Pirate Family

Chapter 411 Black Mandala

Lorne originally thought about a lot of words, but when he really sat in front of Agatha, he found that these words were stuck in his throat and he couldn't speak them out.

After a while, Agatha stood up. Opening his hands, he walked towards Lorne and hugged him gently.

She rested her head on Lorne's shoulder and said softly.

"I never blamed you."

Agatha felt Lorne's firm chest, and suddenly remembered that a few years ago, when Lorne and the others first came to Adela Island, Lorne was just a kid at that time, not as tall as her shoulders. But like an angel descending from the sky, she rescued her from the quagmire of the Ackerman royal family.

For Ariel, who dedicated her body and mind to the Holy Truth, the high God of Holy Truth is her everything.

And for Agatha who was already desperate at that time, the thin figure that broke through all the darkness and brought light to her world was her faith!

Agatha was happiest during the period in Adela, when they worked together to build the Vinhills.

Like a big sister, Agatha has been watching Lorne grow up slowly. She thought that time was forever.

But she was wrong. No matter how young a girl is, she will have a day of flamboyance, and no matter how immature a boy is, she will grow into an indomitable man.

People always grow up.

And now Lorne has grown up.

He chose his girl, and that girl was not her.

Thinking of this, Agatha's tears flowed out without disappointment, but fortunately she rested her head on Lorne's shoulder at this moment, and Lorne couldn't see it.

Agatha's heart was moved, she remembered what those people called her before she became Queen Adela.

Black mandala, but I readily accepted this title, because black represents mystery, and mandala represents danger, which matches my temperament very well.

But until now, she realized that the flower language of this flower is so precise.

Too late to be sad, Agatha wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes. Holding Lorne's shoulders with both hands, it was like a parent who hadn't seen their child for a long time, and suddenly found that the child had grown up.

She said happily.

"Don't bully Xiaojia in the future."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Lorne to respond, he turned around, picked up his things and walked out the door.

"Adela has me to help you take care of it, so you can rest assured to pursue your own career."

She walked out into the sun,

All the cadres of the Vinhill family knew that although Agatha was easy to talk to, in her heart, she only cared about Lorne.

She disdains guards and followers, and has always been alone. Everyone thinks she is very free and easy.

But at this time, Lorne realized that Agatha was so thin, so... so weak.

For the first time, Lorne felt that Agatha's unrestrained back was so lonely.

"Finished?" After Agatha left, Garrett came out of the room.

Facing Agatha's receding back, she bowed slightly and spoke softly.


During the period of time when I was not with brother Lorne, it was great to have such a caring big sister by my side.

But Lorne looked guilty, and he said softly to Agatha's back.

"Sorry, Agatha."

This is the first time Lorne has apologized to anyone. Because just now, when Agatha hugged Lorne, a tear fell on Lorne's shoulder.

Lorne said softly.

"Thank you, my black mandala."

Black mandala, even in Adela where the flowers are in full bloom, is a very rare flower.

Back then when Agatha compared herself to the black mandala, Lorne didn't take him seriously, but thinking about it now, it seemed as if all of this was doomed long ago.

For the first time, Lorne felt something called fate.


The waves slapped the land of Marin Fando, and the soldiers on guard looked into the distance and stood straight.

The word "justice" behind them does not allow them to slack off in the slightest.

"It's been a long time since I came here."

A brown boat was docked on the shore, and a heroic woman in a black cloak and black stockings stepped out of the boat.

"Who told you not to come to the last few Kings Qiwuhai meetings?" At this time, another small boat slowly docked, and a man wearing a black cloak and carrying a black knife stepped off the boat.

"That joker guy has talked about you many times."

"So you came to attend the previous meetings?" The woman and the black swordsman walked side by side and asked with great interest.

"This doesn't look like you at all, Mihawk, I thought you were the kind of person who doesn't care about worldly affairs."

"After all, this sea is too boring." Mihawk said with a yawn.

"I'm not as ambitious as you guys. I think about conquering the world every day. If there is something I'm interested in at the Qiwuhai Conference, I'll come."

"Oh hehehe, that's how it is." The woman smiled exaggeratedly. The two pirates entered and exited the navy's headquarters as if no one was there. No one dared to interrogate them, and they soon came to the meeting room.

Warring States is sitting in the meeting room, waiting for them.

At this time, there were already two people sitting in the meeting room, Doflamingo and Xiong.

"Didn't anyone else come?" Miss Crocodile sat on her seat with her legs crossed, and said calmly.

"Those who don't come don't wait, let's start the topic of the meeting directly."

"This guy Lorne should be here. He just attended the World Conference with us. He should be on his way now."

Doflamingo raised his hand, and countless thin threads intertwined in his palm. Transformed into a bust of Crocodile, it comes to life.

"Your use of abilities has improved again," Crocodile's eyes lit up when he saw this scene.

The so-called layman watches the excitement, and the insider watches the doorway. Crocodile can see at a glance that this seemingly simple bust of Doflamingo is actually very finely made, and even the interior of the portrait is filled with thin lines.

Doflamingo can even use string to make a human instead of himself if he wants!

"Fufufufufu, it's a great honor to be praised by Miss Crocodile." Doflamingo said with narrowed eyes. Several people praised each other a few times and talked about their recent situation, like old friends they haven't seen for a long time.

"Just mentioned that person, and he's here." Just as Doflamingo was about to continue talking, he seemed to sense something, glanced at the door, and said with a smile.

Heck, the door of the meeting room was slowly pushed open, and Lorne walked in slowly.

He has no expression on his face, and puts all his emotions into his heart, so that people can't see his thoughts.

"Did you mention me just now?"

After Lorne took his seat, he said lightly.

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