but survived strangely under Lorne's ability, but because his body died and his soul had dissipated, the "resurrected" Otto became an irrational beast, instinctively looking for himself the most important thing.

And as a spy, the most important thing for him is...

"Your ability," Whitebeard squinted and looked around Lorne. He had noticed before that the ability Lorne showed when he fought him was completely different from the intelligence.

"It's the fruit that was lost in the North Sea before."

He knew that the Navy spent 5 billion Baileys to buy this fruit from a group of pirates, but during the transaction, it was robbed by a group of people. According to intelligence, the person who robbed this fruit was A person with the ability to quiet the surrounding environment.

The uproar of this incident alarmed Joker, who was the middleman. Joker was furious, and issued a reward in the underground world to arrest this capable person.

I didn't expect it to fall into Lorne's hands in the end.

"It seems that you have mastered something incredible." White Beard said lightly. He didn't delve into how Lorne, who was originally a capable person, ate the second fruit. He is more concerned about his son's health now. matter.

"But if you wait a while and don't give an explanation, you are ready to sink your secret into the sea."

Lorne was silent. He tapped the wall lightly with his index finger, counting down silently, and when he counted down to 1, the sound of fierce fighting suddenly came from outside. After a while, Marco walked in with a gloomy face dragging a corpse.

The corpse was dressed like Ornn, but with a completely different face.

Seeing this scene, Lorne finally breathed a sigh of relief, he made the right bet.

He was still wondering why the two acted together, Otto was killed, but Ornn survived. Isn't it easier for two brothers who get along day and night to find each other's strangeness? Aoun's heartbeat when facing Lorne confirmed his guess even more.

That's not anger, it's nervousness.

"He's also a spy." Marco threw the body in front of Lorne, lit a cigarette, and said lightly.

"Both Aoun brothers were killed, before we knew it." Marko was a little depressed. He really regarded these crew members as his brothers. He didn't even know when his brothers were killed. .

"This is enough to prove my innocence." Lorne raised his hand with a faint smile on his face.


"Just let him go?" Marco looked at Lorne, who was leaving alone in the boat, and suddenly said.

"After all, this matter has nothing to do with him." White Beard said slowly, trying to calm down his tone. He was wearing a white scarf, which was his attire for a funeral, and the pirate behind him was also wearing a white scarf, with a solemn expression. Everyone on this ship is brothers, and it is hard to lose any one of them.

The corpses of those two spies had been chopped up long ago and thrown into the sea to feed the sharks. What was sacrificed today was only the dead souls of brothers Otto and Aoun.

"Lorne is not our enemy." Whitebeard took out a cut square box, which contained a heart that had stopped beating. This was the heart of a poisoned spy.

"Our enemy is the one who killed the Ornn brothers!" Whitebeard said loudly, he crushed the heart, blood dripping. "Let's make a fuss, my sons!"

In this sea, there are only a few forces that have the guts to plant spies under his command. Whitebeard probably already guessed who did this.

"Let this sea feel our wrath!"

"What's wrong with you?" Gion finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Lorne come back, but found something wrong with Lorne's face, and asked with concern.

"It's nothing, it's just that we didn't have a good talk with that monster." Lorne waved his hand and said lightly.

A terrifying aura shot up into the sky from behind, and scattered the clouds in the sky, as if a prehistoric monster opened its eyes.

Lorne felt the more and more intense breath behind him, and he knew that the most terrifying monster in the sea was really angry. You know, Whitebeard is a fierce man who brazenly started a war with Shiji because of his son.

The sea after today is destined to be turned upside down because of this incident.

However, this time, it has nothing to do with him.

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